Home > A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1)(5)

A Mermaid's Kiss (Bay State University #1)(5)
Author: Katie Holland

Karma laughed at me like I’d just made the world’s best joke. To anyone else you’d have thought she was drunk, but neither one of us ever touched alcohol after what happened to my parents.

“You’re sure?” she asked.

“Positive. Have fun. The dorm is only a few blocks away. I’ll be home in like five minutes,” I assured her.

She finally agreed, and I fought my way through the crowd to the front door. I had barely taken five steps out the door, when someone grabbed my arm. Without even thinking, I grabbed their wrist and bent it back to the point they were on their knees. Nana had made me and Karma take self-defense lessons for the last two years.

When I looked at who it was I almost laughed. It was Major.

“What the hell?” he said, looking up at me, clearly confused.

“Sorry, it was a reflex.” I helped him up.

“Do you do that to everyone who touches you?” he asked, stepping back from me.

“I do if I’m in a strange place full of drunk guys and one of them grabs me.”

“Okay, fair enough,” he said rubbing his wrist. “I guess I shouldn’t have grabbed your arm like that. I just wanted to know where you were going.”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m going back to the dorm,” I told him.

“By yourself at night? That doesn’t seem very smart to me.”

“As you can see, I can clearly take care of myself.”

That put a smile on his face.

“Clearly. But let me walk you home anyway.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’m sure there are a dozen girls in there just waiting for your attention.”

“I’m sure there are, but my mother would kill me if I let you walk by yourself in the dark. You owe me that much after almost breaking my wrist.”

“Fine. I can’t stop you from walking in the same direction as me,” I said, and started down the sidewalk again.

“Where did you learn to do that anyway?” he asked, as we headed in the direction of the dorms.

“My Nana insisted that I take self-defense classes. I took them for two years.”

“Looks like they worked,” he chuckled. “The only time a woman has brought me to my knees before is when …”

I don’t know why he stopped, but I wanted to know what he was going to say. “Is when what?”

“When I fuck her from behind,” he finally said.

“Did you think that was going to shock me or something?” I asked.

“Maybe. I don’t know. You’re a hard person to read.”

“Yeah, well so are you,” I told him.

This was one of the strangest conversations I think I’d ever had. I was glad when the front door of the dorm was in sight.

“Well this is me,” I said.

“But this is the athletic dorm?” he questioned.

“And?” I said.

“I know you’re not from here by the way you talk, so what are you at Bay State for?”

“I’m a competitive swimmer. And, I have practice tomorrow at 8 am so I’m going inside now.”

“A swimmer huh, cool. So, you want company tonight?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Thank you for walking me home. I guess I’ll see you around,” I told him.

He laughed at me. “Good night Kayleigh,” he said and walked away.

I went up to our room and changed into my PJ’s. I looked at the clock, it was only 10:30. I had to laugh at myself. My first Friday night in college and here I was in my PJ’s, at 10:30 at night about to read a book.

At least I’d gone to the party. Watching a bunch of people get drunk just wasn’t for me. I’d also never been one to stay out late. I usually had practice early every morning and I wasn’t good on little sleep. I propped my pillows up and settled back with my eReader. I was in the middle of a really steamy romantic suspense book, and couldn’t wait to see how it ended. I dove right in and was soon lost in the fictional world.



Chapter 6



“Yo dude, where’ve you been?” Bodie asked, when I walked back into the party.

“I walked Kayleigh home.” As soon as the words came out of my mouth I regretted them.

“You did what? Who’s Kayleigh?”

I knew he wasn’t going to let it go so I figured I’d tell him the whole story. “You know the brunette from the beach yesterday?” He nodded. “I saw her leaving alone and didn’t think it was safe for her to be walking at night.” I sounded like an idiot.

Bodie grinned at me. “So let’s see it then.”

“See what?”

“The pussy pic for our bet. You did fuck her, right?”

“Nope, she’s not my type, way too stuck up for me.” That was a total lie. She was exactly my type and he knew it.

“I call bullshit,” he said.

I wasn’t getting out of this. “Fine. As far as I can tell, she thinks I’m a dick and wants nothing to do with me.”

“So, what you’re really telling me is that she said no,” he said, and started laughing his ass off.

“Whatever fucker.” I left him standing there and went to get another beer. My thoughts drifted back to when Kayleigh had my wrist in that hold. It was actually pretty hot, but I was never going to tell anyone else that.

“Hey handsome, I hope it’s me that put that smile on your face,” some chick said to me, as she pressed her tits into my arm.

I hadn’t even seen her, but I wasn’t one to waste an opportunity. I got a good look at her. She was a few inches shorter than my six-foot frame. Long blonde hair, short skirt, and big tits. I called chicks like her California Barbie.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Does it really matter?”

“Nope. You want to get out of here?”

“I’m all yours,” she said in my ear.

Sometimes, I liked a challenge but when a chick this hot practically throws herself at me, I’d be a dumbass to turn her down. I took her hand and we left the party.

Once I got her clothes off, it wasn’t hard to convince her to let me take a picture of her sweet pussy. I had this bet in the bag. That four grand was going to be mine.



Chapter 7



I hadn’t heard Karma come home last night, but she was ready to go when I came out of my room in the morning. She was cutting up fruit for our morning smoothies. It was something we did every day before practice.

“What time did you get home?” I asked.

“I think it was around 2:00 am,” she told me with a smile.

“Did you have a good time?”

“Oh my God. I’m loving these California guys. I see you made it home okay.”

“Yep, had a little help though,” I told her about putting Major on his knees than walking me home. “You should have seen the look in his face. He was so surprised. One second his hand was on my arm, and the next he was looking up at me. It was awesome.”

Karma laughed. “I’d have paid to see that. So, did you invite him up?”

“Are you kidding? Even though he walked me home, it doesn’t mean he’s a gentleman and my opinion hasn’t changed. I still think he’s a dick.”

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