Home > Fall (Saints and Sinners Book 4)

Fall (Saints and Sinners Book 4)
Author: Katherine Rhodes




Alain was asleep.

His car was in the driveway, but the porch light was off, which meant he was out for the night.

I flicked on the flashlight on my phone and it let me walk up the dark stairs safely. The last time I had painted them, I’d mixed reflective paint in and the light from the phone bounced off it, making the stairs very visible in the dim light.

I’d sprained my ankle once there and I didn’t want that again.

As quietly as I could, I turned the key in the lock and popped the door open. I jumped for the alarm keypad and slammed the numbers in to make sure the alarm didn’t go off.

Closing the door, I could hear Alain snoring, which meant no shower for me. I sighed. I could really have used one, but so be it.

I headed for the bed after putting my briefcase and jacket away. It had been a hell of a day and I was ready for some real sleep.

Quickly, in the low light of the hall nightlight, I changed out of my office clothes and into my nightshirt. Being careful not to wake or move Alain in anyway, I climbed under the covers and settled into the bed.

It had been an insanely long day, and I felt guilty that we missed Ben Sheehan again. Again. The Danvers were both dead now, and…

I was confused. Something had happened with Lily Haden. I was sure the shotgun blast had killed her when the door blew apart, but instead she was just…standing there.

And then…there was whatever she had done in the house. I knew Danvers was dead. I had always been able to feel when someone was gone, and he was.

She pulled him back. I didn’t know how she did it, but she yanked him back, probably from Hell. Lily got as much information as she could out of him before even she couldn’t hold on anymore.

I needed a vacation. I really did. It was all getting to be a bit overwhelming. My agency was my baby. I was proud of it and it was an amazing accomplishment. I knew the details of all of my charges, and I made sure they were cared for. After being dumped in the system myself, I swore that no one would ever be tossed around and left to fend for themselves like I was.

Pretty soon, we’d be the biggest private foster-adopt in the city, and I could make sure more kids were safe and loved.

I could feel myself drifting off. I was pleased with everything I had done that day, despite losing track of Ben again.

Letting out a slow breath, I sank into the bed and welcomed that spot between awake and asleep.

The world jerked around me, and a sharp pain slammed into my head. I was suddenly staring under the bed and had something wet in my hair.

I was on the floor.

What the hell was I doing on the floor?

I touched a hand to my head and pulled it away. It was dark and sticky in the bare light of the room.


Everything hurt. I pulled myself to my feet, wondering what the hell had happened. I grabbed the nightstand, hoisting myself off the floor.

Holding a hand to my bleeding head, I realized I must have nailed it on the corner of the nightstand as I fell. What had happened though? I was nearly asleep.

I looked at the corner of the furniture, accusingly.

“What did I tell you, Paige?”

My eyes snapped to my husband fully awake in the bed. He was staring at me from his pillow.

“I…” Stuttering, I felt dizzy.

“I told you, don’t come in the room if I’m asleep.”

I dropped my eyes. “You said don’t turn on the lights…”

“You sassing me? You think I don’t know what I said?” His words were sharp.

“Alain, I…”

“If I’m asleep and the lights are out, you go sleep in the second bedroom. That’s what I told you to do. I don’t know why you can’t fucking follow simple directions.”

Pulling my hand off the cut, I glanced at the blood. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Where the fuck you been anyway?”

“I had a lot of work at the agency,” I answered. “I wanted to finish all the paperwork so we could go to the movies tomorrow.”

“We’re not going,” he said, and rolled away from me.

“But I—”

He jerked up and glowered at me. “We’re. Not. Going. I’m going with Jeff and Tanner. You can stay here. You need to make sure that this house is clean since you couldn’t bother to come home on time.”

I blinked. I had been looking forward to a movie and dinner with him, but… Maybe I should have just come home and done the paperwork another day. “I’m sorry.”

“Go clean your mess up and go sleep in the other room. I don’t want your ass in here while I try to get some decent sleep.”

“All right,” I said, and grabbed the cell phone, heading to the bathroom.

“And if you need stitches, don’t make any noise when you leave and come back,” he snapped.

I pulled the door closed and wondered if maybe I was spending too much time with the agency stuff.






I tossed the mail down on the counter and let out a breath, then ran a hand down my face.

Ben Sheehan was a mess.

Since the beginning, I had been working with the hardest cases from the Pipeline. Some of the kids had been in there for years, and they were going to need years and years of therapy. They couldn’t hear certain sounds without reacting to them instinctively.

Those habits were hard to break because until now, they had kept them safe and alive.

But Ben Sheehan was…different.

He was willful, disrespectful, defiant. He refused all kinds of therapies, he wouldn’t talk to nurses or social workers. The doctors were all at a loss and I couldn’t even consider bringing him home until we had a breakthrough.

The one and only time I had brought Timothy and Tabitha to meet him had ended in them running out of the room. Ben tried to follow and spit on them, and he spit out a line of curses that no eight year old should have known.

Hell, I wasn’t even sure I should have known them.

Slowly but surely we had his room stripped down at the hospital to only things that were bolted down: the bed, the dresser. The curtains had even been taken down and replaced with a cling film on the outside. He’d tried to make a rope out of the curtains and choke one of the orderlies.

The orderly had been a massive human, so there was no damage done, but…he’d still tried.

We’d tranquilized him more than once. Just to give everyone a break—including him. I felt guilty as hell, but the director and I had talked it out at length, and brought Fischer in to consult on the effects on his mind.

The rest it afforded far outweighed the small risks.

Ellie was the only one who could get him to listen, but it wasn’t her job to raise her brother, no matter how much she thought it was.

Still, there were a few times I’d brought her over to see if she could calm him down or get him to listen. It would work, for about a day. And then he would wind up all over again.

I needed to do some serious research on other cases like his.

I didn’t want to refer to the child we were planning on adopting as a case. I wanted to get through to him, to give him back what he lost in that house.

As much as I could.

“Forms,” I grumbled to no one.

I walked down the stairs to the basement. We’d set up a practice room for everyone when it became apparent that we were all going to be using swords in our secondary roles as…

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