Home > Glass Heart Savage(40)

Glass Heart Savage(40)
Author: Lindsey Iler

Much like the rest of the world, Delaney has forgiven everything we know for certain about the boys. They’ve done unthinkable things, spread rumors and lies, not to mention, they’ve cranked up their intimidation. Marek has taken advantage of my body, tried to lure me in, only to push me back into the dirt.

Whatever they’ve done, they’ve turned my last lifeline against me.

But why? I wonder, lost among the cheers around me.

Marek catches a long pass from our quarterback, effortlessly plucking it from the sky and tucking it close to his body to run it to the end of the field. The crowd chants his praises as he holds up the game ball in celebration, pointing it directly at me.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest. Marek’s actions and words leave me confused and uncertain. Nothing he says or does lines up with the events of our falling out. I shouldn’t be in the stands, smiling at this prick, and in no world does it make sense for him to be entertaining me in any capacity. Yet, here we are.

Everything about this feels like a set-up. I’ve fallen for his charm before.

As soon as the clock ticks down to zero, I apologize to Delaney for ditching the after party. Breaker guards the gate like a rabid watch dog. I turn in the opposite direction and slink away without being noticed, anticipating the comfort of my fluffy pajamas and watching a sappy romantic comedy.

I pull my phone out and dial my best friend’s number. My call goes straight to voice mail. Three unanswered texts later, I realize she doesn’t want to hear from me. I won’t give up. Whatever trick these assholes have pulled on Delaney, I’ll find a way to fix it.

Halfway to the dorms, I realize how dark campus is this time of night. Unease slithers through me. Without the lights of the stadium, seclusion doesn’t seem as good of an idea. I glance over my shoulder to see the faint glow of the football field.

Fear will not defeat me, so I press on. A few feet down the sidewalk, a large figure appears between two huge oak trees.

Fight or flight.

Every nerve in my body screams at my brain to run, to get far away from this situation. The only problem is, my legs won’t move, my feet cemented to the pathway where the dark waits for me.

Dressed in black from head to toe, the person steps forward until we have only a foot between us. I lean down, hoping to see who it is, but something from a horror movie covers his face. In a desperate attempt, I reach for the mask but come up short, grabbing his collar instead. My fingers tangle around a silver necklace, nicking the sensitive skin when I jerk my hand away. The unique braided strands are unlike anything I’ve seen.

“You’ll do just fine.” The deep rattle in the man’s voice sends goose bumps on a chase over my skin until I’m covered.

His hands snatch my wrists, propelling me forward. Everything becomes a blur of moments, divided by my screams and my fists connecting to the stranger’s body. I try to grab his mask, to pull it away and reveal who’s determined to hurt me.

He’s far stronger than me, hoisting me up and over his shoulder. I kick and flail until my body slips. One good strike gets me dropped in the dirt alley between two buildings.

My assailant kicks me in the ribs. Instincts have me balling up, folding into myself as my only means of protection.

“HEY!” The authoritative yell causes the man hellbent on hurting me to pause before lifting his boot and slamming it into my ribs again. The sounds of struggle reach me, but damn if I’m checking.

“Not so tough anymore, are you, asshole?”

I roll onto my back, the immense pain in my ribs a good reminder of how bad this could have ended. Pain blurs my vision, and when a fuzzy face appears in front of me, I scream until I gain focus.

“I didn’t know it was you,” Dixon says, offering me his hand.

“And if you did, what?” When he yanks me to my feet, pain rips through my ribs. One of them has to be broken. “You honestly would’ve let him do what he wanted with me?”

“I may have let him get a couple extra kicks in.” He grins like he’s actually proud of himself.

“Fucking asshole,” I whisper and shake my head, lifting my shirt to inspect the damage. A large bruise covers my right side. Steel-toed boots will do that. “What have I ever done to you?”

“You’re clouding his mind, and when Marek sets his eyes on something, he doesn’t stop. So do us all a favor and don’t play into his game. You both will be better off for it.”

“Is this some sort of warning?” I hiss.

“It’s like you get off on him being cruel to you.” He circles on me so quick I have no time to prepare myself for his chest to bump against mine. “You’re not meant to enjoy his punishments, and yet, every chance you get, you step in front of him like a platter of the most decadent desserts. You need to learn our boy has a sweet tooth.”

Dixon turns his back and walks away, not asking if I’m okay or if I need help. This doesn’t surprise me. His eyes are dead. He worries only about those he deems worthy, and I’m not high on that list, if I’m on it at all.

I pull out my phone and limp through campus. Delaney doesn’t answer my call. She’d come running if she did. When I can’t take the pain any longer, I dial another number, one I haven’t used since I found Reed’s apartment covered in blood.

“Glass Heart Academy security, how can I help you?” The soft voice is like music to my ears.

“I’ve been attacked,” I say.

“Ma’am, did I hear you correctly, you’ve been attacked?” The operator repeats my words to me.

“I’m at the steps in front of the administration building.” I rub my thumb over my lip and pull it back to find blood spread across it. “I may have some broken ribs and a busted lip. Could you please send someone?”

“Of course.” Her voice is tender and thoughtful. “May I ask who I’m speaking to?”

“Palmer Weston. I’m a student in the senior class.”

Her quiet gasp tells me she knows who I am. I don’t know why I’m surprised campus security recognizes me as Reed’s sister. Our name is known outside of campus. Georgina’s death has brought back talk of the other cases. Everyone in town has heard the stories, seen the reports. Old blips of my parents offering cash to anyone who has information regarding my sister have been replayed again and again.

“Yes, of course. Miss Weston, if you’d like, I can stay on the phone with you.”

At her kindness, the dam breaks, and tears stream down my cheeks. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

On the steps of the dean’s office building, I cry with a complete stranger listening in on my worst hell.

My attacker’s voice haunts my thoughts. You’ll do just fine. What does that mean? For the first two years at Glass Heart, I felt safe and untouched. This last year has proven how naïve that idea is. Darkness seems to loom over our campus, a secret closing in the walls on us.

How else would the disappearance of girls on campus be explained? Georgina Matthews’ body, mangled and bloody in the forest. Sarah. Jessica. Molly. My sister all but vanished, leaving nothing but her DNA covering her dorm. Combined, these things have been leading up to this moment.

Call it intuition, call it a premonition, but something is happening on campus behind closed doors.

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