Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(100)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(100)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

“It’s on me,” I agreed, turning away from Mike and shrugging out of my leather jacket.

Tatum followed suit and I drank in the sight of her in that homemade crop top as she raised her arms to tie her long hair in a knot and gifted me a view of the base of her bra and the curve of her full tits. I positioned myself so that I was the only one seeing that slice of temptation and she rolled her eyes at me as if to say it was my fault she was dressed that way. Which it was. And I was perfectly fucking happy about that too.

I lifted the rope for her so that she could step into the ring and snapped a photograph of her to taunt Saint with later. Or maybe jerk off over. Or maybe both.

I tossed my cellphone on the chair with our jackets before I followed her, not worrying about anyone stealing them. No one here was dumb enough to fuck with me.

Mike called out the odds as the crowd went wild at the sight of the fuckable blonde chick stepping into the ring with a look on her face that said she was going to kick some serious fucking ass.

“Do you think you can work with me to win this, baby?” I asked her, stepping close as she eyed the opposition.

“I guess you can help out if you want,” she teased and I laughed. Really fucking laughed. In fact I’d been damn near grinning all night in her company and it wasn’t a feeling I was used to.

Mike’s crew finally stopped taking bets and the look on his face said it was an exceptional haul which was perfect for me as I needed that money.

He reached up to ring the bell and at the glorious fucking sound of that ding, I leapt into the fight.

Tatum was right beside me, throwing her fists at her guy with a snarl of rage that had me wondering if she was imagining he was me or Blake or Saint. Either way, it was hot as fuck.

I focused on my own opponent as he swung at me, throwing my fists against his flesh with savage abandon as the call of the bloodlust sang to me.

I free fell into the bliss of delivering and receiving pain, feeling that beautiful ache as my knuckles split open as they came into contact with his face.

Within minutes he was bleeding and I was bathing in it, punching again and again as he fought back fearlessly.

A cry of pain caught my attention as Tatum was knocked to her ass by the other fucker, her bottom lip splitting and staining her red lips redder.

I wheeled away from my guy to help her up but she didn’t need me, springing to her feet and throwing her heavy boot straight into the guy’s gut as he lunged. He coughed as the air was driven from his lungs and she darted around him, punching him in the temple hard enough to send him flying.

He crashed to the ground just as my guy recovered enough to come at me again and I stumbled back a step as he took advantage of my distraction. I fought back savagely but he’d caught me on the back foot and I stumbled away again, my back colliding with the heavy post which marked the corner of the ring.

He bellowed in my face as he threw a punch at my jaw, but I jerked away from it before catching his T-shirt in my grip and yanking him towards me as I swung my forehead down on the bridge of his nose.

The snap that followed was almost drowned out by his screams as he fell to the ground and I started kicking.

On the other side of the ring, Tatum was straddling her opponent, slamming her fists down into his face repeatedly as he fought to block her attacks.

Mike started counting as the two assholes remained on floor and after three long seconds, the glorious sound of the bell rang out and the crowd roared at our victory.

I abandoned the asshole who was groaning beneath me and strode straight towards Tatum, dragging her upright and grinning at her. I hoisted her into my arms and lifted her to sit on my shoulders as we yelled our triumph to the crowd and she raised her arms in victory, not giving one shit about the blood dripping from her lip.

This girl, this fucking girl! I was all lit up inside and buzzing like I was high on something, but the only thing it could be was her. And I couldn’t get enough.

Before we’d finished our celebrations, a new sound blared out over the crowd and I fell still as the police sirens echoed through the air.

Everyone fell silent in a heartbeat and in that pause in between the chaos, a voice called to us through a megaphone.

“This is the state police! You are all in breach of the lockdown orders set in place by the Governor of Sequoia!”

“Fuck that,” I muttered, yanking Tatum back off of my shoulders as the crowd started screaming and running for every exit.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her back towards Mike, snatching our jackets and my phone before taking the fistful of winnings he held out to me. He was gone before I could blink and I dragged Tatum into the crowd as we took another route out of here.

“Are they gonna catch us?” she gasped.

“Fuck no,” I laughed, pulling her faster as we ran on.

People were screaming, crying, police were shouting and making demands, some poor fuckers fell and got trampled but none of it mattered. Only me and Tatum Rivers did.

We ran to the bar which was abandoned and I picked her up and tossed her over it before following myself. I pulled open the hidden door behind the bar where they stashed the booze. I’d fucked Denise back here more than once and I knew the escape route for when I was done with her.

Tatum let me lead her through the dark space, knocking the door closed behind us and I led her past crates of beer and whiskey before making it to the small door on the side of the building.

I slowed for a moment, easing it open to check for cops before yanking Tatum out behind me and making a run for it.

“You there!” an officer barked behind us. “Stop!”

“Fuck you!” I yelled back and Tatum laughed wildly as we raced away.

I didn’t know if he’d given chase, couldn’t spare a moment to check.

We just ran and ran until we reached the parking lot where hundreds of people were diving into cars and trying to make a getaway despite the fact that the police had clearly blocked off the road which led in here.

We made it to my bike and I tossed Tatum’s jacket into her arms as she leapt on, throwing mine on too before stuffing the cash and my cellphone into my pocket and retrieving my bike key from it.

“I said stop!” the cop bellowed just as I started my baby up and she roared loud enough to block out the rest of his words.

I flipped him the finger as he ran at us and Tatum laughed again as we shot away.

“Hold on tight, baby, this one’s gonna be bumpy,” I growled in her ear as I directed the bike over the field which ran to the left of the track.

She screamed as we thundered over the dirt and stones, but it wasn’t in fear. That was excitement, real and pure.

Her hands gripped the handle bars beside mine and my gaze snagged on our matching split knuckles as my dick hardened against her ass.

“You’re something special, you know that, Tatum?” I growled as we left the chaos of the barn behind and I cut across country towards the road.

“I know,” she replied cockily and I laughed again.

My dick was straining against my jeans, aching for a piece of her and the way she pushed her ass back against me told me she knew and might just want a piece of me too.

“Can you feel how hard I am for you?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she breathed in a tone that told me she wasn’t sure whether she should be pleased about that or not.

We bumped down onto an abandoned road and I turned the bike back towards Everlake, slowing as I accepted that the police had lost us.

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