Home > Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(39)

Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(39)
Author: Yolanda Olson

“You’re a lazy, spoiled child, and you need to learn that the other nuns are not here to do your work. You will start to pull your weight, or you’ll feel the weight of my cane on your behind again, Sister Emily,” Mother Bitch chides me.

It’s nothing I’ve not heard before. She’s always harping on about me slacking and not performing my duties to the expected standard.

“Yes, Mother,” I say, injecting as much sincerity into my voice as I can muster, although it still sounds sarcastic even to my ears.

“In an effort to corral your wickedness and the lack of care you demonstrate in attending to your duties, I’ve decided drastic measures must be taken,” she continues as though I didn’t snark at her.

I can already feel the burn of the wood and the throbbing of my skin from the beating she’s no doubt planning to give me. I’ve occasionally wondered if she’ll ever tire of doling out her punishments, but the superior bitch gets off on the power she wields, lording it over us as though we should be worshiping Her instead of Him.

“Sister Faith, come in!” Mother Bitch calls out.

The door opens, and Faith enters the office.

“Yes, Mother?” Faith inquires in a soft voice and quietly sits in the chair next to me.

“I’ve decided that the two of you should be paired up for your duties. Sister Faith, you are a responsible and diligent young woman, so you should be a good influence on Sister Emily,” Mother Bitch announces, and I have to work to keep my expression composed.

I force a smile on my face and nod as though in agreement when really I’m horrified that she’d suggest such a thing. I know I’m difficult, but I didn’t think I was bad enough to need this angelic-looking babysitter.

“You’ll also share quarters. We have very little space as it is, so you aren’t the only ones who are going to find themselves having to share. Sister Emily, please wipe that look off your face. This is more of a reward than a punishment,” she scolds, no doubt catching my dismayed expression.

“Yes, Mother,” I say through gritted teeth and a painfully awkward smile.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Sister Faith says in her chirpy voice, and I almost want to spank her.

Now there’s an idea.

Maybe this arrangement won’t be so bad after all.

When I finally leave Mother Bitch’s office, I’m about ready to scream. Sister Faith and I couldn’t be more opposite. It was unpleasant sitting there while Mother Bitch continued to sing Sister Faith’s praises about how dedicated she is, and how she’ll be a good influence on me. If I'd died and gone to hell, it couldn’t have been a more unpleasant experience.

I had to fight not to roll my eyes at her observations about everything she deems to be lacking in me and how beneficial this arrangement will be. In some ways I agree with her, but for very different reasons, I’m sure. It’ll be harder to notice my lack of diligence in my daily life if I’m constantly around Sister Faith who can do no wrong, and since ‘she’s so dedicated’, she’ll probably be willing to pick up my duties when I slack off.



Chapter Three



Sister Emily



It’s been two weeks since Mother Bitch partnered me with Sister Faith and had her move into my room, and I’m already sick of my new roommate’s radiantly innocent presence. Mother Bitch would be horrified if she realized I’ve been speeding through my duties more than usual, finishing early so I can seek the privacy of my room without Faith’s presence.

When Sister Faith is hanging around I behave myself, like a good little nun, but I’m sure she’s not fooled by my act. I complete all of my chores, albeit to a less than satisfactory standard, and as far as she is aware, any time I’m not working is spent in prayer. She wouldn’t be entirely wrong in believing I was offering my fervent thanks to God, but I’m sure she’d be scandalized by the way I do it with my hands in my underwear and her face in my mind. Everything I’ve held back for years is rising to the surface, bursting at the seams of my faith and trying to break free. Sister Faith is the catalyst, bringing forth a forbidden attraction I’ve long been suppressing.

“Chastity, Kindness, Patience, Temperance, Charity, Humility! All six of these heavenly virtues must be cherished, valued, and upheld. Do you understand me?” Mother Bitch states clearly to all the nuns present in her office, even though we know this already. “Sister Emily, pay attention!”

She slaps the cane against her palm with a loud thwack, cutting off the mumbles and mutterings between some of the girls when they jump at the unexpected noise. However, the sharp sound of the wood in her palm is a welcome reminder to me of my pink backside currently glowing with the red stripes of punishment. I swallow back the groan of pleasure and refocus on the lesson going on in front of me.

“Sister, aren’t there seven heavenly virtues?” a sweet, high voice pipes up.

“Raise your hand if you wish to speak, girl!” Mother Bitch snaps.

Flickering my gaze toward the interrupter, I’m surprised to see it’s Sister Faith.

I’d never have pegged her for a troublemaker. Could it be that her angelic looks are deceiving? At Mother Bitch’s admonition, she blushes and falls silent, bowing her head in apology. Mother Bitch walks down the line of nuns to stand in front of her and lifts up her chin with the end of the cane. Sister Faith fidgets with her hands, looking like a deer caught in a set of headlights.

“Sister Faith, I think you may need some lessons in holding your tongue and not interrupting,” Mother Bitch reprimands.

I struggle not to think about where my roommate could be holding that quick tongue of hers.

Mother Bitch throws a glare toward one of the other girls when she giggles. “As I was saying, while it's important to personify each of the heavenly virtues, you can not do so without showing true diligence in all areas. It’s my belief that diligence is the most important virtue, and it’s my task to ensure that each one of you excels in this aspect while serving our Lord. Now, I want each of you to explore the gardens and the abbey, and think about how you will fulfill your duties to our Lord and the Sisters of Our Lady of Heavenly Hope. Faith, you will remain behind, I need to discuss something with you.”

As each of the girls files out of the room, some look thoughtful and others look confused; I ignore them in favor of Faith whose own expression is decidedly nervous. I linger outside the door, listening as I wait for Faith to finish with Mother Bitch. I’m not sure what makes me linger. Maybe it’s curiosity because I’ve never known Faith to behave in a manner that’s less than perfect before now.

“Now, Faith. You must remember not to interrupt when I’m speaking. If you do so again I’ll have you on your knees with your backside bare, saying your Hail Mary’s while I whip your skin red. Do I make myself clear?” Mother Bitch scolds.

I try hard not to imagine how pale the skin of Faith’s ass could be. If her creamy complexion is anything to go by, I imagine her buttocks would be like two beautifully unblemished moons. She’s unfailingly modest, so even though we’ve been sharing a room for two weeks, I’ve never seen her in anything less than a long cotton chemise. My imagination runs riot at the thought of Faith being punished like I’ve been so many times before. God, give me strength, I pray silently. I have to dismiss this train of thought before I delve even further into sin.

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