Home > The Falling_ A Dark Mafia Romance (Finding Forever, #3)(14)

The Falling_ A Dark Mafia Romance (Finding Forever, #3)(14)
Author: Jessie Jones

Placing another kiss on both cheeks, John raised up and walked to the head of the bed. Her emerald eyes were full of worry and confusion as they met his. John then leaned down one more time to place a chaste kiss on her lips. As he once again walked away from her to the foot of the bed, he said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Kitten, you disobeyed me today, not once but twice, and for that, you're going to be punished."

"Disobeyed?" Kitten asked incredulously, unable to see what John was doing. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, kitten. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Think back to earlier today. What were you told to do?"

"Told to do? I…" Gillian began, still confused, but then as if struck by lightning, she asked, "Is this about the cheeseburger?"

"It's not about the fucking food, kitten," John growled, annoyed by the tone in her voice. "You were to come home directly after shopping, but you blatantly disregarded my command. You also went for a jog this morning on the property when you were explicitly told not to."

"Are you serious, John?" Gillian asked, trying like hell to get her hands out of the shackles. "You left me three days ago, and now you come home yelling at me about not following your damn rules? There were at least fifty damn guards with me, plus Duff, when I went for a run and food! I—"

Gillian words were cut off and substituted with a scream when the leather side of the paddle connected with her bare bottom. The skin burned and she fought against the restraints as the paddle connected with her backside again. Although Gillian was seething inside, her body betrayed her. She felt so vulnerable and exposed lying naked on the bed. Her pussy wept down her thighs and her vaginal walls ached and pulsed with need when John struck her a third time. Gillian would never admit it to the British billionaire, but his punishment was turning her on!

John growled and gritted his teeth when his blackened eyes fixed on Gillian's glistening, vaginal folds. His hand immediately found his own erect cock and he began to stroke it, using long, slow movements. He then leaned down and ran his tongue up her shaved pussy lips as he enjoyed watching his American almost come out of the bed. His first three strikes had silenced her angry, indignant tone, but her body posture told John that she was still mad. Even though Gillian was angry at him, he could see and smell how aroused she was. Knowing his kitten was somehow enjoying her punishment, made his cock throb even more painfully. It would seem the good doctor had a taste for the naughty side of sex, and that made John happy.

"Are you done, John? If not, then fucking get it over with," Gillian gritted out angrily, her bottom on fire. She could not believe the Brit was pissed about today, but more than that, she could not believe he was punishing her for it. She gasped loudly when she felt a cold, round object slip into her pussy before a second and third followed. "Patrick, help me!"

"Yeah, Pat, help her," John said in Gaelic, turning to look at his best mate as he cracked his thick neck. He then tossed the small silver remote to the Irishman, who caught it in his hand. The British billionaire was livid! Kitten was showing absolutely no remorse for disobeying him and was even telling him what the fuck to do! It appeared that John needed to up the ante on his little, feisty American.

"Patrick, don't just sit there! Untie me!" Gillian yelled as she fought against the restraints. She could not believe that the Irishman was just sitting there in the room and allowing John to punish her like this! So much for Patrick being someone she could trust! "And you said it wasn't just about sex, Patrick! You lied to me, dammit! I knew I couldn't trust you!"

The Irishman clenched his jaw shut in a quiet rage when he heard Gillian call him a liar. Just like John, he was a lot of things, but a liar was not one of them. Getting up, Patrick walked over to the bed where he towered over the stunning beauty. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on her cheek before whispering in her ear, "A lie has never passed my lips, sweetheart, but yours just sealed your fate. You'll have to learn when to stop flapping them." The Irishman kissed her on the cheek once more before clicking the vibrator he was holding on low.

As soon as the vibrator was turned on, Gillian's body stiffened with intense pleasure before John brought the hard, leather down on her bottom again. Her pussy poured as the vibrator was switched to a pulsing sensation and John's strikes began matching the quick, intense bursts. The magnificent, raven haired beauty gasped and cried out in rapture as she thrashed about on the large, plush bed. The vibrating sensations, combined with the paddling, had her body on the verge of an orgasm. Just as she felt the wave of pleasure cresting, the vibrating balls were turned off. She let out a profanity as the wave subsided and she was unable to find her release.

"It wouldn't be a punishment, my dear kitten, if I let you come this soon," John said huskily before she screamed loudly in frustration. Bending over, he kissed both her red cheeks and rubbed his bearded face lovingly against the heat coming from the area. He could tell by Gillian's body language that she was at the point of breaking and bending to his will. The earlier fire and anger were replaced with pure lust and sexual need. It's about fucking time, John thought to himself. He was about to explode!

Climbing up on the bed, John covered her body with his. As he did so, the Brit watched his best mate walk over to the bed and wrap one of Gillian's bound hands around his large erection. As kitten stroked Pat, John rubbed his thick, long cock against her soaking wet pussy lips before he eased the tip into her sweet, delicious ass. A shudder of intense pleasure coursed through his body as John closed his eyes and allowed himself to just feel. Nuzzling her neck, the Brit ran his lips along the pulse that wildly beat there. The purrs escaping her succulent mouth had John moving his dick in and out of her bottom slowly.

"Tell me you'll obey me, kitten," John growled, feeling the vibrating balls begin to pulse again as he slowly rode her. Pulling her earlobe with his teeth, he said, "Give me your word, and the punishment will end."

No longer being able to withstand the mixture of intense pleasure and pain, Gillian felt a tear escape her eye. The feel of John's cock in her ass combined with the vibrating balls in her pussy had her body on total overload. Not only was John bringing her pleasure, but Patrick was pulling at her nipples as he pumped himself inside of her hand. When Gillian felt her British lover's teeth nibbling on her shoulder, she heard herself barely whisper, "J-John, y-you win."

"Say the words you know I want to hear, kitten," the Brit urged. He didn't know how much longer he could keep himself from coming in her tight ass.

"I promise to obey you, John," Gillian breathlessly groaned, her own body betraying her by meeting his slow, wonderful thrusts.

"Good girl, kitten. Now tell me you love me."

Her blue-green eyes looked over her shoulder to find his. When their eyes met, she hoarsely replied, "I love you, Bear."

"Fuck, I love you too, kitten," John groaned before he slipped out of her ass and placed a kiss in the center of her back. Looking at Patrick, the Brit removed the vibrating balls as he growled, "Help me undo the shackles, boyo. I need kitten, and I know you do too."

Both men unlocked the handcuffs before Patrick climbed into the king-sized bed. Pulling Gillian up so she straddled his lap, Patrick eased her onto his throbbing, hard cock. As her soaking wet pussy was fully embedded on his dick, Patrick cupped her face and attempted to slam his mouth down on hers. When his mouth was only inches away from hers, Gillian quickly jerked her head away from him, avoiding his kiss. His turquoise eyes took on an almost silver hue as a mixture of raw lust and rage shot through his chest.

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