Home > Broken_ Broken #1

Broken_ Broken #1
Author: A. E. Murphy

Chapter One



I walk along the shore, my feet sinking into the soft sand with every step. Looking over my shoulder, I smile at each individual imprint my feet have left behind. Footprints are an amazing thing, even the ones you can’t see. They make you wonder who’s walked right where you’re walking. Who’s travelled this same path? What were their concerns? Who did they love? Are they still alive?

Life is so beautiful.

Everything is good right now. No. Everything is great. It’s peaceful. I’m happy.

“Can I walk with you?” An unfamiliar voice asks from two steps behind me.

I glance at the male and my heart stops.

I stare at him, at his face, at his eyes that are a shade of light brown that I can’t name, one shade down from milk chocolate. I lose myself in them so easily, so quickly; the sounds all around dim and my heart seems to be beating in my head. I feel my rapid pulse thrumming throughout my entire body.

He smiles slowly and easily, his entire face lighting up with the motion. So handsome, so beautiful. The way the light hits his messy dark hair is picture perfect. It’s not too long, but long enough to tuck behind his ears.

The sun catches every curve and contour of his sculpted chest. His lean body is like none I’ve ever seen before.

“Wow,” I murmur unintentionally and my face heats.

Why did I say that out loud?

There’s no denying the fact I’m probably as red as a tomato. Mortifying.

His smile widens, his eyes creasing at the corners, his amusement evident. “I’m Caleb.”

“Caleb.” I repeat his name; it tastes good, feels good. I want to say it again. “I’m Gwen.”

“It’s great to meet you, Gwen.” His smile doesn’t falter, not until he brings my knuckles to his mouth and plants the softest kiss upon them. He can’t be older than twenty, yet he’s already a gentleman.

I’m never washing this hand again.

Once he releases it, I look at the sand beneath my feet and tuck my hair behind my ear with the same hand, fighting the urge to touch the spot he just sweetly kissed.

“Can I walk with you?” He asks, his easy smile now contagious. He looks so happy and carefree. I’ve never met a person so seemingly happy. It oozes off him in waves, so much that I can almost see its glow coming from his body.

“Are you going to murder me?” Shut up, I yell at myself inwardly. I sound like an idiot. Why do I always do this? Am I so incapable of interacting?

“If I answer that question, will you believe me?” He has a point. “I mean, either way you won’t know I’m telling the truth until I’ve started the sick and twisted process a murderer would probably be cooking up in their head right now.” He takes a step closer, two shallow dimples appearing in his cheeks as he grins with his mouth closed. I imagine he is trying to mimic the manic grin of a crazy person but he’s just too adorable to pull it off.

“Good point,” I laugh, giving him a smile of my own.

“There it is!” He grins and stops me with his hands on my arms, the contact of his warm palms and fingers against my cool flesh sending tingles to places I didn’t know existed until now. He turns me to face him, blocking the sun with the back of his head. I look up, almost unable to see him due to the shadow cast between us.

“There what is?” I purse my lips, trying not to smile.

“The moment you stole my heart,” he announces, his eyes twinkling, his hands remaining on my shoulders.

The laughter escapes me before I can contain it. “Seriously?”

“Oh come on! That was my best chat up line.”

“Sure,” I snort, rolling my eyes away from him. I see a man walking his dog by the lapping waves that kiss the sand. “Is this a joke?” My eyes remain on the man and his happy, bouncing dog. My insecurities won’t allow me to look at Caleb for fear of seeing rejection in his eyes.

“What arsehole made you think you weren’t good enough?”

My cheeks warm. “That’s not it.” I turn back to face the direction in which I’m heading and start walking. Caleb keeps in step beside me.

“So, you live around here?” He asks kindly and I’m happy that he didn’t push for an explanation for my insecurities.

“Since birth.”

“It’s nice here. We’ve been here a few times.”

“We?” I chew on my lip, hating the disappointment I feel knowing that he doesn’t live here.

“My brother, mum and dad.” His bare foot kicks at a piece of dead seaweed. We both watch it fly through the air and laugh when the dog goes chasing after it, pulling his owner with him. “Do you have any siblings?”

“No, my mum isn’t the most maternal person in the world.”

He frowns, tilting his head so he can see my face clearly. “I don’t like the sound of that.”

My lips pinch together and I wish I hadn’t said anything. The last thing I want to do is make myself out to be some kind of sob story. “Are you enjoying Skegness?”

“I am. It’s a nice little seaside town.”

“That it is.” We lapse into a comfortable silence, the sound of people screaming with glee carrying to us through the air. It’s from the small theme park just over a mile away. Skegness is such a small town you can hear the screams from almost everywhere if you listen closely enough, just as you can forever smell the salty air of the sea.

“So Gwen is short for...?”


“That’s an interesting name.”

“It matches my personality oh so well.” I grin and he returns it with a simple, “That it does.”

I glance at him out of the corner of my eye. “Caleb is just Caleb, right?”

The smile remains on his face. How I wish I could just smile that beautifully all of the time. “Yep. And how old are you, Gwenny?”

“Gwenny?” I snort, quirking a brow at him. I’m not sure if I like that.

“If we’re going to do this whole dating thing, we’re going to need pet names. So what’s mine?”

Dating? Pet names? This beautiful man wants to date me? “Umm…”

He waves me off. “That doesn’t matter. Those are details we can figure out another time. So… age?”

“Are you profiling? Making sure I’m the right target for your list of victims? What is it I have in common with the others? Is it my green eyes or my sparkling youth?” I jest.

He throws his head back and laughs; it’s a beautiful sound. “You know, Gwenny?” His arm slides around my shoulder as casually as if we’d known each other for years. “What a glorious day this is.” As he pulls me tighter to him, I smell the scent of coconut lingering on his skin. No doubt it’s the scent of his sunblock, but it’s delicious all the same. “But on a serious note, I’m twenty. Just turned twenty, two weeks ago.”

“I’m eighteen, nineteen in five months.”

“You fit the profile perfectly,” he states, his smile gone and replaced with a failing psycho smile. He’s just too cute to pull it off. “Is there anywhere quiet we can go so I can act out my insane plan to dismember you and throw your remains into the ocean for the sharks to eat?”

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