Home > A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1)(2)

A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1)(2)
Author: Katie Holland

“Ladies,” one of them said with a nod.

“Nice surfing out there,” Karma said, in her voice that always got guys attention. If she kept it up they didn’t stand a chance.

“Thank you. Hey boys, looks like we might have two new fans,” he said.

I snorted out a small laugh. I didn’t mean too, but this guy just seemed so full of himself and I found that funny. Karma gave me a dirty look. I couldn’t help it, and I wasn’t sorry for it either. I’d never been a fan of guys who thought their shit didn’t stink. I might be a quiet person, but I still had my own opinions.

“Something funny?” he asked.

I just shook my head. I didn’t want to say anything that I’d regret later.

“I’m Karma,” she said, standing up and brushing the sand off her ass.

“Major,” he said. “The rest of these assholes are Bodie, Chad, and Zach.”

They each winked in turn. Wow, it seemed like all four of them were the same, but I kept that thought to myself.

“This is Kayleigh,” Karma said to them.

I nodded and stayed sitting. These guys were way more Karma’s type than mine, so I was going to let her have all the attention. Never say I’m not a good best friend.

I had to smile at the interaction between them. Karma was putting on her best flirty self and the guys were eating it up. Yep, she was going to have no trouble finding guys here. I was doing my best not to look at them, but I was curious by nature and I mean-- they were hot. So, when I did chance a look in their direction, the one who called himself Major, always seemed to be looking at me.

I told myself to stop looking. Besides, he’s probably just trying to figure out why someone like Karma was hanging out with someone like me. I tuned out their conversation, and closed my eyes, enjoying the sun on my face.

“See you around,” a voice said in my ear causing me to jump.

I opened my eyes to find Major’s head next to mine.

“Uh, yeah, sure,” I said. Very intelligent Kayleigh. I watched them walk away wondering what that was all about.

Karma sat back down beside me. “Oh my God Kayleigh, I’m in heaven here.”

I had to smile at her enthusiasm.

“You know you don’t have to be the same shy person you’ve always been,” she told me. “We’re in a new place with new people, you can be anything you want here.”

“I know Karma. But I’m not shy, because I’m from Tulsa. I’m shy because that’s just part of my personality. You know that goes away when I get to know someone.”

“Yes, but you never get to know people because your shy. You have to actually talk to people to get to know them.”

This was an old conversation between us. She’d always had a hard time figuring out why I didn’t like talking to people. But, she was also right. I was in college now, maybe it was time for me to come out of my shell, well a little bit anyway.

“Okay, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll really try to talk to more people if you stop giving me a hard time about it.”

“Deal,” she said, with absolutely no hesitation and a cocky grin on her face.

I wondered what I was getting myself into.



Chapter 2



The guys and I walked back to the parking lot, secured our boards, and got in the truck. Sometimes it was great having rich parents. They’d made me work all summer for this truck, but it was worth it because I loved it. It almost made up for the fact that they were making me go to college, almost.

I dropped the guys off and headed home. I punched in the security code at the gate and pulled up in front of the house. It was the same house I’ve lived in for eighteen years, and this was the last night I was spending in it for the next eight months. As part of the deal, I had to live on campus in one of the dorms. My bathroom was bigger than I was sure my whole dorm room was going to be. I was positive it was going to fucking suck.

“Hi honey,” mom said to me, as I walked in the kitchen. “How was surfing?”

“Great as always,” I said, grabbing a water out of the fridge.

“Are you ready for tomorrow?” she asked.

I shrugged. It wasn’t exactly that I was opposed to going to college, I just didn’t understand why they wanted me to go, when we all knew I was going to join the family company. I planned on being CEO when dad was ready to retire. In my opinion, I should be starting to learn the business, not going to college. But apparently, to be a CEO they liked you to have a college degree. That, and I wasn’t allowed to touch my trust fund until I had that little piece of paper that said I was a college graduate.

I downed the bottle of water and reached for another one. I was always thirsty after a good day on the waves.

“Do I really have to do this?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

“We’ve talked about this, Major. You know my answer.”

“Just thought I’d ask in case you changed your mind since this morning.”

Mom smiled at me. I might have been a pain in the ass at times, but she loved me.

“You’re going to have a good time in college. Just think of all the girls you’ll meet.”

She knew the right thing to say to me. That was the only thing that kept me from complaining too much. Hot girls shouldn’t have been my main reason for going to college, but at least I had some motivation to go to class.

I took my bottle of water and went to my room. Since I wasn’t getting out of it, I’d better get some stuff packed. I’m sure mom had taken care of all the stuff I needed for my dorm room, so all I had to do was pack what I wanted.

I started throwing clothes in my bag and thought about the girl from the beach. Not the talkative one, but the stuck up bitch. They were both hot and it might be fun to hang out with the redhead, but the other one really got under my skin. She acted like she was better than the rest of us, not even bothering to talk to anyone.

I could tell they weren’t from around here by their accents. I wasn’t sure where they were from, somewhere Southern though. If the brunette hadn’t been such a bitch, I would have asked them to hang out with us tonight. Why was I even giving it any thought? I was a love ‘em and leave ‘em kinda guy. I could get my pick of any chick I wanted, so why was I still thinking about her? I pushed her from my thoughts and found the rest of the stuff I wanted to take.

Later that night, the guys and I sat on the beach behind my house and passed around a joint. It may have been legal now, but we were still all underage and had to get it from Bodie’s cousin. If I was college bound, tomorrow I was getting high as possible tonight.

“Looking forward to tomorrow?” Bodie asked me, as he took a hit.

“The only thing I’m looking forward to is bagging some hot chicks.”

“That redhead was smokin’ hot,” Zach said.

“Her friend was pretty hot too,” Chad said.

I couldn’t disagree with them. “I bet I could have the redhead’s panties off in no time,” Zach said, wiggling his eyebrows.

We all laughed. It wasn’t that funny, so we must have been pretty high. Bodie’s cousin always got us the good stuff.

“I’m just glad you losers are going to college too,” I told them. That was another reason I had agreed to go. We all came from well-off families who insisted their children go to college. We would have been happy to be international playboys for a couple of years. But that wasn’t in the cards for us.

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