Home > Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(16)

Pride High _ Book 3 - Yellow(16)
Author: Jay Bell

“The best kind of torture,” Diego said, making himself available. “I’ll put some music on.”

Soon the car was zipping down the streets while White Zombie blared from the speakers. Ricky traced an outline in Diego’s jeans and considered asking him to pull over. Forget getting grounded or epic first times. He wanted a piece of that action!

“Want me to keep driving?” Diego grunted.

Ricky glanced around and noticed that they were in his neighborhood. “No,” he said with a sigh. Checking the dashboard, he saw how late it was. He didn’t have to get himself under control as Diego parked along the street. The mood was thoroughly killed. For him at least.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, kiddo,” Diego said. “If they kick you out, page me. I’ll come get you.”

He sounded serious. Which was kind of sad, because Ricky hadn’t considered the possibility. His parents would never turn their backs on him so easily. Although he was about to find out just how much they really loved him.

He kissed Diego and thanked him for the evening. Then he trudged up the driveway, not at all surprised when the front door opened. His mother stepped out on the porch, still fully dressed. Ami spared a withering glare for the Trans Am as it pulled away before turning a concerned expression on him.

“Ricky!” she scolded. “Where have you been?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I fell asleep.”

“Well it’s good to know that one of us got some sleep,” Ami said, beckoning him inside. “Where were you?”

“At Diego’s house,” he lied.

“I need his phone number,” Ami said, shutting the door behind them. She looked him over in the light of the entryway. “What do you mean you fell asleep?”

“We were just talking and cuddling, and we both drifted off. It was an accident.”

She took his face in her hands and turned it left and right. “Why are your eyes so bloodshot?”

“From when I cried,” he said impulsively. It was the only explanation he could think of, besides the truth.

“You were crying?” She sniffed as if to test his claim. “You smell like a campfire.”

“Diego built one in his backyard. When we got cold, we went up to his room and snuggled. That’s when we fell asleep.”

His mother wasn’t convinced yet. “And why exactly did you cry?”

“Because I was so happy,” he said with a croak. He didn’t have to fake the emotion. He had adored the entire night. And it hurt that he wouldn’t be able to see Diego so easily again. Not for a while. “I really like him, Mom.”

Ami let go of him and sighed. “Did you eat?”

“Yeah. We roasted wieners over the fire.”

“And you’re okay?” she pressed.

“I really am. Sorry that I fell asleep. I didn’t mean to.”

“Well…” His mother glanced at the nearest clock and stifled a yawn. “Get back in bed. We both have to be up in the morning.”

“I’m not in trouble?” he asked in disbelief.

He should have kept his mouth shut because his mother narrowed her eyes.

“Not if it was an honest mistake.”

“It really was.”

“Good. The next time you go somewhere, I want a phone number, young man. I should be able to reach you no matter where you are.”

“You could get me a pager,” he said, thinking of the one Diego used.

“You can have mine,” Ami said with an eyeroll. “Enough. Go upstairs and straight to bed. I mean it.”

He kissed her on the cheek before taking the stairs two at a time. As soon as he was in his room, the exchange was mostly forgotten. Instead he got into bed and let himself dream of everything that the night had been, and everything that was yet to come.





February 15th, 1993

Omar skated to the end of the block where he often met Anthony before school, except not usually this early in the year. He saw his best friend across the street, glided over to him, and popped his board to grab it after hopping off. Which felt pretty damn great, because getting to skate again meant spring wasn’t far away.

“Your brother is a dick,” Omar grumbled while bumping elbows with him in greeting. “The dude should give us a ride. There’s plenty of room in his truck. We ride four in the front all the time with Silvia.”

“I know,” Anthony said, rubbing his hands together to warm them as they walked toward the school. “Blame his new girlfriend. She says being around us is a turn-off.”

“Yeah well, I know a girl who doesn’t agree with her,” Omar said smugly. “Guess what I did on Valentine’s Day?” He couldn’t wait for a response. He was dying to say it. “I had sex!”

Instead of congratulating him, Anthony looked like he’d just announced a terminal disease. “You did?”

Omar grinned. “Yeah!”

Anthony grimaced. “Like all the way?”

He studied his friend instead of answering. Why would he make that face unless… Oh right. Omar imagined being only friends with Silvia, despite wanting way more, and then finding out that she’d hooked up with someone else. “Nah, not all the way,” he said dismissively, even though it had been one of the happiest moments of his life. “But now I’ve gone as far as you have.”

The concern on Anthony’s face eased. “Oh. That’s great! As your best friend, I want all the details.” His forehead crinkled. “Although, also as your best friend, I also have to remind you of what happened the last time we spoke about such things.”

“It’s all good,” Omar assured him. “I asked her about that already. Silvia is cool with me telling you.” He hesitated, not wanting to hurt his friend. “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes,” Anthony said instantly. “Paint me a picture.”

“Heh.” Omar nudged him. “I bet you’d like that.”

“Shut up. And yes, I would. I want a great big painting of your dick in my bedroom.”

“You do have a birthday coming up,” Omar joked. Then he described what had happened. Not the physical details so much, but just how amazing the entire day had been. Including how good that particular moment had felt.

“I have to ask,” Anthony said with a mischievous expression. “Who was better? Silvia or Ricky?”

Omar exhaled. “Ricky definitely has more experience. And one of his own, so it’s an unfair advantage. So technically, he was better. But I liked it more with her, you know?”

“Yes,” Anthony said with an exasperated sigh. “You really are hopelessly straight, aren’t you?”

“If I wasn’t, we’d already be an item,” Omar promised him. And he meant it too, because he loved Anthony more than just about anyone in the whole world. But at least he didn’t have to worry about him being alone. “Hey, how was your Valentine’s Day?”

“I also had sex,” Anthony said, triggering another elbow bump. “Although I was the one giving instead of receiving."

"You guys don’t take turns?”

“Usually, but I wanted it to feel more like a present to him.”

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