Home > The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(54)

The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(54)
Author: Nicola May

‘Merry Christmas…Frosty the Snowman.’






Ritchie was zipping up Theo’s little blue anorak when the baby let out a noisy fart, causing all three of the little family to laugh.

‘He gets that from you.’ Titch shook her head then looked in the mirror and picked at her teeth. ‘Bloody raspberry pips in that Co-op jam.’

‘You are coming to see Rosa do her pitch, aren’t you?’ Ritchie asked.

‘What time is it starting again? Mum said to drop him at Auntie Betty’s, as she’s up there with her finishing off the wedding cake and will then come down to the event. When are you at work?’

‘I told you last night, I’m going in a bit later. Dad’s doing the prep for me. We have to support our mate.’ When Titch sighed, Ritchie kissed her gently on the cheek. ‘Are you all right, my little love? You seem a bit out of it.’

‘I’m just tired, that’s all – and we are getting married in three days in case you had forgotten.’

Ritchie put his long arms around her. ‘I thought we were all set.’

‘We kind of are,’ she replied. But it wasn’t the wedding that was causing her to feel such melancholy, it was the recollection that, even after Ritchie’s gentle persuasion that she bid for the shop, she had made the decision not to do so. Had made the decision to miss out on the chance of following her dreams and finding a secure home, somewhere that she, Ritchie and Theo and their pets could call their own.

At that moment, Saveloy and Mr Chips came scampering in from the kitchen and started to yap at their feet.

‘Come on, let’s hurry up and see if your mum and Bet will take these two furry monsters as well,’ Ritchie said, ‘and then we can get ringside seats for Rosa. You know how your mum and Bet dote on the lot of them.’ Secretly, he thought the two ladies wouldn’t get much done once their tiny charges arrived. ‘You’ll probably get the chance to fit in a kip yourself later, I reckon.’

‘Ooh yes, that sounds like the perfect plan.’

‘You should wear that new sparkly Christmas jumper of yours, seeing as it’s Christmas Eve and everything. Make yourself feel better.’

‘All right, but Ritchie?’

‘Yes, my Tinkerbell?’

‘Be an angel and change Theo’s nappy first, can you? I think he followed through with that fart of his.’ She threw one at her husband-to-be, causing the little wieners to try and catch it and start barking like crazy again. ‘And Ritchie?’

Her obedient fiancé, already starting to take off the anorak he’d just put on Theo, his soon-to-be adopted son, looked up at his pretty, blonde, cropped-haired lover. ‘Yes, She Who Must Be Obeyed?’

‘I bloody cannot wait to be able to call you my Husband.’






Christmas Eve and the Cockleberry Bay Village Hall had not seen so much activity since the adult version of the nativity play twenty-five years ago, when Joseph had outed his wife for having an affair with the Angel Gabriel; in his hurry to escape the humiliation, the latter got his wings caught in a wise man’s stick and fell off the stage, breaking his ankle.

The atmosphere was alive with anticipation. The hum of the early crowd reverberated around the old wooden structure. The village hall was now home to play groups, the local am-dram group, dance lessons, Sunday school, yoga and martial arts classes. There was also an underlying excitement from some of the youngsters and, if they were honest, some of the oldies too, since it was cold enough for snow. And snow was a rare occurrence in the south-west, let alone on Christmas Eve.

Sara and a happy-looking Nate were already doing a roaring trade in hot drinks and mince pies, which they were serving from the hatch at the back of the room. It was Rosa’s idea to do this and split the profits between all the afore-mentioned charities.

A subdued Danny was outside having a cigarette. After Rosa had explained that Nate was family, she had asked him to apologise, if he didn’t mind. She said she knew that he was only trying to protect her and the shop. Rosa had also briefed Nate and warned him that if it was all going to kick off again, to make sure they were well away from the village hall and the prying eyes of the press. Luckily, just a few words were expressed, and the currency of fists had been exchanged for what looked like Nate pushing something – which could well have been cash – into his back pocket. Honour among suspected thieves and all that. Rosa was hoping that the two of them would make good friends, now the score had been settled.

Barry Savage was sitting up on the stage being briefed by his assistant, Charlotte, his large stomach protruding in his bright red Christmas jumper. It made a refreshing change, Rosa thought, from his whiffy, loud-checked suit.

The only information that Rosa had given in advance was that they had already messaged the two contenders concerned to be there at 9 a.m., ready to go up on the stage and learn their fate. It seemed almost incredible that, in less than an hour, somebody else would be the proud owner of the Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay.

Charlotte had also thought it quite strange that Rosa had specifically requested a projector and screen so that she could show a few photos of the shop from back when Ned and Dottie had it, right up to the present day. It was radio, after all. The listeners wouldn’t benefit from it. However, being young and enthusiastic, the girl bought into it, agreeing that she would eventually link it up to the website as there would be a lot of people listening online too and they could be instructed to take a look in their own time; it would encourage those listening to the podcast to follow suit, too.

Alec had now joined Sara and Nate, so Josh went over to chat with his friends as Rosa made her way up onto the stage. Wham’s ‘Last Christmas’ was playing over the airwaves and some of the gathering crowd were singing along. The radio station had even lined up chairs in anticipation of a big crowd. Mary was sitting as far away as she could at the back, with Hot, who was being surprisingly good. Jacob and Raff were also near the back, looking on like proud parents. They knew how much this meant to Rosa and weren’t going to miss a minute. Rosa waved to them as Charlotte and Barry talked her through how the next half hour was going to work.

Scott Wilde and Kelly from the Gazette, phones on, were both recording live, ready to get another scoop in a national newspaper if they could, and Scott had already started snapping to make sure they got as many good photos as they could. Rosa glanced out at the crowd and suddenly noticed Bergamot swanning in and taking the seat that had her name on it, right at the front. With her lips as full and red as jelly ones and her red faux-fur coat, plus matching red locks cascading down her back, she looked like the Evil Fairy in Sleeping Beauty.

As the song started coming to an end, a breathless Ritchie appeared through the door, shepherding Titch to sit near the front. He winked at Rosa and stuck his long legs under the seat in front of him. Just as one of the producers started to shush the crowd, the back door opened noisily. An embarrassed Lucas came in and sat down at the back next to Mary, then, on catching Rosa’s eye, he smiled, then made a funny face and mouthed, ‘What the fuck?’ as he pointed to the back of DC Clarke’s head. The policeman was sitting in front of him with a woman whom he assumed was his wife.

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