Home > Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(43)

Bad Habits_ A Dark Anthology(43)
Author: Yolanda Olson

Walking into the chapel, I’m surprised to see that it isn’t empty like I’d expected, given the late hour. Thankfully, my steps are light and quiet, and I haven’t disturbed the nun who is deep in prayer. I wait quietly for her to finish, and catch one of the words from her invocation…‘patience’.

When she has completed her devotions, she rises to her feet and jumps a little when she sees me standing in the doorway. In the faint light from the flickering votives, I see her face, and recognize her as Sister Suri. She doesn’t speak to me, remaining totally silent as she walks past me and out of the chapel, reminding me vividly of the heavy silence that surrounds our Sister Purity.

Once I’m alone, I make my way down the line of pews to the front row. I bow my head and kneel, closing my eyes as I pray for guidance from the Lord. Hours pass, the sky is still dark but beginning to lighten, the candles have burned low, and my knees are cold and aching by the time my prayers are complete. I feel calmer, more grounded, but no more certain about my path than I was when I walked through the chapel doors, several hours ago.

Rising on unsteady legs, I slowly turn and make my way back through the stark silence and darkness of the convent toward my room. I reflect on the trials I have faced, and the ones yet to come and hope in my heart that I can be strong enough to overcome them.

When I get back to my room, I hesitate outside with my hand on the doorknob. Emily is probably asleep, but the memory of what I saw last time I opened this door is fresh in my mind; it rises to the surface like the hem of her habit she’d lifted above her waist while she sinned. I enjoyed seeing that more than I should have. Something about her pleading eyes and the way she went down onto her knees called to some darker side of me that’s usually in slumber. Emily seemed willing to worship me as though I was her own personal deity, making me believe only I could grant her any of her heart’s desires. I cut off that train of thought before it can take root, but it still lingers.

We have one Lord, and I am not He, nor ever will be.



Chapter Nine



Sister Emily



I wake up the next morning, earlier than usual, but I’m not planning to rise just yet. I smile when I roll onto my back and my ass throbs mildly; it’s evidence of how firm Faith was during the spanking she gave me. I open my eyes, cutting them across the room to look at her. She’s still asleep, her angelic face relaxed and peaceful, and in complete contrast with her shocked and angry expression from the previous day. Ebony colored strands of hair fall into her eyes, lightly caressing her cheeks. She’s so beautiful.

The longer I stare at her, the more my body awakens and desire spreads throughout me like liquid fire, pooling hot and wet between my legs. It’s so wrong of me to succumb to the devil’s whispers, but seemingly of its own volition, my hand creeps down to where I’m aching for her the most.

Biting my lip to keep silent, I exhale harshly through my nose when my fingers run through the sticky juices gathered there, and I bring them up to rub against my clit. I start slowly, getting faster and faster, pressing harder and harder until sparks of pleasure are zinging through me. I almost cry out when the orgasm hits, but I tighten my teeth around my lip until it feels like the skin might break. I somehow manage to stifle it as I shiver through the aftershocks.

I pull the blankets more firmly around me until I’m cocooned in them, and rolling over, I let my eyes drift closed. A feeling of satisfaction washes over me as my pussy drips with the sweet juices of sin. I’m on a slippery slope, battling with my illicit desires and the need to remain loyal and diligent to my faith, but I’m sliding fast and I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to regain enough control over myself to stop.

When I finally awaken again, it’s brighter in the room and much later than it was. I’m not sure how long I’ve slept for this time, but when I turn over, I see Faith praying by her bed. I let out a heavy sigh of relief. With her and Mother Bitch both watching me, I can’t afford to misstep any more than I already have. There’s only so much they will let slide, and I’m guessing the real reason Mother Bitch ordered Faith and I to share the room was to ensure I didn’t fall any farther from grace. Our accommodation has sufficient space for both of us, but with a second person in here it feels smaller and more constricted.

I stretch out my body before sitting up. My leg muscles are tight from the strain I put on them, keeping them in place when Faith was punishing me. I almost want to see what other misdemeanors I can commit to tempt her to do it again, but with my luck she wouldn’t hang around to hear me plead with her next time.

I change out of my nightclothes, not bothering to hide my body from Faith, who I catch looking at me when I turn to grab clean clothes. Her eyes burn into my back when I slowly roll my stockings up each of my legs. I’m teasing her now, delaying pulling on my underwear while showing her my ass, which I can guarantee is still pink if not bruised from her hand. I want her to see the marks she has left on my skin, and if I’m honest, I want her to be as affected by them as I am.

I move to the simple wooden wardrobe beside my bed and open the doors. Reaching in I take out a fresh habit and put it on. Lastly, I return to the bed, and lifting the habit to my waist, I slowly pull on my underwear, careful to draw it out for as long as possible. I don’t laugh, I don’t giggle, I stay deadly serious the entire time. I can feel Faith still watching me, and when I’m finally ready to begin the day, I turn to face her.

Faith’s arms are crossed under her breasts, and even with the modesty granted by her habit, I can see the smooth curve of them beneath the material. A smile twitches at the corner of my lips, but I hold it back when I see the swirl of anger in her gaze. Good, it worked. She’s angry with me, only this time I’ve done nothing but silently taunt her while preparing for the day ahead. Satisfied I’ve frustrated her as much as she does me, I kneel by the bed and complete my morning prayer.



Chapter Ten



Sister Faith



Sister Emily is trying to get to me, to make me lash out and show her that I’m not as perfect as I seem. I’m not a fool, though, and this time, I won’t play her games, no matter how hard she tries to tempt me with her wicked ways...even if at some deeper level I might want to.

The day is filled with chores: cleaning, baking, and anything else that needs to be done. It passes uneventfully with Sister Emily working dutifully alongside me, and for once, she doesn’t take multiple breaks or duck out early. I might almost be fooled into believing I’m having a positive effect on her, but I know better. I keep a straight face and my tongue silent when Mother Superior comes into the room to oversee our progress. Unable to spot anything amiss with our work and having observed that Emily is present, she leaves without a word.

“Did you know she was coming here today?” I whisper to Emily, as I turn to face her, my eyes narrowing to pin her with a suspicious glare.

She ignores me, paying no attention to my inquiry, and continues carefully ironing the fresh habits from the hamper situated between us. I nudge her with my elbow, not wanting to speak any louder and risk getting into trouble for slacking. Mother Superior runs a tight schedule, almost too rigid; sometimes it feels like we have gone back in time. We have electricity, central heating, electric ovens, etcetera, but we still have to do many things the old-fashioned way by hand.

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