Home > Faith (Wolves of Walker County #3)(46)

Faith (Wolves of Walker County #3)(46)
Author: Kiki Burrelli

This didn't feel like a jealousy thing. If that had been the only emotion rolling off Wyatt, I would've continued and faced the consequences later. His eyes tilted with worry, though. He didn't think this was safe.

We agreed.

But before I could close the link, I felt a surge of energy. It wasn't overwhelmingly powerful as it would have been if I'd taken too much too fast, but it felt… eager. The energy burst from Alpha Walker, but I didn't bring it in. I'd never attempted to pull energy but not consume it, and I couldn't be sure if this was a new ability or one I'd always had but never had cause to use.

I sensed Alpha's energy in the air between us. It wasn't visible, but it was present, lingering like fog on a windless day. Distracted by this new sense, I blocked out the bickering that still continued and pulled Alpha Walker's energy closer to me.

It obeyed like a well-trained dog, hovering suspended in the air. Curiosity had my mind opening. I took a taste, psychically spitting it out the moment after. I would have spit it out even if I hadn't made a promise to Wyatt. Alpha Walker's energy tasted wrong. I wondered how I'd missed that before when I'd knocked him out in the bar, but then, he'd been with several other shifters. The overload had been so intense, I hadn't been able to taste the difference.

I could now, and Alpha Walker's energy wasn't anything that I wanted in my body.

A sharp shout brought my attention outside of myself, and I finally saw that Alpha Walker wasn't standing as straight as he'd been. He rested heavily on Delia's arm, sweat beading his forehead. Because I'd taken his energy?

I closed my eyes and pushed, hoping I could return it as easily as I'd drawn it out. This was another thing I'd never tried, but the energy obeyed, absorbing back into its host and ridding me of its bitter aftertaste.

"The celebration is over," Alpha Walker announced. He turned, stumbling as he walked. "Go to your homes."

The shifters in his pack surrounded him, likely sensing something had made him weaker, shuffling around him as he made his way slowly back up the path.

"Kansas?" Wyatt asked.

"I put it back," I said. I had a lot more to say about what I'd sensed before I'd put Alpha Walker's energy back, but this wasn't the place for that discussion.

"I didn't know you could do that," Wyatt said, watching Alpha Walker stumble in the other direction.

"I didn't either."

Drawn closer by the commotion, I easily heard Jeb speak to Paul. "I didn't know your leaders were so frail. Our Alpha will be interested in hearing that." He didn't wait for Paul's response before turning and walking in the other direction.

I wasn't sure Paul could respond. He'd lingered back while everyone else had accompanied Alpha Walker. Paul's face went white.

The only people who still remained in the muddy yard were the people I'd come here with, Paul, and Julie. Nana had returned with Alpha Walker. Her arm looked to be the only one he would rely on for support.

"It's almost as if having every pack in the country focusing on us will somehow blow up in their faces," Aver said with no small amount of sarcasm.

"Good. I hope they face consequences for their scheming," Branson shot back.

The four cousins were like chained dragons: capable of so much but restrained by circumstance. Not being in control of the situation wasn't sitting well with any of them.

"Except, if another pack moves in and takes control here, we'll just be in the same trouble as where we started." Aver couldn't have been any clearer about their intentions. None of them were actually considering joining this pack. Today's steps had been taken to give them more time to figure out how to solve the situation they'd found themselves in.

"What are we supposed to do when a new pack tries to move in?" Phineas asked.

That didn't seem to be a question that any of them had an answer for.

"I know what we should do now. Get the fuck out of here," Nash said, pulling Phin so tightly to the side of his body that his feet didn't touch the ground. Nash never readjusted, choosing instead to carry Phineas back to the car.

At least Wyatt let me walk, with his hand tightly around mine. One look at his face told me that we'd be talking about what I'd done the moment we got home.


Wyatt didn't end up asking me to explain. By the time we got home, everyone was so drained, we'd split off, retreating to our own private areas. I stayed with Wyatt, but after a quick snack, he'd insisted on bed.

And I wouldn't ever say no to the feeling of Wyatt holding me through the night.

We were well into our morning routine, first breakfast, then showers—or shower, if we didn't have any place to be that morning—and I'd just finished feeding Mr. Boots before Wyatt lifted his face and found my gaze. "So… last night…"

He wasn't trying to pussyfoot around his point more as it seemed he was having to hold himself back. The lines around his eyes and mouth weren't angry, but they were there because he was restraining himself so much.

"I didn't eat it."

His brow furrowed, and his mouth turned down. "You drew from him without eating it? I saw your face, Kansas, I know that you took from him."

"No!" I understood his expression better now. "It was so strange, Wyatt. His energy practically leapt at me—it couldn't wait to spring from his body. But I didn't consume it, both because I promised you I wouldn't and I didn't want to, not until we know how it would affect the baby." I swallowed, unsure exactly how to express what I wanted to. "I tasted it. That's something I've never done too. I mean, I can taste energy, but only when I eat it. His was… he tasted…"

"I'm not sure I want to know how my grandfather tastes." Wyatt's lips twisted into a scowl.

"No, you probably don't, but I don't have anyone else to talk to about this." Before, I would've only had Mr. Boots, and somehow, I didn't think his sole company would ever satisfy me as it once had.

He sat us both down on the couch, holding both my hands on his knees. "You're right, I'm sorry. That was immature and selfish. What did he taste like?"

"Not good." I shook my head. "I don't mean unappetizing but off. Like there was something wrong."

Wyatt released one of my hands to push his through his hair. He hadn't cut it since I'd met him, and his black waves were longer and wavier. "Different than before?"

"I don't know. It didn't stick out to me before, but then, that burst of power had been so overwhelming, I was surprised my head wasn't in pieces."

He frowned, not liking what he heard.

"After, I pushed it back. I'm only now thinking how that should've put a spring in his step. Maybe it doesn't work the same when I replace power as it does when I consume theirs."

"Okay." He nodded. "I understand."

"You aren't mad?"

"No." He shook his head. His green eyes sparkled as he pulled me into a hug. "I was never mad, Kansas, not at you. But worried. If you need to pull from someone and I'm not around or you don't want me for some other reason, you can, if you ask them first and they agree. I don't ever want to put limitations on you. I'm sorry about what I said first."

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