Home > Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(14)

Kings of Quarantine (Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep #1)(14)
Author: Caroline Peckham ,Susanne Valenti

No problem was too big or payoff too small. And that just had to fuck up an integral part of a kid as they grew up. What was life without responsibility, accountability, consequences? They were given free rein to be little assholes as often and as aggressively as they liked. It was no wonder they all grew up to be a bunch of fucking dicks.

Eighty eight, eight nine, ninety…

My jaw locked tight as my gaze remained fixed on the door to the girls’ locker rooms.

Yeah, that was what was wrong with this bunch of next generation pricks: no culpability, no responsibilities, no repercussions.

Well that shit didn’t fly with me.

Ninety eight, ninety nine, one fucking hundred. Alright then, princess, you asked for it.

I lifted my chin and strode towards the girls’ locker rooms with a deep scowl etched onto my features.

The blue door stood closed before it and I banged my knuckles against it heavily three times.

“Male staff member coming in, cover up your tits and put your pussies back undercover. You’ve got five seconds to comply!” I barked.

Squeals of alarm came from the girls who were changing inside accompanied by some fuckwit going wooooo. I was pretty sure that was Pearl Devickers and if I could prove it she’d be enjoying detention for a week.

My temper rose as I waited for them to get their shit together and I knocked the door open once they’d had enough time.

I strode straight into the open space between the lockers. A few of the girls looked scandalised, most of them seemed resigned and a couple had accidentally forgotten to cover themselves up properly.

“Heathcot, Devickers, Smith and Pride,” I snapped. “Cover yourselves up and report to detention on Monday.” They all started giggling, clearly wanting detention with me but they were out of luck. I’d had enough practice dealing with horny schoolgirls to know how to disarm this kind of shit. “You can report to Mr Hutchins straight after class.”

Their faces fell at that and I fought a smirk. Hutchins had B.O. and bad breath coupled with a great passion for cataloging dusty old books which he found in the back of the library. His detentions consisted of way too much time stuck in a small room with his stench and a boring as hell task which took hours to complete. Maybe after enduring that they’d think again about trying to flash me their udders.

Silence fell as the offending girls gaped at me in horror and hurried to cover themselves properly. I looked through the cloud of bimbos for my prey as the rest of the girls in the room waited to see what I wanted.

“Princess,” I snapped as I pointed her out. She turned those big blue eyes on me and blinked innocently.

“Yes, sir?”

Good to see she knows how to be respectful sometimes.

“Did you forget something?”

She stared at me for a long moment, batting those long lashes, but I could see the cunning hiding behind the bimbo mask and I wasn’t falling for her shit.

“Oh! I’m so sorry, I thought you meant for me to come and find you after I got changed?” she tried.

“I did not. My office. Now.”

“Okay…I’ll just finish getting changed and-”

“Are you deaf, princess?” I asked in a deadly tone as I stalked towards her. “I didn’t say to come in a minute. I said to come now.”

“I could come now if he wanted me to,” Devickers murmured behind her hand and I pointed a finger at her without turning from the princess.

“You just earned yourself a whole week with Mr Hutchins after school, Devickers,” I snarled and she gasped in alarm.

The princess hesitated, glancing to Mila Cruz who had the good sense to nudge her towards me. She was still wearing her forest green gym skirt and sports bra so I didn’t know what she was blushing about. Actually, on second look that red tint in her cheeks wasn’t a blush, it was rage, pure and simple. Bring it on, princess.

I gave her a mocking bow and pointed her ahead of me towards the door.

She pouted her lips in that way rich girls always did when life was being oh so fucking unfair and strutted out of the locker room ahead of me.

I followed and waited for her to turn right before barking, “Left!”

She whirled around angrily and I directed her along the corridor to my office.

I hounded her all the way there, walking close enough to catch the scent of vanilla and honey blossom which clung to her skin and enjoying the way she tensed up at the feeling of me on her heels.

We reached my office and I leaned around her to open the door, pointing at the wooden chair before my desk. It was a damn uncomfortable piece of furniture which I’d taken great pleasure in selecting especially for the little shits I had to drag in here for a tongue lashing.

The princess dropped down onto the chair and crossed her legs as she waited for me to move to my desk. But I didn’t. I closed in behind her, moving closer and closer until I was rewarded with her straightening uncomfortably in the ass numbing chair. No one liked to know they had a wolf at their back.

“There are several things which I won’t tolerate in my class, princess, care to guess what they may be?” I asked in a dangerously low voice.

She cleared her throat before she answered, tossing that long, blonde hair in a casually flirtatious way. But I wasn’t going to be tempted into looking at her like that.

“My name is Tatum,” she said in a surprisingly strong voice. “Tatum Rivers.”

I barked a laugh in surprise. The girl had balls. I liked that. It would just make it all the more entertaining to break her in. Which I would. Because they all fell into line with me one way or another when they realised that their money, influence, family names and plastic perfection looks didn’t mean shit to me. I wanted respect. And the best they could hope to earn from me was my respect in return. Though that was a hard won prize.

“I don’t think you’re quite grasping the seriousness of this discussion, princess,” I growled, circling her like a predator about to go in for the kill. “I don’t tolerate backtalk, name calling or fucking giggling in my class and you’ve started off our relationship by offering me all three.”

I came to a halt in front of her and she was forced to tilt her head back as she looked up at me. Her golden hair spilled down her back and the sports bra offered me a way too easy view of her full breasts as they strained to escape the elasticated material. Goddammit.

“I’m sorry, sir,” she said, widening those big blues at me as she laid on the innocent act again. But this one was a far cry from innocent. She reeked of trouble and the endless depths of those eyes sparkled with nothing but disobedience. Hell, I almost could have sworn she was enjoying this. She liked going toe to toe with a strong opponent, but I’d be damned if she’d be coming out on top with me.

I sat back onto my desk in front of her, spreading my legs wide as I curled my fingers around the hand-carved oak.

“You’re not leaving this office until you tell me what you were giggling about,” I said, snagging her gaze and keeping hold of it.

She bit her bottom lip, not nervously like she should have been, but seductively like she knew exactly the way to a guy’s libido with that one practiced move. But that shit wasn’t going to work on me.

My eyes narrowed on her and I folded my arms as I waited.

“I can only apologise again,” she said and she almost sounded sincere that time. “But I can’t remember what made me laugh now...”

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