Home > Dirty Hearts (The Lion and the Mouse #3)(56)

Dirty Hearts (The Lion and the Mouse #3)(56)
Author: Kenya Wright

There we go.

I grabbed his pretty tie, wrapped it around his perfumed neck, and choked him.

Wrong bitch.

He grunted. I choked him as I kicked and punched.

Rafael cleared his throat. “Do you want me to play a song while you dance with her?”

Grunting, Jean-Pierre shoved me hard into the wall. Pain exploded against my back.


He twisted me around.

I lost control.


He turned me again and kicked up my feet. I fell hard on the floor. Pain burst all over my ass.

Jean-Pierre towered over me. “Listen. I hate getting aggressive with women. Let’s not change my view tonight. Clearly, I could’ve broken your arm and tied it around your neck as a leash to drag you forward. I would rather you walk next to me.”

I’d like to see you break my arm, motherfucker.

I kept my comment to myself and rose.

He straightened and dusted off his jacket. The bastard had the nerve to have diamond cufflinks and even more diamonds in his watch.

You really dressed up to kidnap me.

I tightened my bed sheet. Maybe, if I’d had regular clothes on, I could’ve had a fighting chance. Defeat filled me, but I wouldn’t let these bitches see.

“I’m sorry.” My bottom lip quivered. “I just don’t want to go with you.”

“I’ve heard worse.” Jean-Pierre gestured behind me. “Now get on the fucking elevator.”

The person in his ear said something.

Jean-Pierre dragged me forward. “Run!”

Run? What did he say? What’s Kazimir doing?

He raced off with me in a tight grip.

Is Kazimir coming?

I tried to slow us down, but when we got to the elevator, Jean-Pierre slung me on.

Rafael got on, asked between sputtered breaths, “Why the hell are we running again?”

Jean-Pierre kept his hold on me. “Kazimir’s got a rocket launcher.”

Say what now?

Rafael muttered, “Shit.”

The other men hurried on.

The doors closed.

Did they say rocket launcher?

The elevator lowered. I swore it followed the beating of my heart. Sweat trickled down the sides of my face. The sheet I wore was torn a little at the ends.

“Louis?” Jean-Pierre touched the ear bud. “Where is the Lion now?”

So that’s who he was talking to? Louis. Good. I’ll kill him too.

Jean-Pierre tapped the bud.

I checked the numbers above the elevator door, watching our lowering progress.

We get out of the elevator and then what? How many of his men are waiting down there?

I scanned the elevator.

Maybe I can figure out something in here.

I checked Rafael. He’d been watching me the whole time, scowling.

Still mad about that chokehold, huh?

The voice garbled from Jean-Pierre’s ear.

We all turned to him.

Jean-Pierre growled, “I don’t need your director’s cut commentary. Where is he now?”

My heart boomed in my ears.

“What word?” Jean-Pierre asked.

Silence filled the space.

“Catch it. The word might be important.”

What word? What the hell is going on?

Terror and adrenaline snaked through me. I had to get away, keep trying and never give up. I’d seen what Jean-Pierre had done to his victims. That wouldn’t be me. He may have been a gentleman in the hallway, but he wouldn’t be one for long.

“No one can kill him,” Jean-Pierre said. “Tell everyone to run.”

Kazimir, please don’t get hurt. I’ll be okay.

For some reason, the elevator rocked. I lost my balance and fell into Jean-Pierre. The sides of the elevator trembled. One of the men whispered a prayer. Rafael nudged him to shut up.

Kazimir, what are you doing, baby?

The elevator rocked again.

“What the hell was that, Louis?” Jean-Pierre stumbled back and gripped me harder.

Rafael muttered under his breath, “Jesus Christ, what are we doing?”

Jean-Pierre fisted his other hand. “Get out of the building, Louis!”

So, Louis is in the building somewhere.

I wished I could’ve told Kazimir. Grabbing Louis would’ve been a great way to end this.

The elevator shook again.

The lights flickered.

Baby? Don’t get killed.

Rafael looked at the elevator’s ceiling. “What the fuck is that? King Kong? If the Bratva have King Kong, then I’m switching sides.”

Jean-Pierre sighed. “He’s got a rocket launcher.”

You shot it in here, Kaz? Oh God.

I opened my mouth and then turned away.


Rafael put his gun away and wiped his face with both hands. “Rocket launcher?”

Quiet came next.

The elevator continued to lower, but not fast enough.

Jean-Pierre stared at me within the silence. After a few seconds, he took off his jacket and handed it to me. “Take this.”

I don’t think so. Keep your jacket, asshole. I won’t be with you for too long.

I swallowed my anger and kept my voice calm. “I’m fine.”

“I didn’t ask.”

I grabbed the jacket and put it on. The whole time, my gaze remained on him.

“What’s your name?” he asked.


“Where are you from?”

“New York.”

“When did you meet Kazimir?”

“Not too long ago.”

None of your fucking business.

He let out a long breath. “I’m not in the business of stealing women. This will go short, as long as Kazimir helps me find her.”

But will you live after this? That’s the question.

This all started from somebody kidnapping his woman I assumed. Was it that violinist? I wished I’d known who done it so I could kill them too. Jean-Pierre kept asking about Misha. Did Maxwell know what was going on?

Goddamn it! What the hell is going on?

The elevator shook again.

I scanned the elevator and glanced up as the light flickered again. “If you don’t mind me asking...who do you think took her?”

Jean-Pierre frowned. “The Bratva had something to do with it.”

The next time the elevator shook, we all stumbled. Jean-Pierre bumped into me and then moved away. Unable to keep my balance, I grabbed the wall.

Come on. I can’t go out this way. Not on an elevator with a bunch of sweet-smelling French guys.

I sighed. “Do you have a name of the person who may have her?”

“The Devil. Misha should know more.”

“Why are you telling her this, again?” Rafael growled. “We already kidnapped her.”

Jean-Pierre shrugged. “She could help.”

For the first time, I saw desperation all over Jean-Pierre. It made me less angry.

I could use this. I could get free.

The elevator stopped at the lobby. Screams and shrieks came from the other side. Everyone pulled their guns out. I had no idea what to expect and got behind Jean-Pierre.

The doors opened.

Men ran from different directions. Many were uniformed. Cops and soldiers. None looked to be on Kazimir’s side. They were all with Jean-Pierre.

Fuck me. This motherfucker is really going to take me.

Flames snaked up the right side of the building close to the stair entrance. Smoke thickened the air.

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