Home > Deadly Surrender (The Serafina Sin City #5)(33)

Deadly Surrender (The Serafina Sin City #5)(33)
Author: Katie Reus

Now it was back to reality, but she felt good to be driving her own car again, especially since it was free of bullet holes now. Logan had dropped her off and she’d be meeting him in a few hours to do a belated Christmas with his family.

She was still trying to wrap her mind around everything, including the fact that Brister had come down to Vegas with the sole purpose of killing Logan. And clearly he hadn’t cared who got in his way. Least of all her, some random woman.

She was still angry that he’d tracked them using her cell phone. It kind of surprised her that he had the technological sense to do it, since he was older and a rancher, but that was what she got for making assumptions. She wouldn’t have the first clue about how to track somebody.

It seemed like an eternity and not a month since sleeping with Logan that first time, and then all the insanity of Brister trying to kill them. And…as she pulled up to a stoplight, she realized something disturbing. Quickly, she started doing math in her head and realized that she hadn’t had her period for over a month. Wait, no, that couldn’t be right.

No way, it couldn’t be that long… But yes, she’d had it before Thanksgiving and now it was after Christmas. Ice crept along her veins as reality sank in.

It didn’t mean anything. She’d been under a lot of stress, to put it mildly.

Still… When the light turned green, she took a right instead of a left and drove to the nearby CVS. Even though she felt silly grabbing a pregnancy test, she did it anyway.

She and Logan had used condoms. So very many of them. A ridiculous amount, in fact. But sometimes life happened.

She grabbed a bottle of water as well and started chugging it on the way home. By the time she’d made it home, she couldn’t ignore the pressure in her bladder and hurried to the bathroom, test in hand.

It didn’t matter that she told herself she was making a big deal out of this, that she’d just wasted fifteen dollars. She still had to check.

Just in case.



Chapter 20



Grace fought the nausea swelling through her as she knocked on Logan’s front door. This was so much different than the last time she’d been here. Even though they were safe from that lunatic Brister, she now had a whole other issue to deal with. One she was going to put off talking about until later.

For a brief second she thought about turning and running away like a coward but the door swung open before she could.

Logan stood there, wonderful Logan with a big smile, and he immediately pulled her into a hug. “I’m glad you’re here.” He kissed her soundly on the mouth before stepping back and tugging her inside.

Breathless and still nervous, she managed to smile. She’d come by tonight to celebrate Christmas the day after with his family, but she just wanted to curl up under her covers and not come out. She’d said she would be here though, and if she’d canceled, Logan would have worried—and would have likely checked on her. “I’m glad to be here,” she said, injecting happiness in her voice even though her mind was a chaotic mess.

He narrowed his gaze slightly. “Grace—”

“Grace!” Taylor came bounding in with a pointed, green-and-red-striped elf hat on. “You’ve got to try this eggnog!”

The thought of eggnog made her want to puke. Actually, the thought of anything did. Maybe that pregnancy test was a mistake. It had to be, right? They’d used so many damn condoms. She simply couldn’t be pregnant. Even though panic swelled, she shoved it down for now. She could get through dinner and then she would handle her emotions at home. And try to process them.

“I would love some hot tea.” Maybe that would settle her nerves.

“Yeah, I heard you guys got into the champagne yesterday,” Taylor said, pulling her into a tight hug. “I’ve missed you!”

Despite herself she laughed lightly. “I haven’t even been gone that long.”

“I know, but I missed talking on the phone, texting, and we had all those plans to go to the movies and do fun classes.”

“We’ll definitely catch up on those, I promise.” She still had a few days before school started back up, and right now all she could think about was seeing her doctor.

Logan curled his arm around her shoulders. “Come on, everyone’s waiting on the back patio. They’ve got a stack of presents for us out there.”

“Us?” she asked, looking up at him. God, how was he going to react if this was really happening? They’d only just solidified their relationship. This was something neither of them were ready for.

“Oh yeah, my parents got you presents too.”

“I feel a little bad—I didn’t get them anything.”

“It doesn’t matter, trust me. They’re just happy we’re here.”

Even though she was fighting stupid nerves in her belly, she pulled a present out of her purse for him. “I got this for you. It’s not a huge deal or anything—”

“Don’t do that. Whatever it is, it’s amazing.” He plucked it from her hand, his eyes searching hers.

She had put a lot of thought into it. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to love it.”

He started to respond, then they stepped outside onto the patio and he hadn’t been kidding. There was a stack of presents on the table and everybody was sitting around the stone fire pit near the pool. Both his parents stood when they saw her and she suddenly found herself enveloped in hugs by everyone, including Roman. The whole thing brought up another swell of emotions and she had to shove them all back again.

“We’re so happy you guys are out of the woods. I can only imagine how terrifying that must have been for you,” Logan’s mom said, dragging Grace toward the chair right next to her.

Logan swooped in before she could sit and sat down instead, tugging her into his lap.

She felt somewhat more settled in his arms, but she didn’t like keeping this from him. It was just one test and might not mean anything. It could easily be a mistake—it wasn’t like she had any symptoms—but it was all she could focus on even as she responded to Logan’s mom that yes, things had been terrifying.

“First I have to open this present from Grace,” Logan said, changing the subject and quieting everyone down.

She hated being the center of attention but everyone stared at them as he opened the envelope. When he saw what was inside, his eyes widened.

“You don’t have to take me or anything,” she murmured. “I just knew you really wanted to go.”

He kissed her soundly on the mouth, stealing her breath for a moment. Just like that, the tension melted out of her for a few blissful seconds.

“This is awesome!” Roman said as he grabbed the tickets. “Tickets to O by Cirque du Soleil. How did you get front-row seats? This is always sold out.”

“One of the teachers I work with. Her husband has an in and he hooked me up.”

“Thank you,” Logan murmured, kissing her again. “And I’m definitely taking you.”

His words warmed her up from the inside out.

“Present time!” Taylor grabbed two bags from the table and handed them to Grace and Logan.

As she opened the presents from his parents, more warmth spread through her even as it mixed with fear. Because if she was really pregnant, it would ruin everything. She and Logan had been building to something wonderful. She loved him. But…this changed everything. It was one thing to be ready for a relationship, but something entirely different to be ready for parenthood. That was…too much.

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