Home > The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(57)

The Gift of Cockleberry Bay (Cockleberry Bay #3)(57)
Author: Nicola May

‘Ritchie Rogers, don’t you be getting all soppy on me too.’

The revellers then all made their way into the café, where Nate was busy overseeing getting the choir fed and watered, and making sure that the whole place was warm and cosy. Special wedding candles were on every table and a beautiful Christmas tree stood in the corner, with wedding gifts underneath that guests had dropped in earlier. Jacob and Raff, who’d had to work and were back at the Lobster Pot with the Duchess and the two pugs, had sent a huge, silver-wrapped gift with a photo of them all attached to it, with the message: Love and Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Rogers from the Lobster Pot.

Titch gaped in astonishment as she looked at the tables where red and green festive vases were full of bright yellow blooms. ‘Daffodils? How did you manage that? This is just too much.’

Rosa smiled. ‘No, what is too much is this bloody bridesmaid’s dress. It’s SO tight, I need to change out of it before I burst.’

Josh followed Rosa out the back. ‘Look at you undressing for me already.’ He stood behind his wife and kissed her neck. ‘Happy?’

‘So bloody happy. We can concentrate on us now, and me knowing that the shop is safe in Titch’s hands – well, it’s just the best scenario all round.’

‘I should never have doubted her,’ Josh said ruefully.

‘It’s all good. Look at me.’ Rosa stuck her stomach out. ‘I’ve never had a belly before.’

Josh leaned down and kissed it. ‘You’re beautiful inside and out, and this time next year we will have a little family of our own. I love you, Rosa Smith.’

‘And I love you too, but we’d better get out there, we’ve got a wedding to run.’

With the choir on a coach on their way back to Exeter and the guests tucking into the wedding gift from Ritchie’s parents of a hot fish-and-chip feast, Rosa wriggled along a bench beside Mary. ‘You OK, Mother?’

‘This is wonderful, darling. I am so proud of what you’ve achieved. In fact, I’m just proud to call you my daughter, full stop.’

Rosa tutted. ‘We’ve got a good thing going now, Mum, you and me. Now eat up and enjoy yourself.’

Mary put her fork down. ‘Rosa, about your dad.’

‘Not now.’ Rosa went to stand up.

Mary stayed her with her hand. ‘I met him. He says if and when you are ready, he will be there for you.’

Feeling a wave of emotion go straight to her throat, Rosa stood up and kissed her mother on the forehead, saying chokily, ‘That’s good, Mum, that’s great.’ She went outside to take in a breath of fresh cold air. Not realising that anyone else was out there, she stuck her tongue out to catch snowflakes, just as she used to do as a child.

‘Be careful where you’re sticking that,’ said an amused voice.

‘Well, I won’t be sticking it anywhere near you, Luke Hannafore, that’s for sure. Look at the trouble that caused.’ She smiled. ‘I didn’t realise you were joining us?’

‘I didn’t either, but I bumped into Titch the other day and she said to come down for drinks after the food if I wanted to. Seeing as I’m staying down here, I thought it would be good to start drumming up some business.’

‘Aw, that’s great news. So, will it be plumbing or will you be taking the helm at the Ship again?’

‘Tom and I have chatted, and we’ve decided to turn the old pub into a boutique hotel. Mum left us a pretty packet, so we can do it up for a high-end market. I also got talking to that Danny fellow, with the scar, in the Lobster Pot the other day. He’s one of us, Rosa. He’s all right. Handy by the sound of it, in more ways than one.’ They both laughed in understanding. ‘He’s going to help me do it up and I’m sure I will find a job for him when it’s done. Him and his son can have a room there. Genius, actually.’

‘That’s brilliant news, and relieves my slight guilt about him not getting the shop.’

‘Oh, shut up, Rosa. You know and I know it had to go to Titch. It was obvious.’

‘Don’t be a smartarse. Where’s your new girlfriend, anyway? Is she coming down?’

‘Nah, she’s working tonight.’

‘But it’s Christmas.’

‘She’s a copper.’

Rosa, now shivering slightly, opened her eyes wide. ‘You with a policewoman?’

‘Yes, she’s fit. You met her. She was in the room when you were being questioned that day.’

While Rosa took this in, Josh appeared at the door. He acknowledged Lucas, then putting his arm around Rosa, he ushered her inside. ‘Come on you, it’s freezing out here.’

Rosa winked at Lucas and dutifully followed her husband inside. She then went through to the kitchen, where Nate was busily hand-drying glasses and putting them on trays.

‘All right, bruv?’ she said in a comical voice. ‘How’s it going?’

‘All good. You know I love working here. I’m in my element.’ He stopped what he was doing, wiped his hands, then placed them on Rosa’s shoulders. ‘I have to thank you, sis.’

‘For what?’

‘For not showing me a red card straight away, even when I was acting like a complete arse.’

‘You can’t kid a–’

‘Kidder.’ Nate finished her sentence.

‘This isn’t really the time,’ Rosa went on, ‘but, well, I’ve had a chat with Sara and found out that she’s ready to hang up her apron.’ Nate stood back and looked at Rosa quizzically as she continued, ‘She wants to pursue some of her art projects. So, er, we were wondering if maybe you’d like to work here full-time? I’ll be part-time overseeing things, but with a baby on the way I need someone I can trust to run the business.’

Nate ran his hands through his curly brown locks. ‘Are you serious?’

Rosa nodded. Seeing her brother’s face so full of love for her and lit up with excitement at the challenge of running ROSA’S, made her feel warm inside.

‘That is possibly the best Christmas present I have ever had – and yes, of course, I would love to take it on.’

Hot, Saveloy, Mr Chips and Theo were now all causing chaos. The bridegroom rounded them all up, then stepped back as Titch briefed Ben, Theo’s real dad, and Ben’s stunning new girlfriend on baby and dogs, and as planned, the young couple left with their noisy charges and headed back to Alec’s place, where they would all spend the night. Hot, of course, was to stay and carry on running around under everyone’s feet until the last reveller was ready to leave.

‘All sorted?’ Ritchie kissed his new wife on the cheek.

‘I’m a bit worried,’ Titch admitted, ‘but Ben is a doctor so I’m sure he won’t panic about anything.’

‘He’s only up the road, it will all be fine. Now come here, you.’ Ritchie pulled his new wife into him and squeezed her tightly. ‘Mrs Rogers, I do presume.’

‘Speech, speech!’ a few shouted from the tables as they noted the happy couple in a warm embrace.

‘OK. OK. You noisy lot.’ Ritchie lifted a glass of champagne from the counter. ‘Firstly to my wife. My love, my best friend, the brilliant mother to our amazing Theo, and the magnificent new owner of the Corner Shop in Cockleberry Bay. My wife!’

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