Home > Belong to Me (To Me Series #2)(3)

Belong to Me (To Me Series #2)(3)
Author: Lucy Darling

Steadying myself on my heels, I walk slowly back to my desk, thankful that Mr. Waldron’s door is still closed. Mac told me he was a workaholic. She instructed me to place everything she’d given me on his desk and then he shouldn't need much else from me for the rest of the day.

There was an early morning meeting on the schedule that would take up most of his time for the day. She said this would be easy. I’d be curious to see if this fit into her definition of easy.

Glancing at the time, I can tell there is a good twenty minutes until that meeting is to begin. It’s more than enough time to text my sister to see what she’s up to and bombard her with questions as to why her boss is kissing me! I keep my phone under my desk, not sure if I’m allowed to have it out or not.

Me: You and your boss have a thing?

Mac: If you mean shouting at each other most days then, yes, we have a thing.

I read over her text three times, still not sure if something is going on between them or not. Wouldn't she have told me if they did? She always says Waldron is a jerk who works too much. She also works too much. Now that I think about it, they might be a lot alike. No wonder they don’t get along.

Me: Do you kiss him sometimes?

I finally outright ask her. I’m not going to beat around the bush for the next twenty minutes. What if he comes out here again and wants another kiss? That has to be against HR rules or something. You kissed him back, my mind whispers. Right. I did. I would probably do it again if given the opportunity.

What the hell? I push that thought out of my mind. I need to keep my distance from him. I can do this for a week. I can do this for my sister.

Mac: Gag. I’m trying to eat my breakfast here. And for some reason you’re hell bent on trying to make me lose my appetite. The thought of that self-absorbed asshole’s lips anywhere near me makes me want to vomit.

Me: Your breakfast better be on some beautiful beach somewhere!

I shove my phone into my bag, getting back to work. When I look at my computer, I realize I don’t have any work that I know how to do. This is going to be a long day. It doesn’t help that I can’t stop thinking about Mr. Waldron’s lips. The sound of someone clearing their throat has me looking up. A tall man in a suit stands over my desk.

My first thought is that he’s handsome with his dark hair and even darker eyes. Tattoos peek out from under his suit. He’s covered but you still get a small glimpse of them around the cuffs of his sleeves and up by his neck, where he has a few buttons undone, revealing part of his chest.

“Hi.” I try another smile on this guy. I don’t think he’s going to run off like the woman did.

“Where is she?” he asks.

“Who?” I look around, not sure who he’s talking about but I also don’t know anyone's names here. Mac and I clearly did not plan this out very well.


“I’m Ms. Davenport.” I sit up a little straighter. It’s not a total lie. I am Ms. Davenport.

“Yes, you’re Madison Davenport but I’m looking for your sister.” I could try to lie to this man but he doesn’t look as though he’s the type that’s going to let me get away with it.

“Oh.” I bite my lip. How am I already busted? It’s been five minutes. This whole situation has turned into a nightmare. I’ve already kissed my sister’s boss and now this man is about to blow my cover.

“I’m Victor Wolf.” He holds his hand out for me to take. He is the businessman that Mr. Waldron has a meeting with this morning. I grab his hand, shaking it, but he doesn't let me go. “Tell me where your sister is hiding and I won’t tell Colt what you two are up to.”

“How do you know we’re up to something?” He lets my hand go. “And how do you know I’m not her? We look the same.” He throws his head back and lets out a deep laugh. I purse my lips. Damn it.

“You look nothing alike. Now tell me where your sister is and I won’t blow your cover.” I reach for my phone, pulling it out.

“I don’t know where she went,” I admit. I look at the last text my sister sent me. She is indeed on a beach. I turn the phone to show Mr. Wolf. Someone had taken a picture of her while she was eating pancakes on the beach in a cabana. My phone dings again. Mr. Wolf’s whole demeanor changes. Anger shows on his face. I turn the phone around to see what my sister sent.

Mac: Hot cabana boy!

She’s captioned the picture she sent - a shirtless man bringing her a drink. He’s okay. Not really my type. I’m not really into the whole more abs than I could count type. When I look back up, Mr. Wolf is gone.

At least he isn’t going to blow my cover. I’m sure I’ll have no problem doing that all on my own.








I sit behind my desk, trying to concentrate on the reports that Ms. Davenport left on it earlier. I stare hopelessly at the words on the paper that seem to all run together. My mind continues to drift to how she had tasted of cherries and vanilla when I’d taken her mouth. How she had wanted me as much as I had her.

Fuck. I reach down to adjust my still hard cock. Her soft little moans play over in my mind. I close the folder and push back from my desk, knowing that I’m not going to get anything accomplished.

I rub my hands down my face, trying to clear my mind. I can’t believe that I kissed her. In all the time that she has worked for me, I’ve never felt anything toward her. It may be because she’s usually a fire-breathing dragon that doesn’t do most of the things I ask of her. But today she was different with me.

Something has changed. I keep on wracking my brain to try to figure it out. She had smiled at me and actually been polite. That had to be it. I’m not used to her being friendly and it’s totally throwing me off. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone vibrates across my desk.

I reach out, picking it up and seeing a message from Victor Wolf on my screen. One that says he’s had an emergency and has to reschedule our meeting. I toss my phone back down on my desk, not giving a shit. I should go home and sleep. Clearly something is wrong with me. Instead I find myself reaching for the intercom button.

“In my office, Ms. Davenport.” I release the button.

“How do I work this stupid thing?” Her voice fades in and out of the intercom. “Ten four,” she gets out. A second later, her head is popping into my office. Her blond, wavy hair is now on top of her head. Her glasses are still perched on her nose.

“You need something?” her angelic voice asks. It goes straight to my dick. Shit, I thought maybe I wouldn’t feel anything this time. That maybe it had been a one-time, spur of the moment sort of thing. That we’d both maybe got caught up in it but with only a few words out of her perfect mouth, I know that's not the case.

“Can you come in here?” I motion to her with my finger. Not only does she look somewhat different, but her behavior is night and day. Something is up and I plan on getting to the bottom of it. She steps a bit more into my office. I think she is trying to keep space between us.

“I was thinking about an early lunch.”

“I know this one!” She turns, darting from my office only to come back a few seconds later. She almost trips over her heels. I jump to my feet but she rights herself. “It’s Thursday. You eat plain chicken and wild rice from Charlie’s Steakhouse.”

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