Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(12)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(12)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

“Was that another attempt on my life or are you really just as thick as you look?” he deadpanned and anger clawed its way under my skin.

My upper lip peeled back as I surveyed the dipshit in his fitted black shirt and grey sweatpants, apparently above wearing the designated uniform.

“If I made an attempt on your life, you wouldn’t still be breathing,” I said coolly and he laughed so hard it made my insides shrivel.

I tried to step past him and he barred my way by sidestepping, planting his huge ass chest in my path again. “You’re late for class,” he growled.

“And what? Are you gonna tell tales on me, asshole?”

His eyes flashed with rage and he pressed his shoulders back as a menacing smile pulled at his mouth. “Call me an asshole again and see what happens.”

I swallowed the sharp lump in my throat and mentally pulled up my big girl panties as I leaned toward him, tip-toeing up to get as close to his face as possible. “Ass…hole.”

“Detention!” he roared in my face, making my heart jolt in shock.

“What-” I blurted but he barrelled on over me.

“Next Monday night, six o’clock in my office.” His eyes gleamed as he gazed at me, waiting for the penny to drop. And it dropped alright. That bitch pinged off the inside of my brain and used my body like a pin-ball machine.

“You’re a teacher?” I breathed like an idiot.

He smiled like he’d won the lottery. Because he knew. He fucking knew I’d gotten it wrong and he’d let me believe he was a student just so he could wait to see my reaction when I figured it out.

“Come on, are you serious?” I demanded. “I didn’t know you were faculty.” I backed away from him. I mean sure, he looked mature, but he didn’t look like a damn teacher. What kind of teacher had a playboy smile and a warrior body? It wasn’t right. He could only have been a few years older than me. Max.

“Well maybe this will teach you a lesson about how to speak to other people with respect. Teacher or otherwise.” He pointed me back into the hall. “Go. Now. No questions.”

“I need an elasti-”

“Too late, princess. You’re late and if you waste another second of my time, I’m gonna make that detention a double.” He gave me a stern look which was hot enough to make my blood temperature rise for the second time today and I spun away from him, making sure my long hair accidentally slapped him in the face.

“Woops, shame I don’t have a tie,” I said innocently as his heated breath ran over my neck from behind. He was herding me into the sports hall like a damn sheep dog.

“Watch it, Rivers,” he warned in a low tone only I could hear. “Or you might wake up with it all cut off.”

My heart missed a beat as he swept past me into the hall and I hurried over to join Mila amongst the masses. She had a red ball tucked under her arm and she frowned at my loose hair. I jerked my head at the teacher with a pout in explanation.

“Did he tell you off?” she asked under her breath.

“Yeah, he gave me detention,” I whispered with a scowl.

“Girl, you sure know how to make an impression on your first day.”

I threw my head back with a silent groan. I wasn’t trying to make waves, but I was making a damn ocean today.

“Monroe is a hard ass,” Mila breathed, glancing over at him as he started introducing the lesson. “But shit, I’d fuck him sixty eight ways ‘til Sunday if I got the chance.”

I snorted a laugh and Monroe’s voice cut through the air. “Miss Rivers, is there something funny that you’d like to share with the class?” he snapped, his voice ringing right through to my soul. Holy hell, that stern tone did bad things to me, but it also made me dislike him even more.

“No sir,” I said innocently.

I glanced at Mila who was hiding behind a tall guy with broad shoulders. She held the red ball against her crotch as she rolled her eyes back into her head and mouthed Monroe’s name.

I tried to choke it down, but a laugh tumbled from my lips and Monroe’s eyes snapped back to me with a deadly promise in them. “See me after class, Rivers. I’ll teach you a thing or two about respect.”

A collective oooh sounded out around me and I folded my arms in annoyance. It wasn’t my fault Mila was funny as hell. And dammit, I did not need any more trouble coming my way today.

“But before that, you can come up here and demonstrate today’s exercise.” Monroe waved his hand and I blew out a breath before heading up to the front of the class. I could feel my cheeks colouring as he swivelled me around to face the other students and my eyes immediately found Blake, Saint and Kyan. The three of them were standing to one side of the class, their arms folded as they gave Monroe their attention.

“Memphis, Bowman, Roscoe.” Monroe directed them forward, tossing a sack of balls at their feet. “Let’s remind everyone how to play dodgeball.”

“Dodgeball?” I scoffed as Saint barked a callous laugh. “What are we, twelve?”

The three guys lined up in front of me while the rest of the class closed ranks, sniggering as they watched.

Blake was the only one of the boys who was smiling like this was a game. The other two looked like they were about to charge into battle. Oh shit.

Monroe moved closer to me with a goddamn smirk, lowering his head to murmur under his breath. “Fuck with me, Rivers, and I’ll fuck with you harder.” He strode away to join the crowd, folding his arms across his chest and bringing his whistle to his lips.


The shrill noise sounded and the three guys launched the first balls at me. I flinched, trying to spring away but one slammed into my arm and the other hit me in the gut with sheer force. Rage and embarrassment tangled inside me as they continued their assault and I totally lost my cool as my skin stung from their attacks. I snatched up the balls as they bounced to the ground, hurling them back at them so they had to deflect and dodge them themselves.

A ball slammed into my cheek and pain splashed through my skin from the power behind the throw. Ow!

Monroe’s whistle blew again and I fought the urge to lift a hand to my stinging skin as Saint smirked at me like the devil himself.

“What was that about you always coming out victorious from a fight?” Kyan asked coolly.

“Do you normally fight your opponents three on one?” I shot back and a smile twisted up the corner of his mouth.

“Alright, everyone split into two teams, we’re gonna play a full game. If you get hit you’re out.” Monroe blew his whistle again and Blake took a path straight for me. He reached out, brushing his knuckles against my burning hot cheek and the touch sent off a chemical reaction in my body. I was pretty sure none of his balls had hit me and was even surer that had been deliberate.

“You okay, Tate?”

“Your friends are assholes,” I pointed out.

“Nah,” he said with an edge to his tone I didn’t miss. “They’re just waiting for you to prove your mettle. You’re doing good so far. Impress them at the initiation tonight and they’re gonna like you a lot.” The way he said those final words and paired them with stroking his thumb down my side had a deep shiver running through me.

I glanced over his shoulder, finding Saint and Kyan waiting for him. They weren’t looking at me like they wanted to hurt me anymore. They were looking at me like they wanted their hands on me too. And it set off a fire in my flesh I couldn’t ignore. But after the dodgeball bullshit and the hair pulling, I only had time for one of them.

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