Home > The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(233)

The Wedding Pact Box Set (hilarious rom com) Kindle Edition(233)
Author: Denise Grover Swank


“You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.” He paused. “When does the new job start?”

“In a month.”

“Did you turn it down?”

“Not yet, but—”

“If Drake weren’t in the picture, would you take it?”

“Yes. In a heartbeat.”

“Then take it and see how soon you can get here.”

“But I have to pack and—”

“I’ll help. We’ll help. We’ll find you a place and we won’t tell Drake where it is. You’ll get through this, Kelsey. We’ll help you. You deserve better.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

He forced a laugh. “I’m going to bask in this moment.”

“Thank you, Garrett.”

“For tonight, either stay in a hotel or go stay with Nana Ruby.”

“I can’t stay with Nana Ruby.”

“I think she’ll be more understanding than you think. She loves you too, Kelsey. She’s likely to kick Drake’s ass before I can get to him.”

“You wouldn’t kick his ass.”

“I most certainly would. But while I’d love nothing more than to punch his pretty face, I think my legal maneuvers will be much more effective and longer lasting.”

“I didn’t expect you to solve this, Garrett,” she said quietly. “I only called for advice.”

“You’re the only one who can do this, Kelsey, but I’ll be there to support you every step of the way.”

She was quiet for a moment. “You never said what was bothering you.”

He released a short laugh. “Trust me, my issues pale in comparison to yours.”

“Great,” she said. “Now I’m a poster child for issues. Come on, Gar, make me feel better about my problems. I don’t want to be alone.”

He groaned. “Fine, it’s Blair.”

“What about her?”

“I think she regrets marrying me.”

Kelsey gasped. “How can you say that? She’s crazy about you.”

“She loves me but on her own terms. She doesn’t mind when I leave town, and she doesn’t act like she misses me at all. I jokingly told her that my boss offered me my old job back, but instead of laughing, she suggested I take it.”

“She was probably joking.”

“I can assure you she wasn’t.”

Kelsey sighed. “We both know Blair’s not like other women.”

“I know, and trust me, I love that about her. But would it kill her to admit she needs me?”

“She just needs time.”

“What if that’s not it?” he asked. “What if she’s decided she’s made a mistake and doesn’t want to be married anymore?”

“I don’t think she’s thinking anything along those lines, Garrett. I know she loves you. It’s so obvious she does.”

”I know. I know she loves me. I love her too. But sometimes I ask myself if love is enough.”

“You’re asking the wrong damn person, bro.”



Chapter Three



Melissa stood in the doorway, worry wrinkling her brow. “Blair, are you okay?”

Blair stared at the phone in her hand. Call him back. Call him back and tell him you don’t want him to move back to San Diego.


She sucked in a breath and pushed it out, forcing herself to compartmentalize her situation to the back of her mind. She had a settlement to work through. Business came before personal life.

But how could she continue on as though nothing had just happened? She reexamined the conversation, coming to the conclusion that she had overreacted. That’s right. Blair Hansen-Lowry—the woman known for her nerves of steel—had overreacted.

“Is Garrett okay?” Melissa asked.

“What?” Blair shook off her daze. “Yeah. His flight was delayed. Something about a snow storm in Chicago.”

“All sorts of flights are being canceled. Good thing the storm isn’t hitting us.”

“Yeah,” Blair said absently.

“But he should be home in time to celebrate your first Valentine’s Day together since you married.”

“You know we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day.” She knew she sounded more terse than she intended. She rubbed her temple. “Melissa. I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

Melissa walked into her office. “You know what I think?”

Blair shook her head. “What?”

“I think you could use a lunch with Megan. Want me to see if she’s available? Around one-thirty?”

Ordinarily Blair would be pissed if anyone suggested that she needed to talk to someone, but Melissa knew her well, having figured her out soon after she’d started working as Blair’s assistant. And Blair really needed to have an honest heart-to-heart with one of her two best friends. “She might have plans.”

“There’s only one way to find out. You go in there and deal with Allison DeSanto, and I’ll call Megan. I’ll text you if I get something set up.”

“Thanks.” She stood and took another deep breath and exhaled, then smoothed her skirt. She needed to get her shit together.

Allison was in the conference room, raging about the temperature of the water in her glass.

And that was about all that Blair was going to take from her today. Blair placed her hands on the conference room table and leaned forward, staring her client in the eye. “Ms. DeSanto, do you really feel so entitled that you are actually complaining that the temperature of your water is off by two degrees?”

She lifted her chin. “Hardly. I said it was off by ten degrees.”

Blair held her gaze, ready for a staring contest if necessary. “You do realize there are villages in Africa that have no running water? That children are forced to walk miles each way—every day—to get buckets of water and haul them back to their homes?”

She shook her head. “That doesn’t happen anymore.”

“It most certainly does.” Blair stood up and closed the door, then sat in the chair next to her client. “Allison, why are you so wrapped up in this petty shit? Why? Who cares who gets the toaster?”

Pain flickered in the woman’s eyes before she lifted her shoulder in a half-shrug. “It’s robin’s egg blue and toasts four slices.”

“You can get another one just like it at the Target down the street. Why are you doing this?”

The woman didn’t answer.

“When you came to me, you told me you were sure Marco had cheated on you, though you had no proof. Yet when I suggested a private investigator, you refused. Why?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t see the point.”

“So you’re doing this to make him pay for cheating when you’re not even sure he did?”

Tears filled her eyes.

“What’s the real reason you want to get divorced?”

“Why does anyone get divorced?”

Why, indeed. Blair, however, was not about to tackle this question, not right now, after her argument with Garrett. Safer to focus on Allison DeSanto’s crippled marriage.

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