Home > Where the Devil Says Goodnight (Folk Lore #1)(51)

Where the Devil Says Goodnight (Folk Lore #1)(51)
Author: K.A. Merikan

“So when did this guy say he was coming?” Adam asked, watching small children run around in a modern fountain that doubled as a playground.

Emil shrugged. “Don’t worry, we’ve got two hours to kill.”

Despite the sunshine, it was cool enough for Emil to wear his leather jacket, and Adam couldn’t help but walk that inch closer to him than he should have just so that he could smell him, sense the warmth emanating off Emil’s skin.

The tourist season was in full swing, and the town was packed with visitors from all over the country for whom it was the perfect base for hiking in the area. If Adam had been among them, he’d have surely wanted to eat lunch at one of the many restaurants branding themselves as traditional highland inns, but after three months in Dybukowo, the fancy café across the square held way more appeal. Its minimalist decor and hipster name suggested they might even have a real espresso machine.

“And he said he’ll give you all that fruit for free?” Adam asked, his gaze passing over the church tower emerging from beyond the cutesy architecture. He was dressed in jeans and his favorite soft hoodie, so the priest who’d later hear his confession would have no idea who Adam was.

“Yes, they’d had an overabundance of cherries this year, so he’d rather offer them to someone than let them rot.”

When they passed a group of young women in black clothes and combat boots, Adam couldn’t help the tingle of pride when Emil made all their heads turn, because while the girls might not know it, this guy was here with him. He wasn’t surprised though to hear Emil’s name called out in an attempt to draw his attention. A man like him wasn’t a frequent sight around here. He listened to the right music, was tall and handsome, had daring tattoos, and could grow out a lush mane of dark hair. A real treat for every metalhead girl. But Emil politely greeted them back and followed Adam.

So maybe this wasn’t a date, but as they approached the large parasols casting shadows on tables in front of the café, it damn felt like one.

“You’ll still need cash, right? For the other ingredients.”

“Yes, but potatoes are cheap. If I play my cards right I’ll get them at a discount from Mrs. Janina’s cousin.”

Adam frowned as he sat down in the comfortable chair in the shadow. “Potatoes? Why would you infuse liquor with potatoes?”

Emil laughed out loud and pushed at Adam’s shoulder. “Adam! Come on. For the vodka, I’m not making virgin cocktails.”

Adam looked around, but no one seemed to have heard them. “What? I thought you were going to just buy some.”

Emil sat in the chair opposite Adam and cocked his head. “We’re talking about five hundred bottles of liquor. It’s not exactly mass market production, but even if I bought cheap vodka, I’d have to spend fifteen thousand zloty at least. I don’t have that kind of cash.”

But Adam did. He wasn’t in any way rich, but he did have savings that would have covered the liquor and left a bit to spare. His mouth dried, but as he watched Emil play with a leather cuff he wore as part of his going out outfit, the sense of tenderness spreading in his chest made him lean forward. “I could lend you the money. You know I don’t really have many expenses anyway, since the parish pays for my keep.”

Emil snorted, but his gaze remained focused on Adam as the waitress brought them menus. “What are you talking about? I can handle it. Not to mention that I know what I’m doing. Granddad passed his recipe on to me, and I’ve been helping him make vodka since I was twelve. I even have distillation equipment in the shed. I’ll get the free cherries, and worry about the bottles in due time.”

Adam licked his lips. It was one thing to distill spirit for one’s own use, but to sell it? “Isn’t that illegal? Are you sure you want to take that risk?” He did not want to even touch upon Emil’s legendary bad luck, but worry was stuck at the back of his mind like a ragged splinter.

Emil shrugged. “No one checks this stuff around here, Adam. I make a batch every year, and the chief of the Border Guard is my best customer. He was friends with my granddad, actually.”

Adam tapped his hands against his cheeks and slumped in the chair. He had no arguments to win this battle. “Okay, fine. Just tell me if you need money,” he said, but when Emil’s eyes settled on him from across the table, heat shot up his neck, and he opened the menu. “I-ah... I was thinking that you’re doing so much for me. Will you let me buy lunch as a thank you?”

Emil smirked and wiggled his eyebrows. “Is this a date?” At least he had the sense to lower his voice despite there being no other patrons seated close by, but under the table, Emil snuck his steel-toed combat boot between Adam’s feet.

Arousal was potent like blood in clear water, and Adam spread his thighs slightly wider, not wanting to put pressure on his cock, though the way Emil was looking at him had goosebumps erupting all over his flesh already. “Is that a trick question?”

Emil leaned forward over the table with a sly smile, never taking his eyes off Adam. “I don’t know. Is it? Are you my boyfriend, Adam?”

Words were stuck in Adam’s throat, but as Emil tapped his boot against Adam’s sneaker, sending his mind into a world where answering such a question would have been as natural as walking, a familiar voice made him eye the entrance to the café.

“Your barista has completely burned the coffee. If we were in Milan, you’d be out of business within the week,” Mrs. Golonko said, pointing her finger at the server, who curled her hands in front of her stomach in clear discomfort.

“I’m very sorry. I can ask him to make another one.”

“Oh, no! If that’s the quality you choose to serve a customer, I will not be dining here ever again!” She raised her voice and got up with a swish of the coat she wore on her shoulders as a cape. Made of reddish fur, it was far too warm for the sunny weather, but its purpose was surely to remind everyone that her husband co-owned one of the most profitable businesses in the area, a fox fur farm.

Emil bit his lip, fighting a burst of laughter, but he did snort a little, which made Mrs. Golonko notice them.

Adam wished she’d have just shaken her head in disapproval, but she stormed toward them instead. “Praise be,” he said, acutely aware that he was dressed for a day out with Emil, and didn’t even wear a priest’s collar.

“I’m surprised to see you here, Emil. What are you up to all the way in Sanok?”

Emil shrugged. “Just a day trip with Father Adam. I’m showing him around, since you know I have a lot of time on my hands.”

“That’s right. Father Marek said I needed to see how beautifully the city was restored,” he said, and the lie rolled off his tongue as if it was second nature. Maybe it was. Either way, the true reasons behind their visit were none of her business.

“Oh,” Mrs. Golonko said flatly. “Have a good day, Father. And Emil? I would have a look at that horse of yours if I were you. He seemed a bit sickly last time I saw him. Might not be a good time to leave him alone for long periods of time.”

“I will do that, Mrs. Golonko,” Emil said, but Adam noticed his shoulders going rigid.

Since when was Mrs. Golonko interested in Jinx anyway?

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