Home > The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(42)

The Punk and the Plaything (When Rivals Play #3)(42)
Author: B.B. Reid

Opening the case, I removed the thin gold bangle. Tradition called for a corsage, but I wanted to give Bee something that would live long past tonight. I didn’t say anything as I slipped the band on her arm. It was a perfect fit. ‘If found, please return to Jameson Buchanan,’ was engraved on the inside, but she didn’t need to know that. And in case there was any question…no, I wasn’t talking about the bracelet.

Barbette admired it with a sparkle in her eye. “It’s beautiful, Jamie.”

Lifting her chin, I ignored the stares as I pressed a kiss to her lips. She didn’t seem to notice the attention we were attracting. It was as if I spun on her axis, and she spun on mine. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there kissing before a throat-clearing pulled us apart.

While the lust clouding my vision took a few seconds to clear, I pulled Bee even closer to my chest… in case she got any ideas about running. Blinking, I grinned at the disapproving scowl Lou wore as she stood a couple of feet away with her arms crossed. Wren, who looked like he’d rather be anywhere else, stood next to her. Lou looked stunning in her strapless royal blue gown, and her dark hair swept up, showing off her bare shoulders. Right now, I doubt she’d appreciate me telling her so, though. Wren looked pretty too, and I was toying with the idea of fucking with him by telling him so when Lou spoke.

“What do you two think you’re doing?” she grilled.

“Minding our business.” Taking Bee’s arm, I started for the entrance with Lou hot on our tails. We gave our tickets at the booth before traveling down the hall. The floor was lined with purple, gold, and white balloons along the wall. A round, fake clock, set to one minute before midnight, waited at the end. We didn’t get far before Tyra and Vaughn met us. Vaughn’s eyes darted back and forth between us. At the question in his eyes, I shrugged. Already losing interest, he looked away as he took a sip of his drink. Tyra, who wore a yellow floor-length, off-shoulder gown with a high slit and gold, strappy heels wasn’t so easy to convince.

“Are you for real, Jamie? Ever just broke up with her yesterday.”

Not a fan of repeating myself, I said, “See previous answer,” before skating around them both. If this night was going to work—and I was determined that it would—Bee and I needed to ditch my nosy-ass friends ASAP. We traveled through an open set of double doors, and the dance floor was decorated as if we were attending a royal ball rather than prom.

Glancing over my shoulder, I searched Bee’s expression for distress. I shouldn’t have been surprised when I found none. Instead, she looked amused. “Feel free to jump in and help me anytime.”

Smirking, she said, “They’re your friends. Besides, why should I when you’re so diplomatic?”

I pulled her close and kissed her again. Now that I had, I couldn’t seem to stop. “They could be your friends, too, you know.”

She snorted. “They don’t like me, and you know it.”

“Vaughn does.”

“Vaughn doesn’t know me anymore.”

“He knows you, and he misses you.” I pinched her side when she looked away. “The real you.”

“Too much has happened, Jamie. Even if I could go back, I could never be the same girl you fell for.”

“Tell me what happened and let me be the judge of that.”

“If I could, I would.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. At least tell me how you could trust Ever more than me?”

“That’s not true, and you know it. Ever was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and I swore him to secrecy. Don’t blame him for being a friend.”

Wrapping both hands around her nape, I pressed my thumbs into her throat. “I don’t blame him,” I snapped as I pulled her close. “I blame you for lying to me all these years. I blame you for ruining us. One way or another, Barbette, I’m going to get to the bottom of what turned you into such a fucking bitch.” Releasing her, she stumbled, and it was all I could do not to reach for her again. Not trusting myself with her at the moment, I stormed away.

I needed a fucking drink.

It was a high school prom, so it was safe to say I wouldn’t find one, so I settled for the next best thing. I was out on the terrace, staring out at the green lawn, blowing smoke in the air when Lou found me. This was the first fag I’d had in nine days—a record yet—and I intended to enjoy it. I could always quit again tomorrow.

“Four and Ever are here. I guess it’s safe to assume they made up since they’re all over each other.”

“Peachy for them.”

“Something tells me you had something to do with that.” I didn’t bother responding or look her way, but that didn’t deter Lou. “I’m curious… was it because you cared, or was it so you could move in on sex-on-a-stick?”


“Which one was more?”

“Quit it, Lou.”

“Make me.”

I looked around for Wren because if anyone could shut her up, he could. Most of the time. “Where’s Wren?”

“Keeping your date company, asshole.”

“Remind me. Why am I an asshole?”

“Because you dragged her here and left her alone with the vultures.”

“I needed air.”

“And she needs a date who’s not a scumbag.”

I looked her up and down. That gown made her look way too innocent. Lou was a fucking menace. “You look beautiful,” I offered matter-of-factly.

“Thanks.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she cocked her head. “Did you bother to tell Bee, as well?”

My gaze averted. No, I hadn’t told Bee a goddamn thing except how much I hated her. It was nothing fucking new. She was always beautiful, even when she wore clothes too big for her and was covered from head to toe in dirt and mischief.

I heard a snap followed by a flash of light and was startled when I saw Lou holding up a camera.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Smile,” she instructed before snapping another picture. Pulling the camera away, she winced. “Oh, boy. That is not a good shot of you. I’d be a friend and delete it, but I don’t like you very much right now. Maybe I’ll post it on Instagram,” she mused. “Those thirst buckets that follow you need to know the truth. Did someone call for, ‘no filter’?”

“For fuck’s sake.” Realizing she was goading me back to Bee’s side, I put out my cigarette and flicked the butt before storming inside in search of my date. I didn’t have to look very hard. Even in a crowded room, she stood out. I gritted my teeth, hating that she was so goddamn breathtaking as I made my way to her.

“Done pouting?” she greeted when I reached her.

Wren merely lifted an eyebrow before swaggering away.

“He’s nice,” Bee remarked. “Doesn’t seem to like you very much, though.”

“Probably because I tried to sleep with Lou when she first came to town.”

I watched as Bee curled her lips in disgust. She’d fixed her lipstick, but all it made me want to do was fuck it up again. “Of course you did.”

I shrugged because what was there to say? I was a dog. I see a bone, I sniff a bone. That was all there was to it. “Jealous?”

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