Home > The Villain (Gentlemen Rogues #5)(60)

The Villain (Gentlemen Rogues #5)(60)
Author: Nana Malone

I’d started by charting a route around the island. I used a map of the island that I'd acquired, along with a detailed list of where the guards were stationed. So far our intel had held.

When we’d chosen locations, I’d decided on the perfect entry point, a secluded and shallow cove that I could swim to undetected. I made sure to carefully note the location of the guards so I could avoid them if possible.

I removed the bag from my waist and zipped it open. I pulled out a small handheld device that would get me past the exterior electronic locks. Apparently the Rogues’ resident tech-heads had whipped that little beauty up.

My approach to the back of the villa along the stone stairs had to be surefooted, confident, and unannounced. I needed to look like I belonged there, that I was merely a guest out for a stroll on the property.

At the back door leading to the gardens, I began to work on the lock of the gate that led to the main house. The device came to life in my hands, and I felt its power pulsing through my fingertips. Seconds later, the lock clicked open.

With a small smile, I slung the bag over my shoulder and slipped through the gate. I had made it.

I slid my comm unit into my ear. "Come in King, Saint, Spy. I'm in position."

"King here. Two hostiles down. Planting charges.”

"Copy, King and Villain. Moving to Villain's position," said Gabe.

I took a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I had to remain calm and focused if I wanted to succeed. I carefully made my way toward the mansion, staying low to the ground and keeping an eye out for any patrols.

The island was well-guarded, but we had planned for every possible scenario. The team was equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and gear, and we were ready for anything.

As I approached the mansion, I saw several armed guards patrolling the area. I quickly took cover behind a large rock and observed them for a few seconds before devising a plan. I signaled my team to get ready.

"King, Saint, take out the guards on my mark," I whispered into my comm unit.

I counted down silently, waiting for the perfect moment. And then, with a nod, I gave the signal.

King and Saint emerged from their hiding places, their guns and silencers at the ready. In a matter of seconds, the guards were down and we cleared the way to the mansion.

Then, as I rounded the last bend, I could see the outline of Massimo’s private villa illuminated in the moonlight. I had made it. I took a deep breath, steadied my nerves, and prepared to infiltrate the auction. Accessing the auction would be like diving into a shark tank with a bunch of overzealous, heavily armed guards who got a kick out of snapping necks. But then, when you've made a career out of defying odds, twenty guards felt like a Tuesday.

I stealthily made my way through the lush greenery of the island's tropical shrubs, my heart racing with anticipation. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks in the distance was the only thing to be heard.

I finally reached the villa where the auction was taking place and peered through the window to see what was inside. The interior was decorated with a vast array of luxurious items, from ancient artifacts to rare jewels, all of which were up for grabs to the highest bidder. But the real auction was the Ledger data.

I worked my way past the sprawling gardens and intricate topiaries toward the auction hall. It was a beautiful building, all dimly lit rooms and gleaming surfaces. I pressed my back flat against the wall, taking a deep breath as I ran my fingers along the cool steel of my wristwatch. The time read 9:45 p.m. The auction was scheduled to start at 10:00. I had fifteen minutes to get in and out with the goods.

I caught sight of one of the guards walking toward me, but I quickly ducked back into the shadows, my heart pounding in my chest. I knew I had to time this perfectly.

Finally, the guard passed me by, and I made my way to the door. I took a deep breath in and held it before I pulled the door open.

The ballroom was filled with some of the wealthiest people on the planet. There was a sense of exclusivity in the room that made my skin crawl. I spotted Massimo at the far end of the room, his beady eyes fixed on the stage.

As Gabe went about planting explosives like a kid on an Easter egg hunt, Lock and Saint kept their hawk-like eyes trained on the guards. My job? Lead the pack, navigate the chaos, and keep the gang from shooting anyone prematurely. Or at least not until the fireworks went off.

We were making good time, nearing our final checkpoint, when Lock hissed, "Got Massimo's location. Ready to proceed."

It was time. I was about to give the order when I saw her, like an oasis in the desert.

"Daphne," I whispered as the world ground to a halt. My pulse hammered in my ears. The last person I expected to see on this island was her, my Daphne, standing beside Massimo like she belonged there.

There she was, my heartbreak, my regret. The one thing I never saw coming.






Stepping foot on the island felt like walking into a lion's den wearing Lady Gaga’s steak suit seasoned to perfection.

The island itself was an ornate citadel surrounded by lush jungles and blue waters that stretched to the horizon. A light breeze blew, sending a chill down my spine as I surveyed the scene before me.

I heard the faint sound of laughter from the palace ahead. My heart raced as I contemplated what I was about to do, and I took a few deep breaths to steady myself.

As I made my way toward the palace, I saw two guards standing in front of the gates, their faces grim and their weapons at the ready. One of them stepped forward and asked me a few questions in a gruff voice. I responded as best I could, trying to keep my voice steady as I mentioned the name of my employer. The guard nodded, seeming satisfied, and gestured for me to enter the villa.

My hands were shaking as I stepped through the gates, and I took a moment to compose myself. Ahead of me lay a long, winding path, and I could feel the thrill and fear of the unknown as I began my journey toward Massimo's court.

Kaya and Rook were by my side, my very own backup. Rook was on my arm looking every bit the billionaire misanthrope ready to drop a lot of money. Don't get me wrong, he was pretty and all, but he was no Drake.

Nerves gnawed at my gut, but Kaya, bless her heart, was having none of it. She pulled me aside, her eyes softening for a moment as she squeezed my arm.

"Daphne," she said, her voice a comforting anchor amid the storm of my nerves. "Remember who you are. You're a badass who's faced worse than this."

I had to laugh at that. Kaya had a way of making everything sound like it was just another day at the office. And I guess, in a way, it was.

I nodded, taking a deep breath and pulling myself together. Kaya was right. I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me. I had a job to do.

As we made our way toward the palace gates, my eyes scanned the area, taking note of the guards and potential threats. I could feel Rook's presence beside me, his hand resting on my back in a reassuring gesture.

We approached the guards, and I kept my eyes forward and my expression neutral as they checked our identification. When they finally granted us access, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The villa was a maze, and it took a moment for us to get our bearings. But as we made our way through the winding halls, the sound of music grew louder and the scent of sweat and alcohol filled the air.

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