Home > Glass Heart Savage(39)

Glass Heart Savage(39)
Author: Lindsey Iler

I feel out of place in these stands without Delaney. Why is she mad at me? What could have possibly happened between earlier to now? Breaker. Dammit. What have they done?

Marek stills before setting his helmet on the turf next to him and grips the collar of his uniform, holding a stance that screams intense power.

I glance around the stands and notice everyone is watching him. Awe and admiration are something boys like Marek are used to. They’re entitled to it simply by a birthright or earned from an easy dominance. He isn’t just the king on campus. He rules the field, too.

“Your boy toy is looking for a little attention.” Delaney releases a humorless laugh. “Why don’t you go tell him more about my parents’ divorce? Would you like the incriminating photos for your little show and tell next time?” She shoves past me, stomping down the steps and through the corridor that leads to the bathrooms and concession stands.

My jaw falls slack as I glance between Marek and my best friend. What has he done? Like he knows I’m searching for him, his eyes slip to mine. I’m the wounded baby zebra, and he’s the hungry lion.

He plants his feet and lifts a finger, motioning someone forward. No. No. I shake my head, and a cocky smile spreads across his face. I focus my attention on my Converses.

“I think he’s talking to you,” the man in front of me says. “I doubt that young boy is calling me forward.” My fate is settled, and this guy knows it as much as I do.

I shift my gaze up, and sure as shit, he’s pointing at me and then the turf at his feet. This isn’t the first time Marek has made demands, and every time, I falter, proving who is in control.

“Now!” he mouths with an authority no one his age should have. It’s too much power.

I take a deep breath and move my feet before I can convince myself it’s a horrible idea. Every step I take, I witness someone in the student section fluttering their attention between Marek and me. Anything is better than standing next to my best friend and feeling the hatred rolling off her like waves.

“Whore,” a girl spews as I pass.

Ignoring the mean words is becoming rather easy at this point. I want to yell at them, make them understand I’m not going to him for my own enjoyment. If Delaney is mad at me about something, he’s the reason why.

Marek’s officially gained everyone’s attention. At the bottom step, I scan the area, unsure about how to get onto the field without jumping over the metal barricade between the team and the fans. Marek must see my panic because he gestures for me to go around. At the gate, Breaker stands with the gate wide open.

I still at his side, not bothering to look him in the eyes. “Whatever your game is with Delaney, Breaker . . .”

“Loose lips sink ships, and yours”— Breaker runs the pad of his thumb over my mouth— “sunk the only one that was still in your fleet.”

He shoves his hand into my back, forcing me into the lion’s den. The lock clicks behind me, giving me no choice but to finish this embarrassing and unnecessary walk.

Once I’m in front of Marek, he bites the corner of his lip, tipping his head in this sexy way that has my blood warming, spreading to my cheeks.

“You’re late,” he states, gripping his jersey-covered pads.

“Didn’t know I was being watched.” I shuffle, kicking at the turf.

I could ask him flat out what they did to make Delaney hate me, but I know better. Marek isn’t going to tell me shit. Silence is his best weapon. What he needs me to know is that he had something to do with it.

He bends at the knee, forcing us eye-to-eye. “Let’s get something straight. I’m always watching.”

“What do you need, Marek? I came to the game. That’s all you demanded.” I wave my hand in Delaney’s general direction. “And thanks to you guys, I have damage control to do. Is this the plan, to isolate me more than I already am?”

“You didn’t have to come, Palmer. You do have free will, right?” He ignores the mention of the games I know he’s playing.

“I’m starting to doubt that the more time I spend in your presence.”

“Well, do you see the score?” His eyes flick to the scoreboard and back to me. “We lost the first half because of you.”

“You haven’t lost yet.” How is a tied score a loss or my fault? I shake my head in confusion. “I have no say over your team’s ability to beat these guys.”

“If you aren’t winning and making your opponent wish they were anywhere else except lined up against you, then you’ve lost.” He’s domineering and relentless. Too proud.

“Please, tell me again how this is my fault.” I circle my finger around the field.

Marek jabs his hand at the bleachers, his movements sharp and littered with anger. “You not being in the stands threw my game off.” A voice like his can be so soothing at times, but right now, I’m startled at the pissed-off tone.

“How did you manage to survive every other game before me, huh?” My clenched fists dig into my hips. Standing my ground may be senseless, but I refuse to back down.

“I didn’t know what I was missing then, Palmer.” His aggression is surprisingly replaced with sudden sincerity.

Marek searches my eyes, then leans forward, caressing his lips against mine. I freeze, unsure what he expects from me, after everything.

“What was that for?” I pull back, eyes wide with my unfiltered surprise.

“For showing up, even when it killed you.”

“Whatever, Marek. I don’t live in riddles like you do.” I turn my back and stomp back towards the stands.

A loud clap rings through the stadium, followed by an instant searing pain on my ass cheek. I twist to see Marek shaking the sting out of his hand from the pain he’s inflicted on me.

“Don’t ever let their insecurities masked in beauty make you feel any less than, Palmer.”

How does he know? Could he see my fear and uncertainty of being swallowed up by the crowd? Does he sense how lost I feel in places like this stadium without the protection of my big sister?

“More riddles, Marek!”

When I hit the gate, Breaker opens it, too happy to let me back through.

“I’ll be waiting for you to solve them all!” Marek shouts once I’m back in my seat, drawing even more attention to me. He shifts his helmet into place, but his grin shines through the face mask.

“What the hell was that all about? Did he just kiss you?” Now Delaney’s talking to me. She rambles off twenty more questions that I ignore because I’m too busy watching Marek on the field.

He steps out of the huddle, allowing his eyes to catch me in the stands, before taking his position on the field. I know nothing about the sport, except there’s tackling involved and everyone fighting over one ball.

“I never took you as a whore and a backstabber.” Delaney crosses her arms over her chest, closing herself off from me.

“You do realize I didn’t do anything, right?” I lean forward. She jolts back like I’ve slapped her.

“You were the only one who knew, Palmer.” Because maturity is always hard for any of us in a fight, Delaney makes the sophomore beside her trade seats.

If she wants to believe the lies, then there’s nothing I can do to change her mind at this point. Once the dust settles, she’ll be more reasonable.

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