Home > Bury Me with Lies (Twin Lies #2)(89)

Bury Me with Lies (Twin Lies #2)(89)
Author: S.M. Soto

Love drips from my heart like it’s been submerged in an ocean filled with other prospective souls. Baz claims me—mind, body, and soul—all night. I never had a doubt in my mind that I wasn’t his.

Once we’re lying there, out of breath, with sweat-slicked skin, he pulls me into his arms, and that’s where I fall asleep, my body wrapped around his.

No doorbell ringing.

No fear.

No sadness.

No missing him.

This is what I’ve been missing. And I’m not ready to let it go.



I’ve been wearing this goofy smile all day, and it’s all thanks to Baz. It’s been two days that I’ve had the pleasure of sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around me and no unwanted visitors. Things feel like they’re slowly aligning by having Baz here. Ava seems to enjoy having him around, too. He watched TV with her last night before she fell asleep, and as I stood out in the hallway, listening in, I could hear them talking about swimming and drawing, both things she’s suddenly become obsessed with, and my heart filled to the brim with happiness.

Since Baz has a meeting at The Den tonight, he sent one of his security guards from the resort to sit out in a car in front of my house, in case anything happens while he’s gone. I know it’s just an extra precaution because he’s worried, but I’m hoping that means it’s over and done with. It’s been radio silence here at night, and no sign of anyone creeping near the house with the cameras.

I’m about to hop in the shower but jerk to an abrupt halt when there are two startling, aggressive bangs on the front door. I drop my towel and run into the bedroom, reaching for my phone. I open the app, and I let out a whimper when I don’t see anyone there. I run into Ava’s room and find her stirring in bed. Obviously, the sound was loud enough to wake her. She rubs at her bleary eyes, confusion written all over her face. Pulling her into my arms, I dial Baz, my heart pounding violently, causing my body to tremble. He answers on the first ring.

“What’s wrong?”

“Someone’s banging on the—” A shriek tears from my lips as the doorbell rings this time.

“I’m scared,” Ava says quietly, emotion thickening her voice.

“I’m on my way. Call the police right now, Mackenzie, understand me?”

“But what about your security guard?”

“I’ll worry about him. Just call the police.”

After he hangs up, I dial 911 and relay what’s happening. Ava clutches onto me, and she jerks, crying out when the pounding starts again on the front door. My eyes slam shut, and my bottom lip trembles, fear capsizing me. I lift Ava into my arms, and I hurry into my bedroom with her. I shut the door behind us and lock it. Grabbing the knife from the other night out of my sock drawer, I set it on the end table near my bed, just as a precaution. I grip her little body against me, flinching when the doorbell rings next.

Whoever it is, they’re toying with me, alternating between banging on the door and ringing the doorbell. I count down in my head, praying the sound of sirens will come soon. Whoever it is out there is only able to get in one more banging attempt before they’re gone. Ava’s little hands dig into me. She buries her face in my chest, and I squeeze her against me, not sure how else to comfort her. Relief surges through me when I hear the sirens, before I see the lights fill the screen of the cameras.

Tossing my phone onto the bed, I pull back just enough, so I can look down at Ava. “I need to go down there and talk to the police. I know you’re scared, but I promise, you’re okay.” She still clings to me, obviously too shaken to let go, so I take her out with me, knowing damn well, if I were her, I wouldn’t want a grown-up to leave me either.

When I open the front door, two officers are already heading up the walkway. Some of the fear ebbs away when I see Baz speaking to a separate squad car. Even Dan is here. With Ava still clutched around me for dear life, I go over what happened and show the camera footage to the police. We talk about possible suspects and who might want to toy with me. I know a few who might, but I don’t tell the police that. That’s a whole other can of worms I’m not sure I’m ready to open.

When Baz and Dan are finished talking to the police, I pace the living room, waiting for answers. Ava fell asleep sometime during the chaos, and I took her to bed, tucking her in. I left her door open, in case she woke up, still afraid.

“What happened to the security guard? How didn’t he notice?”

Baz’s lips thin into a grim line, and he shares a look with Dan. “He thought he saw someone sneaking around back, so he followed. The person took him on a wild goose chase, purposely drawing him out, so you’d be left alone. That means there’s not one, but two.”

My stomach clenches. “Two people? Is it…?” I’m too afraid to finish that sentence. It’s the only logical explanation.

“I thought so, at first, but Jase says the person he spotted out back looked like a kid, not a grown man. Same as the footage. When you look at it, do you see any of them?”

My stomach sours even further because, no, I don’t. The person on video doesn’t look tall enough to be any of them, but if that’s the case, who is it, and what do they want?

I fall back onto the couch, and Baz follows, pulling me into the security of his arms.

“I’m staying here until we get this figured out.”

Pulling back the slightest bit, I meet his gaze. “What about work and the resort?”

“That can wait. You’re more important. Both of you are.”

Pressing a kiss against his lips, I soak him in. His strength, his surety. At least one good thing has come out of this—having him here.


Things have somewhat gone back to normal since having Baz around. We’ve found a routine, and dare I say, we feel like a family. Albeit, a very strange, screwed-up family, but having him around just feels right.

Ava asked me last night, before Baz left on a business trip, if he was going to live with us now. I wasn’t sure how to answer that question. Have I thought about it? Yes. But after everything, it feels premature to have him in our space so soon. Not to mention, she’s still adjusting. I don’t want to risk bringing Baz into our life if he isn’t going to stick around.

I gave her the simplest answer I could muster, skirting the truth. Baz and I were friends, and he was staying here to make sure we were okay. That was all there was to it.

For now, at least.

When I’m the next one in the pickup line for Ava, she opens the door and climbs into the car.

“How was school today?” I ask, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

She shrugs, tossing her backpack next to her, before buckling herself in. “It was fun. We got to play a scrimmage soccer game with the other classes, and we had ice cream for good attendance.”

I shoot her a smile, glad she had a good day. “That’s awesome, babe!”

I pull out of the parking lot and head home. We’re about halfway there when she asks me a question that has my stomach dropping. A cool sweat seeps from my pores.

“Who’s Zach?”

I swing a look over my shoulder, panic written all over my face. “What? Why would you ask that?”

“I met a man at school who said his name is Zach. He said he’s a friend of yours.”

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