Home > The Marriage Pact Mistake(29)

The Marriage Pact Mistake(29)
Author: Julia Keanini

"It's been a long morning. And I hate mornings," I said with a grin, trying to lighten my mood. Because in that moment, I realized this trip could go one of two ways.

I could worry about what was coming in three days, the truth I was going to tell Easton and the choice he was going to make. And the possibility that he still might not choose me, even after knowing everything.

Or I could live it up. Enjoy this last hurrah. I was going on a trip with my best friend and the man I loved. Our dream trip.

I decided I wanted to choose the latter. Even if that would only compound my heartbreak after this was all said and done. Because in three short days, we would have to face reality. Whether we would continue in this dream-like state or whether Easton would go back to his wedding. The second thought had me on the verge of panic, but I refused to feel that way. Especially if this was the last time Easton and I would spend together … just the two of us.

So for now, as immature and maybe stupid as it was, I wanted to live in this dream world of just me and Easton. No more wedding talk, no more talk of the future. I wanted to enjoy the here and now because who knew what a few days would bring. Maybe even Easton walking out of my life. My stomach turned.

"Come here," Easton said as he propped the pillow the airline had left on our seats on his shoulder. He patted the pillow, indicating I should lean on him. And since I'd just resolved to enjoy myself, I did it. Nestled against Easton's strong arm, I tried to fall asleep. But my ramped up heart wouldn't let me. This was where I belonged. Right by Easton's side. Couldn't he feel it?

I looked up to see his eyes were closed as he leaned back in his own seat. He had a peaceful smile on his face, and I wondered what had put it there. Maybe me?

I let myself think that as I took in everything that was Easton. His solid security beside me. The scent of spice, soap and a hint of something sweet. Probably mint, since the guy loved his gum. The low thrumming of his breath hitting my ears, thanks to how close we were. My senses were completely enveloped in Easton, my own personal heaven.

My heart must have calmed enough for me to finally sleep because before I knew it, the pilot was telling us we were about to land in San Francisco.

I opened my eyes to see that Easton had probably been awake for a while if the level that he'd reached on the game on his phone was any indication.

"Sorry," I said as I sat up and left the warmth of his shoulder. "I didn't mean to monopolize your arm the whole flight."

Easton grinned. "Best flight of my life, Jos," he said, and then he turned back to his game.

I swallowed. He couldn't just say things like that and then go back to what he was doing. Didn't he know those kinds of declarations changed my world? Best flight of his life? What did that mean? He'd flown with Priscilla countless times, and yet this one flight of just the two of us was better than all of those? Or maybe the plane had made for a smooth ride? Maybe it was a compliment to the pilot and not me? WHAT DID EASTON MEAN?

I was already failing at this plan to forget about the future, but I figured I could only try my best. Besides, I was still enjoying myself. My nap on Easton's arm would be a memory that stayed with me until I was old and gray.

Sometime during my thoughts, the plane must’ve landed because Easton squeezed by me to grab our bags and handed mine to me before we made our way off the plane.

"So what do you think about exploring the city for today?" Easton asked as we walked down the gangplank with dozens of others from our flight.

"Staying in San Francisco?" I asked.

Easton nodded. "We're only doing the one climb, and that's planned for tomorrow," he added. He was right. And playing tourist in the city could be fun. Well, anything was fun with Easton.

"Sure," I said with a smile, and Easton slung an arm around my shoulders as he guided me through the airport.

What was I going to do in a few days if Easton could no longer touch me like this? Enjoy the moment. I decided that would be my mantra for the rest of the trip.

With his arm around my shoulder, Easton played with the ends of my hair. I bet he didn't even notice what he was doing, but it caused every nerve ending in my body to be on high alert.

I watched as women all around us did double takes at the man by my side. I knew Easton was good looking. Heck, he was fantastic looking with his broad shoulders, dark, thick hair and gorgeous green eyes. He looked every part the adventurer he was, and even if he wasn't semi-famous, I knew he regularly caught people’s attention. He wasn't just fantastic looking, he had a kind of charisma one had to notice.

"Easton Price?" I heard a guy ask, and I was grateful for a male fan instead of a female. The males were usually much more chill.

"What's up?" Easton asked as he turned us both to face the guy asking about him.

"I love your videos, man," the guy said, and Easton grinned.

"Thanks for watching them," Easton said genuinely. He truly loved his subscribers. He never lost sight that they were who had made him as successful as he was.

"Are you really retiring?" the guy asked.

Easton nodded. "Yeah, it just feels right. Besides, I've already cheated death a few too many times," he said, and the guy laughed.

"Yeah. That zipline incident was crazy," the guy said, reminding me of my least favorite Easton video. The zipline he'd been on had snapped, while Easton had been hundreds of feet off the ground in Costa Rica. Thankfully Easton was close to the platform, and he'd somehow flung himself off the zipline to safety. The video had gone viral, but I’d hated each and every moment of it. I had come too close to losing Easton.

"This your girlfriend?" the guy asked, and I felt my face go red. I knew the people that watched Easton's videos felt like they were his friends. It was part of why he was so popular. But it also meant they felt they deserved more than the peak into his personal life he gave them.

"This is Josie," Easton introduced, adding, "Not my girlfriend, but the woman who means the most to me."

I wanted to fling my arms in the air and ask what the heck? He couldn't say things like that when he was about to marry Priscilla. How could I mean the most to him if he was going to leave me? But then again, maybe this bode well for our future? A sign that when I told him the truth, he would choose me? The thoughts bounced around in my mind like ping pong balls on the loose. Easton had always been confusing, but right now he was downright exasperating.

"I get it, dude. I'm not into labels either," the guy said, and I wanted to disagree. Easton was about to take on the most important label with another woman. So why?

Enjoy the moment. I doubted Easton had an answer, even if I asked him what the heck he’d meant by what he'd said. Or he'd just say that he meant Priscilla and I both meant the most to him. And I selfishly wanted to keep that title just the way it was when he'd said it. So I wasn’t going to ask Easton anything. Because it didn't change anything. He was still marrying Priscilla unless I could convince him not to.

"It was cool to meet you," the guy said to Easton. "Most celebs are dirt bags in real life, but it's nice to see you’re as cool in real life as you are on the screen. I'll try to make it out to your new adventure center when it's done."

"That means a lot," Easton said as he fist bumped the guy, and then we were on our way.

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