Home > The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(126)

The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(126)
Author: Denise Grover Swank

Josh glanced around the yard, worried. “Maybe you should go in the front.”

“I think by the shed is good enough,” Neil said with a toothy grin. “I want to be here when Blair comes out.”

“Sounds good to me,” Garrett forced out, stomping over in that direction.

Neil followed him, and as soon as they rounded the corner, he lost all pretense of playing the nice guy. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Garrett?” he asked in a low voice. “What are you really doing here?”

“I already told you. Nana made me come.”

“Bull shit. Nana didn’t make you write that answer.”

“At least I was being truthful. And what would your answer be? That you saw her and got dollar signs in your eyes?”

Neil rolled his eyes. “There’s more to us than that.”

“You don’t love her, you prick. You don’t deserve her.”

Bewilderment covered Neil’s face. “And now you think you do? You’re only hurting her more.” He swallowed, his eyes turning cold. “What happened in the kitchen before I walked in, Garrett?”

“Why don’t you ask Blair?”

“Because I’m asking you.”

Garrett refused to answer.

Neil poked Garrett’s chest. “You keep your hands off my fiancée.”

“How would you notice? You’re too busy screwing other women to give her the attention she deserves.” He fisted his hands at his sides. “I intend to make sure she knows she has a choice.”

“With you?” Neil laughed. “You’re delusional if you think she’d go back to you.” He shrugged. “If you want to break us up so badly, why don’t you just tell her about Layla?”

Garrett gritted his teeth. Despite what Neil had told him earlier—and his own gut feeling—he’d thought about it. He knew it was a potential grenade that could blow up in his face, but he absolutely could not let her marry Neil. He had to tell her. So why couldn’t he make himself do it?

One more day. He’d give her one more day.

“If you don’t break it off by tomorrow night, I’ll tell her.”

Neil chuckled. “Do what you think is best.” His smirk told him that Neil still thought there wasn’t a chance in hell Blair would believe him.

“Just let her go, Neil. Please.”

Neil watched him with amusement. “I like watching you squirm.”


“I kissed her because I saw you coming out the door. I kissed her to show you that she’s mine.” Hate filled his eyes. “For once I have something you want but can’t have. How does it feel?”

White-hot rage rushed through Garrett’s body. “Oh, my God. So this is revenge for you? You’re doing this to hurt me?”

Neil’s grin turned evil. “I’m marrying Blair for the reasons I told you earlier. But I have to admit that making you suffer is a very nice bonus.” He swallowed. “There’s no way I’ll break up with her now, because I will never let you have her.”

Jesus, Garrett had only made things worse.

“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go find my fiancée and take her home and screw her.” He winked and started to walk back to the party, then looked back over his shoulder. “I’ll be sure to give you all the details tomorrow.”

Garrett lost it.

Neil had just reached the patio next to the pool when Garrett tackled him, sending them both into the water. They both came to the surface, and Garrett grabbed Neil’s shirt and slammed his fist into his cousin’s eye.

Several of the guests began to scream.

“Garrett!” his mother shouted.

“Neil!” Debra moaned. “Barbara, your son is attacking my boy! Make him stop!”

Neil tried to pull out of Garrett’s grip, but Garrett held tight. “You’re going to tell her tonight, you piece of shit.”

“That’s a dollar!” Debra shouted, waving her jar around like a maniac.

Neil backed up, trying to break free from Garrett’s hold, then ducked abruptly, leaving Garrett with a ripped shirt in his hand.

As soon as she saw Neil standing in the pool naked from the waist up, Gram shouted, “It’s a topless pool party!” She stripped off her shirt, revealing that she hadn’t been wearing a bra, and proceeded to hop into the pool with a large splash.

“Mother!” Nicole shouted in horror. “Get out of the pool!”

“Enough!” Nana Ruby shouted in a loud boom. Everyone stopped, including Gram, who wore a frown of disappointment.

Garrett pointed his finger at his cousin, who had waded backward toward the steps. “You think this is a contest, you asshole? Game on.”

“Go ahead and try,” Neil said in a deadly tone. “I will enjoy every moment of watching you lose.”

Garrett’s gaze was drawn to the deck. Blair stood between Megan and Libby, holding a sheet cake. The look of astonishment and betrayal on her face sent a cold jolt of shock through him.

What had he done?

Blair stomped down the steps as Neil scrambled out of the pool, panic in his eyes. “Blair, I know how that sounded.”

She stopped in front of him, her eyes an icy blue. Her gaze swept from Neil to Garrett and back. “Am I the prize or the goddamned ring?”

“You took the Lord’s name in vain!” Debra shouted. “Five dollars for the kitty.”

“Take your goddamned kitty and shove it up your ass,” Blair hissed.

Debra’s eyes flew wide, and she grasped her chest in shock. “Well, I never.”

“Well, maybe you should.” Blair turned her attention back to Neil. “Which is it, Neil? Me or the ring?”

“Blair,” he pleaded.

Garrett watched in horror.

“All this fuss over a silly ring,” Dena murmured.

Blair cocked her head. “You know, Dena, you’re right. All this damn fuss over a fucking ring.” She glared at Neil. “Here, hold this.” Then she dumped the cake on top of his head, smashing it down. Globs of cake fell onto the pavement.

“I wanted a piece of that,” Gram said with a pout.

“You want your stupid ring?” Blair asked, pulling it off her finger. “Here’s a new contest for you.” She pulled her arm back and threw it into the deep end of the pool. “The first one to find it wins.”

Neil pulled the cardboard cake base off his head and tossed it into the water, huge hunks of cake falling to the bottom. He glanced over to the pool as though torn over whether he should go find the ring or try to win her over.

“Oh, dear,” Nicole said. “That’s definitely bad for the filter.”

Blair took several steps backward, her body stiff.

“Blair.” Neil started after her. “Let me explain.”

She pointed her finger at him. “You stay away from me.”

Garrett watched in horrified silence, unsure what to say.

Megan and Libby stood at the bottom of the deck steps and tried to reach for her as she stomped past them. She lifted her hands into the air and cringed. “Don’t touch me.” She strode to the back door and flung it open, banging it into the side of the house as she disappeared inside.

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