Home > Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(41)

Reunited on Sugar Maple Road(41)
Author: Debbie Mason

“No, they weren’t. They were far worse. And I’m not about to let anyone chase us from our home.”

“Our home?” Steve looked stunned. “I thought we agreed to sell Seaton House after the renovations were completed.”

As if sensing this might devolve into a family argument, Todd pushed back from the table. “I should probably get going. Thanks for the meal, Jenny. It was great.”

Jenny pursed her lips at her husband and then said to Todd, “Are you sure you won’t stay for coffee and dessert?”

“Honestly, I couldn’t eat another bite.” He came around the table and patted Steve’s shoulder. “We’ll catch whoever is making the threats, but until we do, we’ll do extra patrols of the area.”

“I live down the road, Todd,” Em said. “I think I can handle patrolling the area on my own.”

“Just what our boss will want to hear,” Todd said dryly as he headed for the door.

“He won’t hear about it unless you tell him,” Em said.

Josh was relieved she sounded like herself. It was difficult not being able to comfort her. He could do something though. He could show her that she could find joy in life despite her heartbreaking losses. So far, he hadn’t done a very good job of it. Todd was right. He needed to take her on a real date. A real fake-date, he reminded himself. Remembering why he’d come up with the idea in the first place helped alleviate his worry that he was in over his head. He just had to keep his feelings for Em firmly in the friend zone.

Todd stopped with his hand on the doorknob and turned. “Fine, but we work the case together. I mean it, Em. You have to keep me in the loop. No holding back.”

She nodded and got up from the table. “I’ll walk you to your car.”

Josh wondered what new information she’d uncovered that she had to share with Todd. He figured she’d tell him later. At least he hoped she would. He wanted to be kept in the loop too so he knew what she was dealing with.

He said goodbye to Todd and stood, helping clear the table. “I’ll go play catch with Charlotte and Gus. Give you guys a chance to talk,” he said as he placed the dishes and cutlery beside the sink.

“Thanks, but it’s getting late, and Charlotte has to get an early night. She’s starting school tomorrow,” Jenny said with a pointed glance at her husband.

Steve blew out a breath. “I agreed that Charlotte attending school here was a good idea, honey. But us living here permanently at Seaton House?” He shuddered. “No, I didn’t agree to that.” He got up from the table and walked to the sliding glass doors. “I’ll round up Charlotte and Gus.”

Jenny gave Josh an embarrassed smile as the door slid closed behind Steve. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you guys to get caught in the middle of our spat.”

“Don’t apologize. Charlotte has a big day tomorrow, and you and Steve obviously have a few things to work out. We can do coffee and dessert another time. Food was great, and so was the company. Don’t give it another thought.”

“That’s sweet of you to say, and I wish you weren’t right, but you are. Steve and I obviously aren’t on the same page.” She picked up a pie. “Please take this. It’s caramel apple, and I have two.”

“I’d never say no to caramel apple pie, and Em would probably shoot me if I did. Thanks, Jenny. It smells great,” he said, accepting the pie. He didn’t want to break his promise to Steve, but it might help for Jenny to know where her husband was coming from. “Steve is pretty open about his feelings for ghosts and the supernatural so it isn’t surprising he’s uncomfortable at the thought of living in a haunted house.” Terrified would probably be more accurate. “I’m sure most people feel the same way he does. But you might find he’ll be okay with living there once the house is renovated and the ghosts are gone.”

“I really hope so. I’ve fallen in love with Highland Falls. The people are so warm and welcoming.” She smiled. “Well, most of the people.”

“Yeah, I’m sure the letter hasn’t helped make your case for staying here, but let Em and Todd worry about it. They’ll make sure you and your family are safe.”

He turned as Steve opened the sliding glass door, ushering Charlotte and Gus inside. “Come on, boy,” Josh said, heading for the front door. “Thanks again for dinner. You have a good day at school tomorrow, Charlotte.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Steve joined him. “Sorry for ruining the evening, Josh,” he said once he’d closed the door behind them.

“You didn’t, and I need an early night anyway.”

“Thanks, but I’m sure I’ll hear about it from my wife. She’s not happy with me at the moment.”

“Cut yourself some slack. Between the accident and the threatening letter, you’ve had a lot to deal with in a little more than a week. You both have.”

“Don’t forget the rodent- and ghost-infested house.” He glanced down the road where a full moon shone down on Seaton House. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make my wife happy, my daughter too, but honestly, Josh, I don’t think I can live in that house.”

“I could be wrong, but it sounded to me like Jenny loves the idea of living in Highland Falls as much as she loves the idea of living at Seaton House. If you can’t see yourself being happy there once the house is renovated and ghost-free, maybe Jenny would be willing to compromise. You guys could sell Seaton House and find a place in the area that you’re both happy with.”

Steve nodded slowly. “That might just work. Thanks, Josh.”

“No problem. Have a good night,” he said with a light tug on Gus’s leash. “Get your nose out of the bushes, buddy. It’s time to go home.” He met Em on the road and held up the pie. “Are you going to invite me for dessert?”

“Really? You eat pie?” she asked, taking it out of his hands as they continued down the road to her place.

“I eat clean ninety percent of the time. But Jenny’s a great cook, so I’m betting it’ll be worth it. Besides, it has apples in it.”

Em glanced over her shoulder and lifted her chin at Jenny and Steve’s. “Are they okay?”

Josh shared his conversations with the couple.

“Smart. The way Jenny was talking earlier, I think she’d be willing to compromise.”

“How did your conversation go with Todd?”

“We spent most of the time talking about his love life, or I should say lack thereof.”

“The guy from speed dating didn’t work out?”

“An hour into their date, he told Todd he had a guy who would be perfect for him.” She looked at him and grinned. “I’ll give you one guess who.”


“Yep, so now Todd’s decided he’s giving up on dating to focus on work.”

“Not a bad idea.” Josh stood back as they reached Em’s front step, letting her by.

“Well, he’ll have more time to dedicate to the case now, which works for me.” She opened the door. “I convinced him of a possible connection between the letter writer and May and Clara’s murders, so he’s agreed to help with my investigation. And as long as Gabe agrees the two cases overlap, Todd won’t have to sneak around. We, or I should say Todd, might even be able to bring Gwen in on the case.”

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