Home > Broken_ Broken #1(13)

Broken_ Broken #1(13)
Author: A. E. Murphy

I’m scheduled, I’m on time and everything I own has a place. Caleb always says my body doesn’t know how to be late for anything. He’s not wrong.

“I’m back.” Caleb charges through the door, panting like a dog.

I don’t hesitate to snatch the plastic carrier bag from his hand and race him up the stairs, shedding the bag and the box on the way. When I make it to the toilet, all I hold is the stick.

“You’re seriously going to stand there and watch?” I quirk a brow at Caleb.

He closes the door and leans against it. “Yep. I’m not missing this. I should take pictures.”

“Why the hell would you want pictures?” I gape at him in disbelief.

“Because then we’ll be able to show our son or daughter the moment we found out about them.”

“Son or daughter?” I choke and sit on the toilet. Once that’s done, I rest the stick on the side of the bath and wash my hands. “What do you mean son or daughter?”

He shrugs. “Well, what else does a pregnancy lead to?”

My jaw hits the floor. “I don’t want it to lead to anything.”

He freezes, his eyes on the stick as the pee starts slowly moving across the white paper behind the little window. Gross. “You don’t want kids?”

“Not right now,” I cry and run my fingers through my hair. “It’s… we can’t afford a kid. We’re both in University. I don’t want to give up my education.” How did this even happen? “I haven’t missed a pill. Not one. I haven’t been sick, I haven’t had any kind of medication that can mess with it and I haven’t suddenly changed my eating habits. I don’t get it.” I look at him, directing my anger at him because it needs to go somewhere. “You know how vigilant I am. You know.”

“We’ll figure it out.” He looks way too happy about this. Way too happy. He picks up the stick after a few more moments and compares it to the back of the box that I dropped on my way in. His smile widens. “It’s positive.”


His arms wrap around me. “It’ll be fine. We’ll figure it out, I promise. I love you so much, Gwenny.”

This only makes me sob harder. I don’t want a baby right now. I want to finish school and get married and all of the other stuff that comes with growing up.

“We’re still kids,” I sniff and wipe my nose on a piece of tissue. “We need to deal with this. I can’t be more than a couple of weeks. I’ve only missed one period.”

His eyes darken to an intensity I’ve never seen before. I wish I hadn’t blurted that out so callously. “Deal with it? What do you mean deal with it?”

I tread cautiously, my words soft and hopefully convincing. “The doctor can have it solved in no time. It’s just a minor problem and then, as soon as I finish University and we have our own house and jobs, we can try again. Obviously we’ll be married then too.”

He stares at me, his mouth hanging open in shock.

I continue. “It’s what’s best, Caleb.”

Pain flits through his beautiful brown eyes, his hands fisting on the counter in front of him.

“It sucks, if it’s… look,” I sigh, hating that I’ve put this look on his face. “We’ll talk about it later. I have to get to class.”

I throw my bag over my shoulder and lean down to touch my lips to his unresponsive ones. He doesn’t look at me and of course this worries me, but I have a test in twenty minutes. I need to go.


On the way to class I meet up with my closest friend Sasha. I admire her hair choice of the day; it hangs in loose, blonde waves to her shoulders and a black clip holds her fringe out of her eyes. “Hey!” She grins and links her arm through mine. “How’s tricks?”

“Same old,” I lie but she doesn’t see through it. “I’m so not looking forward to this test. Have you got a placement sorted yet?”

“Me too and nope. We aren’t all as fortunate or as smart as you,” she jokes and elbows me in the ribs playfully. “How’s the husband?”

“He’s fine.” I lie again and again she doesn’t see through it. “He’s got a placement at Anderson’s firm. He’ll finish his remaining year there.”

She shakes her head. “I’m so jealous.”


“Your life, it’s so organised and you know what you’re doing. Not to mention the fact you have the best guy in the world and he worships you.”

HA! How wrong she is right now. Still, I reassure her as a good friend does. “You’ll get sorted, babe. You’ll see; it’ll all work out in the end.”

“Hey, Tommy!” She calls to our classmate. He races over to us, breaks our link and shoves himself in the middle. His arms curl around our necks. “How are the two most beautiful females on campus this morning?”

“Fabulous,” Sasha responds and smiles up at him. “Where’s your woman?” He met a very nice girl called Maci at my birthday party two months ago and they’ve been dating steadily ever since. I’m happy for him; they’re a good match.

“Over there.” He points to a group heading into the building. “Hey, sexy!” His girlfriend rolls her eyes but I see her smile and know all is well. “Got to go if I want to get me a little somethin’ somethin’ before my next lecture.”

“Your next lecture is in three hours,” I laugh, knowing my friend’s schedules by heart. That’s just how organised I am.

“Exactly. It’s just not long enough.” He races away and waves over his shoulder.

“That lucky, lucky girl,” Sasha sighs wistfully and pushes her way past a group of people loitering by the door. “Come on, we’re nearly late.”


The test went well and even though my mind was on other things, I have no doubts that I’ve passed. I’ve studied my arse off for this test. If I fail it’s not a huge deal, but it counts towards a percentage of my overall grade that I’d like to keep.

My culinary course is going great, mostly because there are only twelve of us in the class. It’s my English Literacy class that has me constantly studying. I’m not sure why I took this as an extra. It seemed like a good idea at the time and I do love to write.

Now, to solve my current problem... I tell Sasha I’m going home for lunch when in reality I’m going to call my doctor to book an appointment and then I’m going home.

As expected Caleb is inside. He’s sat in the living room drinking tea and eating biscuits while thumbing through his phone.

“Hey,” I announce and his head tips back so he can see me.

“Hey,” he responds, his eyes dead and his easy smile non-existent. It makes my heart hurt.

“The test went well.” I sit on the arm of the chair and run my fingers through his hair.

He manages to smile but it’s too sad to be put in the happy smile category. “That’s great news, babe. Proud of you.”

“I also booked an appointment at the doctor’s for tomorrow.” I say it cautiously, not wanting to sadden him further. He needs to see this from my point.

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