Home > TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't marry the same mistake twice(23)

TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't marry the same mistake twice(23)
Author: Heather M. Orgeron

“Sorry,” El mutters. “Your turn, Grammy.”

“Well…” Momma seems to think really hard about her answer, to the annoyance of the rest of the group. I’m not the only one getting antsy, if the loud sighs and bodies shifting are anything to go by. This really shouldn’t require so much thought. “Before last night I was gonna say I was thankful for a prosperous year on the ranch, but I guess I’m piggy-backing off of you, Ellie-Lou.” She rubs a hand on her still-pouting granddaughter’s back. “I’m thankful to have the entire family back together. It really is a dream come true.”

Nya’s arms, which are draped over my thighs while she sits between my legs, leaning back into my chest, tighten. She was so damn nervous about coming here… about the way everyone, namely my mother would react, so I know how much it means for her to see she’s still valued so much. I kiss the top of her head, kneading her shoulders with both hands, and resist the urge to say I told ya so.

“Same for me,” Pops announces. “Thankful to have our Nya girl back.” He holds out his whiskey tumbler in a sign of cheers, and he’s done. Pops has never been a man of many words.

“Great,” Cliff grumbles. “Now if I say anything other than Nya, I’ll look like an ass.”

“Everybody already knows you’re an ass, boy. Ain’t no secret,” Pops counters.

The younger version of myself jerks back in exaggerated shock. “Wow. Thanks for that. I was only kidding.”

We all start laughing, and Dad and I take turns bustin’ his chops. He flips us off before turning to address my wife. Ellie draws in a stunned breath at the gesture.

“Nya, seems you’re a pretty hot commodity ‘round here this year.” He takes a long pull from his beer. “Hasn’t been the same without you, so I guess you get my vote too.”

Cliff earns the nod of approval from Momma. “You’re up next, Liam.”

I give my wife’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. “This year I’m most thankful for birthday wishes and drunken promises.”

Nya chokes, and her Boone’s Farm sprays out of her mouth and nose toward the fire.

“What the hell kinda answer is that?” My mother is ready to leap over the flames and come at me swinging.

I can’t stop laughing at her indignation on her daughter-in-law’s behalf. “I was referring to my beautiful wife too. Relax.”

She blows out a long breath settling back on her log. “Well, you shoulda just said that then… Go on, pretty girl.” She waves at Nya. “Before I have to pull out the fly swatter for him.”

Her throat clears, and she leans forward, sitting up a little taller. “Would it be too conceited of me to say myself?” she jokes, sniffling into her sleeve. “I’m kidding, Nadine,” she hurries out, afraid of getting chastised for making a mockery of Momma’s ritual. “You guys. I’m just… This is… Wow.” Her voice is all broken up as she tries to compose herself. “I’ve missed you more than I realized and I’m thankful to be back here with all of you too, truly.”

It isn’t long before everyone becomes distracted with their own conversations and roasting marshmallows for s’mores. As soon as the attention is no longer fixed on us, I lean forward, brushing my lips against the shell of Nya’s ear. “All of you means me too, right? You thankful for me, Darlin’?”

Oomph. The breath whooshes out of me as I take an elbow to the ribs. “I only said it to be nice. Don’t go catching a hard-on.”

“Too late.” I remove the hand, clutching my chest where she’s just socked me good, and grab hers, discreetly placing it over the bulge in my jeans. “See what you do to me?” My dick jerks, growing harder still.

I’m almost certain I hear a whimper before she withdraws her hand to her own lap, or maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. Nya grows quiet, staring out into the vast field, seeming to get lost in her own head. I don’t push for conversation, content to just be here in this moment. To hold her in my arms. To breathe her sweet, flowery scent. To feel her hair as the wind whips it against my cheeks. This feels like a dream. One I don’t want to end any time soon… or ever.

One by one, the rest of the family begin disappearing into the house, until Nya and I are the only two left sitting by the fire, sipping our drinks and enjoying the quiet night. There’s nothing quite like the sound of wood crackling in a fire and the breeze rustling through the leaves. Or, the love of your life wrapped in a blanket cuddled up in your arms. Swear, I could stay just like this forever and live out the rest of my life in complete bliss.

“I forgot how much I loved it here,” she muses, breaking the silence as she shrugs out of her quilt and climbs to her feet, dusting the dirt and leaves from the back of the jeans she changed into before coming out here. “It’s so peaceful.”

“You ready to go inside too?” I try my hardest not to sound disappointed, already missing the comfort of having her curled in my lap.

“Not unless you are.” She shakes her head, gripping that big bottle of cheap wine against her chest like her life depends on it. “Thought we could go for a walk?” She holds out her hand, pulling me to my feet.

“Lead the way.” I plant a kiss on her forehead, and she grins up at me. Her tipsy smile is wide and warm—unguarded. Little by little, I see glimpses of the woman I fell in love with returning. The one who looked at me like I hung the moon and not like she wanted to skin me with a fillet knife and cut me up into tiny pieces.

With her hand tucked in mine, we take a stroll around the property, reminiscing about old times. This place holds so many memories, all of them good. The timing of this trip couldn’t have been better. Nya needed this. We need this.

“You still have Joker?” she asks when we end up in the barn. She always was fascinated with the horses, the chestnut quarter horse being her favorite.

“He’s getting up there in age now, but yep. He’s still around.”

Pushing up the sleeve of her white puffer coat, she reaches over the gate to rub the top of his head. He nods, giving her a little whinny, like a puppy begging for more. I sympathize with the animal. Lord knows I can’t get enough of this woman either.

“They’re such magnificent creatures. Too bad we don’t have room to have one back home.” She crouches down to eye level, peering at Joker through a gap in the wood, cooing at him like you would a baby.

“We can always come back and visit.” I’m making plans, talking like we’re staying together, because the alternative is simply unthinkable.

When she looks up at me with a tentative smile and whispers, “Yeah… I guess we can,” the ground damn near falls out from under me. I was fully prepared for her snark. Her agreeance, however, catches me completely off-guard.

She smiles at my stunned reaction before curling a hand around my cheek and brushing her thumb to and fro. The tenderness in her touch has a rush of warmth zipping through me. Just when I think she might be about to kiss me, she pulls back and takes a sip from her bottle. She lowers the liquid courage to her side and sends me a seductive wink. Then, she’s once again on the move.

I follow closely behind, answering questions as she takes her time making her way down one row of stalls and back up the other. I didn’t think it was possible, but I fall a little more in love with her as she stops to greet each of the horses individually, taking time to learn their names and stories. She’s completely smitten, unless, of course, she wanders into a pile of their shit. I almost wish she would.

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