Home > Dirty Hearts (The Lion and the Mouse #3)(53)

Dirty Hearts (The Lion and the Mouse #3)(53)
Author: Kenya Wright

“Goddamn it, mysh,” I groaned. Emily squeezed that softness around my length and gripped me tight. “There will be no escape.”

The bed squeaked, which was impressive. This was a new mattress. The hotel would have provided the best of everything, but still, we’d broken it. I increased my pace. Her moans mingled with the squeaking and the sounds of my cock slamming into that her wet pussy.

I swore I was close to busting. I yearned to explode.

“Fuck.” I pulled out and flipped her over, needing to get deeper and grip that fat ass.

So dangerous, she spread her legs further apart, taking it all.


I rammed deeper into her. My balls dangled back and forth as I shoved and pulled, slammed and yanked my cock back. “Mysh!”

No other woman had made me this crazy, not in or out of the bed. It had only been her from the very beginning.

“Oh, mysh!”

The bed squeaked, confirming we had, in fact, broken the bed. It hadn’t made the noise days before, but how could I behave with this pussy available to me?

In Russian, Emily moaned, “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I pumped into her. My legs burned from all the energy. My heart boomed. Sweat beaded around my forehead. I didn’t care. I wouldn’t stop. How could I with this amazing woman?

And then we moaned together.

Gripping her hips hard and slamming into her, I closed my eyes, needing to fully lose myself in her. That pussy squeezed the base of my cock.

Holy fuck.

My tip throbbed. Cum pooled at the end, ready to rush up and fill her.

The squeaks increased.

I tried to speak, but I had no idea what I was saying anymore. My words shifted to grumbles of pleasure.

“Oh!” My mouse cried out and it only made me crazier.

Waves of erotic pleasure washed over me. It was heaven. Jets of hot cum shot from my cock. I swore that warm tunnel swelled, taking it all in.

If you’re not pregnant, you will be. There’s no escape, mysh.

I couldn’t stop stroking her insides as we orgasmed together. Cum dripped down my balls. The passionate sensations were almost too much to deal with. I gritted my teeth and trembled as I continued to thrust.

Soon, you’ll be my wife.

I held her close and buried my face in the back of her neck.

For the first time in my life, I felt like we were finally safe. It was all going to work out.

Still inside her, I wrapped my arms around her and whispered, “I don’t want to leave you.”

The cold metal of a gun pressed against the back of my head and a deep voice spoke within the darkness. “Now’s a good time to leave, Kazimir.”

Silence came.

Terror froze me.

Who the fuck could that be? Who would dare?

Emily had heard the man too. She didn’t move away from me. Instead, she stiffened. I had no idea what to do. I was inside her, naked, and at the most vulnerable moment in my life.

Whoever this is...they will die.



Chapter 18




The man kept his gun against my neck. I wasn't used to this level of fear—the erratic drumming of my heart, the quickening of my breath, the blood coursing through my veins in terror.

Please, don’t hurt her. Please, don’t touch her. Take me. Kill me.

Dread ached beneath my ribs.

There was a dull ache beneath her ribs.

Anger flashed through me hot and hard, making me grit my teeth. The thought of another man touching or injuring Emily had me wanting to reach for my gun. Still, I hadn’t moved. I was inside Emily. She would be at risk. Somehow, I had to protect us.

I couldn’t move.

Never had I been caught this much off guard. When was the last time someone had put a gun to my head? When was the last time someone had snuck up on me so unexpected?

Rage rode my tensing muscles. It didn’t matter who it was or what they wanted; I would kill them. They would never live, never breathe, never celebrate their victory over me.

Smart, Emily slowly lowered, letting my cock leave her and separating us. Whoever was in here, they didn’t notice.

The bedroom light came on.

The gun remained against my head.

The gun-toter was lucky there were things bigger happening tonight, things more important than the lion’s reputation. My mouse could be pregnant.

Had Emily not been here, I would’ve risked my death, turned around, and tried to disarm him. But Emily was too close. I couldn’t have them do something to her. I couldn’t live through it. I would never survive it. I had to keep her safe, even if I died in the process. My child possibly grew within her.

Emily lowered again.

Not yet, mysh.

Her hand was under the pillow, probably reaching for her gun, when the other guy spoke.

“Leave her. We need to talk.”

Where did they come from? Are all my men dead?

From the second statement, I recognized his voice.

Goddamn it. I should’ve killed Jean-Pierre in the bathhouse.

I slowly moved away, but kept myself between Emily and him, guarding her. I slipped the sheets over her. A man like Jean-Pierre should not get to see her naked. No one should.

He’s seen enough. He’ll be dead soon. Come closer, Jean-Pierre. Have you ever flown off a balcony?

Turning around, I scanned the room.

The French crowded the space.

The funny one—the one who’d been naked in the bathhouse, Rafael, walked over to the bed with his gun pointed at Emily’s head. “Sweetheart, could you do me a favor and stop reaching for the gun under your pillow?”

Don’t reach, mysh. They’re idiots.

Emily moved her hand and froze.

Still pointing the gun at her, he winked. “Thanks, sweetie. By the way, my name is Rafael, if you ever want—”

“You don’t talk to her.” I glared at him. “You only talk to me.”

“That’s all the thanks I get, lion?” Rafael grabbed the gun from the pillow and tossed it to another man. “If it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t have gotten to come.”

What the hell is he talking about?

I kept my focus on Rafael, but I was talking to his idiot cousin, Jean-Pierre. “What do you want?”

“Eden was kidnapped tonight by your men,” Jean-Pierre said on the side.

What the hell is wrong with this idiot? Is he on drugs?

“My men didn’t kidnap anyone tonight.” I turned my attention to Jean-Pierre. “And who the fuck is Eden?!”

“Get Misha on the phone. His people tracked Eden. He’ll have her.”

“Misha wouldn’t have anyone tracking anybody without letting me know.”

“He’s using the Devil.”

“Haven’t heard of him either,” I growled. “Are you noticing a theme? I’m above all of them. Like I’m above you. Do you think this is wise, Jean-Pierre? Have you really thought this through?”

“I’m done with the games.”

Jean-Pierre had the gun pointed at my head. It didn’t matter. The only people I wanted to survive in this room was my mouse and our child inside her. I just needed to get the focus back on me.

I turned back to Rafael. He continued to point his gun at Emily’s head. It terrified me, and there was only so long Emily would allow it before she acted. With this crew, I didn’t want them to be more erratic.

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