Home > TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't marry the same mistake twice(19)

TAKE TWO_ Who says you can't marry the same mistake twice(19)
Author: Heather M. Orgeron

Her hand slams against my chest. “Now you’ve gone and ruined the moment.” She throws her head back into the pillow trying to regain control of her frantic breathing.

“What? No! Come back here. It’s not ruined.”

“Yep… it’s gone.” Nya kisses my cheek then pushes me to my side of the bed, arranging three pillows in a line between us. “Baby steps,” she says referring to the wall that was once four rows deep.”

“Is this really necessary?” I harrumph. I feel like I’m being punished. I mean, at least I asked before just grabbing a titty. “I told you I’d behave. No sex. I swear.”

Her hand creeps across the layer of pillows to find mine and she laces our fingers. “It’s myself I don’t trust…” She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “Good night, husband.”


“’Night, wife. Just for the record, you can touch my penis any time you want. It won’t ruin my mood.”





Summer’s Eve


Liam strolls out of the master bath with a cloud of steam trailing behind him as he moseys over to the dresser wearing nothing more than a towel tied around his trim waist. I pull my eyes tighter, pretending to still be asleep until he’s crossed the room and can’t see me ogling his ass from where I lay buried beneath the covers.

This no-sex thing is harder than I thought it’d be. I swear I’ve lived with a constant state of whatever the female version of blue balls is for the past few weeks. I have no doubt he’s intentionally making this harder on me.

The towel drops and my heart follows, right into my vagina, where it’s pulsing to a sensual beat. When he bends to step into his boxer shorts, I get a brief peep at his dangly bits, and I swear I feel the equivalent of Niagra Falls gush in my panties.

“I can feel your eyes on me, darlin’. You don’t have to hide…I sure as shit don’t mind.”

“Hmm?” I groan, shaking the lust from my eyes and putting on a sleepy act. “What are you going on about?”

“This body belongs to you now, babe. Wanna stare? Go right ahead.” He winks, making a clucking sound with his tongue as he moves to what he’s claimed as his side of my closet, where he’s riffling around for something to wear. He can’t cover up fast enough for me. I have zero self-control when it comes to this man and his sex appeal.

“Oh,” he says, slipping his arms through the sleeves of a baby blue button down, the color quite similar to the shade of his eyes. “You need more body wash. I ran out a few days ago, so I’ve been borrowing yours. Mind grabbing me some of my flavor when you go to the store after your appointment today?”

Huh? “I just bought a jumbo container at Sam’s last week. How much soap are you using?”

He shrugs, chin to his chest as he begins lining up the pearl buttons and sliding them through the tiny holes. “Just don’t want you getting pissed at me when you run out.”

“Wait…” I sit up in the bed, bunching the sheet to my chest. No way… “Which scent did you use?”

“Umm,” he says, face scrunched, trying to remember as he tucks the shirt into his dark gray pants.

Damn it all to hell, I want to tug it right back out and watch those buttons scatter across the floor when I rip that shirt back open.

What is wrong with me?

“Summer something?”

I snort out a laugh. “Could it be Summer’s Eve?”

Confused as to why I’m giggling, he looks up at me, continuing to knot his tie without even looking to see what he’s doing.

Why’s that so damn hot?

“Yeah, I think that’s it…really aroused my senses.”

“I bet it did.” Dear God, I am going to lose it. This is the best day of my life.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Fear creeps into his eyes, and all I can think is karma is a fucking bitch, and today, for once, this bitch is on Team Nya.

“That’s ummm…well, it’s a vagina wash.”

“Come again?” Oh, the look on his face is almost worth every bit of the frustration he’s put me through the past month and a half.

“You’re going to work smelling like a pussy.” I fall back on the bed, howling, tears running down my face.

He charges back to the bathroom to retrieve the container. “Delicate Blossom…” His eyes scan lower. “Cleansing wash… Five in one.” His lips continue to move as he reads the rest of the bottle silently. “Doesn’t say a thing on here about being a vagina wash.” He shakes his head, walking back toward the bathroom. “Almost had me, Nya.”

“Ay cabrón, read the back.”

“Help stop odor,” he mutters. “Gynecologist-tested…apply to intimate areas.” His mouth forms an O, and I almost fall out of the bed I’m laughing so damn hard.

He composes himself quickly. Sauntering over to the bed, he plants a kiss on the crown of my head. “Now I’ll think of your sweet pussy every time I get a whiff of the flowery scent.”

“Why can’t you just let me win one?” I growl, frustrated that he’s so quickly turned the tables. Me and karma… this was our victory. Why am I once again squirming in a puddle of my own arousal?

He takes a long sniff of his forearm. “Now I know why the scent was so alluring.”

“Ugh.” I shove at his chest, pushing him away. “Go to your meeting.”



I stare up at the fancy meadow scene, trying to count the yellow flowers to distract myself from the fact that Dr. Bing is all up in my lady business. When he inserts the speculum, I flinch.

“Sorry, I know it’s cold.”

He “knows” it’s cold. What the hell does this man know about having a metal torture device shoved inside of his body? Nothing.

There’s a clicking sound when he opens the clamp and then comes the uncomfortable scrape.

“All done.” He lowers the white paper sheet to cover my exposed nether regions before handing the swab over to his nurse. “Here,” he says, taking my hand after removing his gloves. “Let me help you up.”

“Thanks.” Is there anything more awkward than conversing with the gyno after they come up from inspecting your vag? If so, I can’t think of it. I’m sweating bullets.

“I’ll have Janet here send in refills for your birth control. You should receive a card in the mail within a week with the results. If there are any issues, I’ll give you a ring personally.”

I nod. He really is a kind old man, and now that he’s not staring into my vagina, I feel a little guilty for being so judgmental of his lack of female organs.

“Do you have any concerns?”

There it is. My opening. I’ve been stressing over whether or not to bring this up since the moment he walked in. Every year’s visit ends with the same question. It’s now or never.

Here goes… “How’s everything look?”

His fuzzy white brows crinkle. “Looks fine. I didn’t see any obvious issues, but I can’t really answer that officially until we get the results from the lab.”

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