Home > Belong to Me (To Me Series #2)

Belong to Me (To Me Series #2)
Author: Lucy Darling






“How do I always let you talk me into these things?” I groan, falling back onto my bed. “This will never work. It has disaster written all over it.”

“It will, too. You’re so dramatic. We’ve done it before and it’s always worked. This time is no different.” I roll over to my side to watch my sister go through my closet. “You have nothing in here that’s suitable for work.”

“Because I work from home. This is my work attire.” She looks over her shoulder at me. I’m in yoga pants and a sweater that’s three times too big for me. As always, I have on thick, fluffy socks. I watch as her eyes roam over me. A look of disapproval comes over her face. “I work from home,” I repeat, feeling the need to defend myself.

“I’ll get some of my clothes from my place for you.” She shuts my closet door.

“Your clothes aren't going to fit me.” My twin sister Mac rolls her eyes at me. “I’m chubbier than you.” I sit up, grabbing my glasses off my nightstand and putting them on.

“What, like ten pounds?” She laughs at me like I’m being ridiculous.

“You saw your boss today. You don’t think he’s going to notice when you come into work tomorrow ten pounds heavier?”

“I haven't seen my asshole boss in three weeks.” She holds up three fingers. Her nails are painted perfectly. I look down at mine that are all chipped. Mac and I might be identical twins but we are night and day.

She is always put-together and polished. She has a drive for work that I’ve never seen another person have before and she can give as good as she gets with that mouth of hers. I am the complete opposite of that in every way.

I’m more of the quiet, shy type. I try not to make waves and keep to myself as much as possible. There is only one person that I know of that can get away with being a dick to Mac and that is her boss.

“The man barely notices me. He barks orders. All you have to do is bark back and bare your teeth a little and he’ll never know the difference.”

She says this as if it’s going to be easy for me. I’ve never barked back at anyone, nor have I ever been known to bare my teeth. I’m more of the roll over and have you pet my belly type.

“I don’t bark.” I’m not sure I’ve ever shouted at someone before. “If you can bark orders at him then why can’t you straight-up tell him that you’re taking a vacation?”

“He has control issues. If I don’t give advance notice he won’t let me and I can’t be here next week.”

“I notice you’re dancing around not telling me why you are taking this last-minute trip.” I throw my legs over the side of the bed. “You never do anything spur of the moment. Maybe that's why you and your stick-up-the-butt boss get along so well.”

“We don’t get along and it’s stick up the ass.”

“Same thing.” I stand up, going over to the mirror to look at myself. “You really think we can play the old switcheroo?”

I know we look alike but we did that when we were children. Teachers didn't have a ton of focus on one student when they had twenty-five others to tend to. So from time to time Mac and I would switch.

It was terrible for us to do it but Mac was killer at math and I could ace history with my eyes closed. It was easier to swap when we had a test. Wrong, sure, but it’s not like I was missing out on that math I never learned.

“Wear makeup. I always wear makeup to work.” She comes up behind me, putting her face next to mine. “It will be fine. I have everything done that needs to be done this week. I’ve got it all organized for you and I’ll keep up on my emails. You just have to sit there and look pretty. Nod when Mr. Waldron says something. Give him a hard time if he’s being a prick and tell him to get his own damn coffee.” Her voice sounds almost angry at that last part. “See? Easy Peasey.”

“You’re lucky I love you,” I give. She knows I’m going to do this. Mac and I have been thick as thieves since we came into this world together. There isn’t a thing that I wouldn't do for her. We’re sisters by blood but best friends by choice.

A giant smile stretches across Mac’s face. I still want to know why she’s trying to get out of work this week. It’s weird for her not to tell me something. We never keep secrets. I’m not going to push, though. If she needs her space with something I am going to give it to her.

We grew up with super overbearing parents. They controlled any and all parts of our lives until Mac and I decided to up and leave. We’ve been on our own ever since.

“I am lucky to have such a wonderful sister,” she agrees, kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll get a bunch of stuff packed up and send it over. Wait. Maybe you should just stay at my place.”

“No way.” I shake my head no. Her place is all white and shiny clean.

“Fine. It’s not like my boss comes over or knows where I live.” She pulls out her cell phone, handing it to me.

“I can’t take your phone. What if I need to call you?” I’m sure I’ll have a million questions. I have no idea how to be a personal assistant. Especially not one with an attitude as big as my sister’s.

“That’s my work phone.” She pulls out a second phone. “I still have my personal phone.” I didn't know she had two phones. Not that I pay attention. I hate phones. The only person that ever texts or calls me is Mac. I can’t find my phone half of the time. She usually ends up emailing me to tell me to answer my phone.

“You look like a drug dealer.”

“You’ve never seen a drug dealer.”

“I watch TV!”

She snorts. “You have to answer this when he calls. Got it?”

“I can answer a phone.”

“Can you?” She raises her perfect eyebrows at me.

“Go get me clothes.” I toss the phone onto my bed. This is going to be a disaster. It’s only a week, I tell myself. I can do anything for a week.








I rub my hand down my face. This headache is never going to let up. Time changes always fuck with me no matter how well I try to prepare for them. Three weeks in Hong Kong was three weeks too long. At least the deal is done. I know the investment is a sound one that’s going to make me an even wealthier man than I already am. To be honest, I’m expecting it to make me a killing. I should be more excited about it but all I feel is annoyed and tired. I used to get a thrill out of closing a big deal, but recently I don’t feel anything. It leaves me wondering what has changed.

The elevator dings, letting me know that I’ve arrived on my floor. I’m glad to be back home. Well, not home, but my office. I might as well consider it an extension of my home since when I’m not traveling for business, I’m usually holed up here working. I need sleep but that will have to wait. I know if I go home that I’ll crash. That is the last thing I need if I want to get my schedule back on track. Plus, I have a meeting with Victor today.

We’ve been talking about teaming up on a new project together. The man is ruthless and good at real estate. He has already scouted out a location for us to build the luxury condos we talked about. He came to me with the idea over a year ago. I’d forgotten about the plan until he stopped by a month ago telling me that he’d finally found the perfect land to construct them on. I told him it would have to wait until I got back from my trip. Since he’s so impatient, I booked the meeting for today so he’d leave me the heck alone.

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