Home > More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3)(51)

More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3)(51)
Author: Laura Pavlov

   “So you have information about Dex and Farah? Is that what this is about?” Luke said, pausing so we could place our order.

   “You know me, I’ve got eyes and ears everywhere.”

   I cringed. He disgusted me.

   “So how is it that you think you can help?” Luke asked.

   “Well, I have a powerful legal team behind me, you know that. I’ve also got deep pockets, and maybe I could make the story go away.”

   “What are you waiting for?” I said, my disdain impossible to hide. “I don’t even give a shit to be honest. Jade doesn’t believe it, and I highly doubt anyone does.”

   “Well, you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t looking for a favor. And you know the saying, Cruz. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.”

   A venomous laugh left my mouth. He was going to blackmail me for a crime I didn’t commit, to save a career I didn’t even want. Did I want Farah to take this on a national program? Hell no. It would embarrass Jade, and her friends and family would see it. But would we be okay either way. Yes. I’d do what I could to stop it. I’d slap Farah’s ass with a lawsuit. But I wouldn’t make a deal with the devil.

   “Of course, you petty motherfucker,” I hissed across the table. “And what is it you want from me?”

   “You stay in the band another year. I’ll make this go away.”

   “Fuck you,” I said, reaching for my orange juice and taking a swig. “I don’t give a shit about Farah Clearwater.” The asshole didn’t even realize he’d as much admitted to this being a setup—his plan to keep me in the band. He. Made. Me. Sick.

   Luke placed a hand on my shoulder and gave me a look that told me to chill the fuck out. I nodded.

   “Steven, this has nothing to do with Cruz staying in the band. It’s a bullshit story and we all know it. I wouldn’t think you’d be okay with standing by and letting this crazy person go on The Laurel Hayes Show and slander his name.”

   “So, let me throw money at it. I’m sure I can make it go away. Hell, she’s probably working with Dex. But nothing comes for free, son. You know that.”

   I shook my head. “Not happening. But for fuck’s sake, why do you care if I leave Exiled? I can’t figure you out.”

   He chuckled. “Do you not realize that my stake in Exiled has doubled my net worth. I’m on the cusp of making the Forbes richest men in the US list. Call me competitive, but I like seeing my name on top dominating everything I touch.”

   “This is all about a list? Are you fucking kidding me? Who gives a shit? This is my fucking life. And how do you know you won’t be on it if I leave? You’re insane,” I said, pushing my plate away and crossing my arms over my chest.

   “Bands are never the same after the lead singer leaves. It’s common knowledge. And you Cruz, you’ve got my star power. You are the reason they’ve reached the success they have,” my father said.

   “You fucking—”

   Luke cut me off before I could finish blasting him. “Steven, I disagree. Exiled is going to be fine. The fans have taken to Zach, and Cruz will still be writing the lyrics. Come on, man. Do the right thing. You’re going to lose your son because you’re so hell bent on controlling him. He never wanted this. We all knew it. And we stood by and let him do it anyway. Let him walk away. He’s done more than anyone could have asked for so go sic your legal team on Farah Clearwater and slap them with a defamation suit. Shut her lying ass up for once and for all, and scare the shit out of Laurel Hayes. She won’t want to mess with legal action.”

   “How do we know Farah’s lying?” Dad asked.

   “Fuck you.” I tossed my napkin on the table.

   “You sure you didn’t fuck around with this girl? You wouldn’t be the first good looking dude to cheat on his lady. Maybe you don’t want her to take this on The Laurel Hayes Show because you know Jade will leave if she discovers the truth.”

   I pointed my finger in his fucking face. “I’m not you. I’ve never met this chick.”

   “Ah, that’s right. Your boy Dex brought her into your circle, right? And you fucked him over by kicking him out of the band. You need to rethink your choices, son. He’s probably pulling the strings now, to give you a taste of your own medicine,” he said.

   I tipped my head back. How long did I have to sit here and listen to this bag of shit speak? He wasn’t going to help me, not unless I agreed to his terms. Which wasn’t happening.

   “Our guess is that Dex is behind this, yes. And if he thinks this is going to get him back in Exiled, he’s deeply mistaken. You alluded to the fact that you’ve spoken to Dex. Did he give you any indication he was behind this?” Luke said.

   “I’m quite certain he’s behind it. You have an enemy in Dex, and this Clearwater woman had a relationship with him, correct?” My father sipped his coffee.

   “Most likely, yes. But you also got involved with her, correct?” Luke dropped his napkin on the table, letting me know he was about done with this too.

   Dad chuckled. It was a maniacal laugh that sent chills down my spine. “Been there, done that, and I owned it.”

   “No. You got caught,” I said.

   “I don’t have time to mess with trash. But if Laurel Hayes interviews her, it won’t fare well for you, Son.”

   “Laurel fucking Hayes won’t interview her. There’s nothing there. I’ve never met Farah Clearwater,” I said dryly.

   A grin spread across my father’s face. Sadistic bastard.

   “Suit yourself, Cruz. I wouldn’t want to risk her taking this the whole way.” He smirked.

   “I’m not you. I don’t have a web of lies to cover up.” I pushed to my feet, and Luke followed suit. “We’re done here.”

   And the fucker might not have realized it, but he’d just showed me his cards. The man was so hell bent on helping me. He didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Never had. Never would.

   “Cruz,” he barked, and Luke and I paused to look at him. “I’ve given you a far easier solution. I am confident that I could make this go away for you. I can wave enormous amounts of money in a lot of faces and you can be done with this.”

   “Not happening, daddy dearest.”

   “Provided that you are telling the truth. A lot to lose if you’ve been fucking around, son.”

   “Well, you’d know a thing or two about that, wouldn’t you? And on a side note, stay the fuck away from my girlfriend,” I said.

   He studied me with a look of surprise.

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