Home > Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(39)

Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(39)
Author: Debbie Mason

“You caught me off guard. I’ll do better next time.” He pulled the cart to the closed gymnasium doors and removed a set of keys from his pocket. “You don’t think Drew’s father had anything to do with the letter, do you?”

She shrugged. “I’ve got to start somewhere, and he fits the profile.”

“How do you figure?”

“For one, the letter was delivered when the majority of kids were in school, and if it was a kid, it’d be more likely they’d direct message Jenny on social media. Plus, the O’Brien family made their money in real estate. Something Mr. O’Brien felt compelled to share with me several times.”

“From personal experience dealing with O’Brien, you might want to keep your investigation into him quiet until you have actual evidence, Em,” Josh said as he fit the key into the gymnasium doors.

She nodded, pulling her phone from her pocket. “I’ll give Todd a call.”

“Are we still on for dinner at Jenny and Steve’s tonight?”

“Looks like,” she said, scrolling through her recent messages. “Jenny hasn’t canceled. But do me a favor and park at my place in case Gabe does a drive-by. I wouldn’t put it past him to check up on me.”

“Sure.” He glanced behind her. “Hey, guys. What’s up?”

She turned to see Charlie and Mike, shuffling their feet. “We, ah, were wondering if Em could give us a drive to my house?” Charlie said. “My mom was supposed to pick us up, but she had to work overtime.”

“Sure, no problem. I’ll see you tonight, Josh.” She noticed the way the boys were watching them and wondered if they expected them to kiss goodbye. They probably did, she thought with a sigh. That’s what a real couple would do.

She leaned toward Josh, and he leaned back, staring at her with a look of alarm on his face. She didn’t know whether to be offended or amused. But when he caught Charlie and Mike sharing a glance, he blew out what she could only assume was a relieved breath. He lost the freaked-out expression and smiled, offering her his cheek.

She resisted the urge to fist her hands in his T-shirt and plant a hard kiss on his mouth. Not a long, passionate kiss that would gross out the boys—even though she was kind of worried that she wouldn’t be grossed out—but one that would widen his eyes with panic. He deserved some payback after his years of teasing her. Instead, she pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth.

From the look on Josh’s face as the gymnasium door closed behind him, she might as well have given him a long, passionate kiss. Weird. This whole situation was weird. But worth it, she thought when her cell rang and Abby’s name appeared on the screen.

“I’m over there.” She pointed out the Camaro to the boys and then connected the call. “Yes, I’m still dating Josh. And it’s going really well,” she said before Abby got a word in. She’d phoned Em the day before with three prospective candidates for when Josh inevitably dumped her after date number two.

“I’m glad to hear that, but Em, everyone knows what Josh is like. The odds are a hundred to one you won’t make it to date number four.”

“You guys are betting on us?”

“Not your family and friends, although I did see Todd’s name on the betting list at Highland Brew. If you’re wondering, he’s betting you guys go the distance.”

“The distance?” Thanks to her mind inconveniently flashing to an image of her and Josh naked and in a bed, Em’s voice cracked on a sudden flurry of nerves.

“Yeah, you know, the whole nine yards. Wedding bells and then a baby carriage.”

“I’ve got the picture, thanks,” she said, her voice sounding raw. It felt like Abby had pulled the scab off Em’s wound. “But if I were you, I wouldn’t bet against Josh and me making it to date number four.” She cursed her competitive nature for wanting to prove to everyone, everyone but Todd, that they were wrong. She just couldn’t seem to help herself.

“Okay, I’ll spread the word. And I am happy for you, Em. You and Josh. You’re like a rom-com cliché.”

“A what?”

“You know, best friends becoming lovers.”

Em wanted to cover her ears and hum, but she couldn’t unhear what Abby had said. “On that note, I have to go.”

“Wait. I’m not calling about you and Josh.”

“Could’ve fooled me,” she muttered, suddenly in a bad mood. “So if you’re not calling about us, what are you calling about?” She needed to dial down her irritation. It wasn’t Abby’s fault the conversation had upset her.

“I’m hosting a party Friday night, and I wanted to invite you.”

“Thanks, but I’ll be at the football game.”

“That’s fine. The party doesn’t start until ten. It’s women only though, so you’ll have to leave Josh at home. Bri’s coming.”

“Oh, okay, sounds good.” She beeped open the locks on the Camaro’s doors as she crossed the parking lot. “I’ll see you Friday at ten. Should I bring something?” It would be a good way to get rid of one of the casseroles in her freezer. She’d just have to make sure none of the guests at the party had made it for her.

“We’re good, thanks. I’ve got everything covered. But Em, you can’t back out. I have a waiting list. Besides that, I really want you there. Coming, honey. I’ve gotta go. Can’t wait to see you Friday!”

“Abby, what exactly—” The line went dead. “Go ahead and get in the car,” she told Charlie and Mike.

“Sweet ride,” the boys said as they climbed inside. Charlie patted the seat, encouraging Gus to join them in the back, while Em looked up coming events on Abby’s podcast. And there it was. Abby was holding an event at Seaton House with the Sisterhood on Friday night. The entertainment for the evening? A psychic medium who would communicate with the ghosts of May and Clara.

Rolling her eyes, Em typed out a text to Abby, telling her she couldn’t make it. She hesitated before pressing Send. If she wanted to solve the case, and if this psychic medium was the real deal, she could help Em interrogate May and Clara.

Em tapped her phone on her forehead. Gabe was right. She really did need to take some time off.



Chapter Sixteen



Josh grabbed the bouquet of fall flowers from the passenger seat and got out of his truck. He was late. He was never late for a date. It’s not a date, he reminded himself. It was just dinner with Em and some friends. The reminder did nothing to calm his nerves. And that was something else he’d never been before a date—nervous. It was why he was late. Em calling him honey, holding his hand, and kissing him at practice today had messed with his head. He’d acted like an idiot. He was surprised Gabe hadn’t noticed. Em certainly had, and he supposed that was the problem.

He was afraid she’d eventually figure out why he’d been stunned stupid. But really, how could she? It wasn’t as if she could see what was going on in his head or feel how he’d responded to her hand in his and her lips pressed to the corner of his mouth. She’d made his heart race and his gut tighten with desire simply by holding his hand and giving him an innocent kiss. Feelings he’d never felt with any of the women he’d dated this past year. It was why he’d never gotten past date number two.

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