Home > Mixed Emotions(30)

Mixed Emotions(30)
Author: Mia Heintzelman

“You do realize Everett has copied me on everything for the past seven years? You assume because I’m not at the office every day I don’t pay attention.” The corners of her mouth threatened at a smile. “For your information, there’s a difference between passion and passive.”

“Tell me how you really feel.” He chuckled.

“Anyway, Arnold is such a greedy asshole. I’ve told Everett time and again not to work with him, but he acts like we’re indebted to the guy for some reason. What’s he done now?”

Mike updated her on the information Kendra sent about Arnold’s meeting with Easton Investments, but she still couldn't work out why Everett thought the Chessington building was such a gem. There were at least twenty other buildings out there at a better price with less risk to Monroe Properties.

“If Arnold is willing to play two hands trying to hedge his bets, do we really want to get in bed with him?” Mike asked. “It’s a bad investment every way I look at it, but will Everett see it the same way?”

“So, that fool is double dipping?” Zora shook her head as she turned the fire off, then walked over cradling a wooden spoon in her hand. “That doesn’t shock me one bit.”

“Here, try this. Be my taste-tester while I take a look at what he’s up to.”

Mike slipped the wooden spoon into his mouth, he let it linger on his lips. He looked mouth-watering.

For the next forty-five minutes, Zora dove into the purchase documents while Mike helped her taste and devour half of the soup. They eventually arrived at the same conclusion: working with Arnold in any capacity was not only a bad idea, it was a risk not worth taking. It wasn’t too late to back out of the deal altogether.

“See, Ev needs you,” she said matter-of-factly. “He knows construction and the portfolio and how to best utilize it to grow the company, but you know risk analysis. You know how to identify and mitigate potential issues that could negatively impact the business initiatives and projects.”

She paused for a brief moment considering whether to say her next thought aloud. “He should have made you partner a long time ago. What would he do without you?”

It was clear as day to her. Mike was just as much a part of Monroe Properties as she was.

“Thanks. It’s really nice of you to say.”

“It’s the truth. You’ve been here as long as Everett and me. Have you talked to him about partnering?” Zora took their bowls and glasses over to the sink.

They may have only been talking, but the seamless conversation felt way beyond baby steps. Being around Mike was comfortable in a way too easy to notice as it was happening. Over the last twenty-four hours, they’d shared everything from their darkest secrets to their brightest dreams. They were supporting each other, and staring seductively over bowls of soup.

“I, uh, don’t know if he’s open to the topic…”

“Does he know you’re open to the idea? I’m pretty sure you mentioned Jason’s firm was interested in you. Maybe he’s trying to figure out your end goal.”

He pulled the corner of his mouth between his teeth and nodded.

“Yeah. I supposed I should talk to him. I just hope he sees this deal for the bad investment it is.”

He lowered his chin and scratched the hair at the nape of his neck before getting to his feet. “I’m finished with this for today. Want to watch a movie? I’ll be out of your way tomorrow and you can have the kitchen and the house to yourself to work on your book. Oh, and,” he paused for effect. “I’ve got popcorn.”

“Hmm.” Zora raised a brow and twisted her lips as if this was something she needed to contemplate, when, really, he’d had her at “movie.”

She should be working on recipes and inventive ingredients, but her mind was already lost in the fantasy of snuggling up on the couch with Mike watching one of her favorite eighties movies.

Maybe When Harry Met Sally or About Last Night? No, too much drama. It had to be something sexy to inspire him to kiss her again, but with macho elements so he wouldn’t feel stripped of his “man card.” If there was one thing Tom Cruise was good for, it was a rom-action movie. Risky Business, Cocktail, Top Gun...

Top Gun!

Already, Zora was doing a happy dance in head at her sheer level of brilliance. If Mike kissed her to “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling,” she might literally die. Deadline or not, she’d waited too long for this fantasy to become reality.

Zora drummed her fingertips on the counter for a few more seconds then met his gaze. “Only if I get to pick the movie.”


Monday is a much better day to start working, anyway—bright and early, dive right in and cook up something amazing and worthy of a book deal.

One day was plenty of time to get back to Leanne.

“What do you say, Mike? Do you feel the need for speed?”



Chapter Twenty




Right after Maverick and Goose ejected from the plane and Tom Cruise did his best impersonation of a grief-stricken, not-at-all-narcissistic airman cradling his dead friend, Mike looked over to find Zora lightly snoring on the armrest. He grabbed the remote, turned off the television, and scooped her up into his arms.

He was just about to lay her down onto the guest bed when a sneeze vibrated through him. He froze, hoping he didn’t wake her, but Zora’s fingers clutched his shirt. Her eyes snapped open, and heat darkened their golden-brown irises.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

She sighed. “I hate that I’m getting you sick.”

“No, I’m good. That was nothing. Probably just allergies.” He smiled, knowing good and well the tiny itch at the back of his throat would be his doom.

She groaned. “Liar.”

“Pants on fire.” He couldn’t fight the smile covering his face as he attempted again to lower her to the bed.

“This mattress is rock hard. Can you please leave me on the couch?”

Mike lifted his chin and smiled. “Yeah, my mom sleeps here when she visits. I got firm for her back.” He blew out a breath and considered what to do.

“I swear, it’s not a big deal. I don’t mind sleeping in the living room.”

“I’m not letting you sleep on the couch.” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and nodded slightly. “How about you take my bed? I’ll sleep here.”

Zora’s lips were slightly parted as she eyed Mike under hooded lids. It was almost like she was in his head. The idea of her sleeping in his bed—with or without him—sparked a small fire inside him.

She had a wistful gaze like she might still be dreaming.

The way she was looking at him, there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that going slowly with Zora would be his undoing. Everything about the way she made him feel was urgent. Heat coursed through him, and he leaned in to press his lips to hers gently.

He pulled back and saw the yearning in her eyes. Feeling her warmth against his chest tied his stomach up in knots. He needed to touch Zora—skin to skin—without anything in the way.

There wasn’t much he wouldn’t give to feel her writhing beneath him as he licked every inch of her, but would it scare her away again?

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