Home > Those Boys Are Trouble(38)

Those Boys Are Trouble(38)
Author: Willow Winters

What if I hadn’t been there? I was going to wait till she was done with work, till she’d put Jax to bed. I didn’t want to risk her getting so damn worked up over me until she was alone. But then I saw her. I just had to go to her.

She was going through the motions; that’s all. Her beautiful plump lips never turned up into her gorgeous smile. Every time her head fell in the slightest I swore she was crying. How could I not go to her, knowing how hurt she was?

And it’s a good fucking thing I did.

My hands grip the steering wheel, making my knuckles turn white. He was going to kill her. He didn’t even fucking know her. A kill for pay. I saw him over her shoulder. Waiting. I fucking know who that bastard was, JD. He never asked questions, just got the job done. He wasn't family; he was an outside hire.

Well now he’s fucking dead.

My body tingles and then heats. I need to beat the piss out of something. Like I did De Luca and his crew. I need to do that to Jack. He’s probably at the bistro with my father.

Sitting together. Maybe my father knew. My heart crumples in agony, and I shake my head slightly in denial. My eyes peek at Becca, but thankfully she didn’t notice. I don’t want her to know how fucked up I am over this. That’s not the way it’s supposed to work.

My poor doll is staring out of the window wide-eyed. She hasn’t fucking moved. Hasn’t said a word. I wish she hadn’t heard that, that she was the one he was supposed to kill. I wish she didn’t know. It fucking kills me.

I grab my phone and dial my father. I can’t wait to ask him in person. I need to know. I have to know right fucking now. The thought that he’d do that kills me. I just saw him yesterday. I don’t understand why he’d do this to me. I shake my head again harder as the phone rings, and this time she sees. Her eyes are wide with worry.

“It’s gonna be alright, babe.” I breathe in deep and give her a forced smile. Her eyes fall, and she leans her head against the headrest, seemingly staring at nothing. Her lack of a response worries me.

“Dom. What’s going on?” Pops answers like it’s a normal call.

“You alone?” I want to make sure there’s no one around to hear. Just in case. I don’t want Jack to know I’m coming.

Pops talks over the phone to someone and the line is muffled for a moment, and then he comes back on and says, “All clear, Dom. What’s going on?”

I swallow the lump in my throat and push the words through, “Did you know?” That’s really what it comes down to. It’s what I need to know.

I hear Pops move around on the other line, and then he speaks lower. “Dom, what’s wrong? Where are you?” I stay silent for a moment and take in another deep breath. “You alright, Dom? You need something?”

“Did you know about the time on her?” Time is code for hit. The code varies, but right now that’s what it means. His questions and his tone make me believe he didn’t, but I want to hear him say it. I look at Becca with sad eyes; she’s confused for a moment, and then tears fall down her cheeks and she quickly wipes them away. I know she understands.

“On your girl?” The sadness in his voice is mixed with disbelief. Then his anger comes through. “We’ll find them, Dom.”

“I know who.” The callous words leave my lips without permission. I grind my teeth, waiting for him to ask.

“Who? We’ll collect now.” There’s a moment of silence. “Is-” He pauses, and it's quiet for a second. “Is she alright, Dom?”

“Yeah. I was there.”

“She’s good?” The hope in his voice relaxes every doubt I had.

“Yeah, I got her.”

“Thank fuck. Dom, you are one lucky son of a bitch. You know that?” I can hear the relief in his voice, but still there’s pain.

“You all at the bistro now?” I ask.

“We’re here, Dom. We’ll get 'em.”

“It was Jack.” My father’s silent. It fucking kills me to say it. We grew up with him. He was always there. The last few years, not so much. But growing up, he was like a second father to me and Vince. Tears prick at my eyes. I feel so fucking betrayed.

“Are you sure?” Pops' voice is deadly and low.

“That’s what the fucker said. It was him.” I straighten in my seat and brush it off as best I can. It’s not the first time someone in the family has done some stupid shit. But it’s the first time it’s been directed at me.

“Jack’s here. I’ll question him and take care of it.” I shake my head. That’s not good enough.

“I wanna see him. I wanna look him in the eyes and know why.”

“You know why, Dom; she knows a lot of shit.” Before I can respond, he adds, “Doesn’t make it right in the least. He had his orders. He’ll pay the price. I can’t guarantee I’m gonna wait for you, Dom.”

“I gotta get her home first.” I can’t bring her there.

“I know. You go take care of her.”

“I wanna be there,” I say one more time. I feel like he’s not going to listen. Like he’s gonna take him out himself.

“I understand. But I can’t give you that right now, Dom. Just get her home and safe, and then call me. If I can, I’ll come over.”

I nod and say, “Alright,” and hang up and try to relax somewhat. But I can’t. I can’t relax. A kill is a kill. It fucking sucks, and I’ve seen it over and over again. This one is different. This one’s personal. That fucker was going to kill my girl. And Jack arranged it.

A long moment passes with silence. Jack’s a dead man, and my Becca’s safe. That’s what matters.

“Babe, we’re going to get through this.” I reach across the console and grab her hand. I rub soothing circles on her soft skin. She keeps alternating between looking at me and out the window. I can tell she’s scared, but other than that I have no idea what’s going on in her head.

“The piece of shit that called the hit had no right.” I try to keep her gaze, but she doesn’t hold it. “Babe, you’re safe. No one’s ever going to hurt you again.”

“You said that before.” She barely speaks her words, and it shreds me. 'Cause it’s true.

I wanted to go there and win her heart back with the promise of safety. And look what fucking happened. “It’s over. I promise, everything will be fine, doll.” Raising her small hand to my lips, I plant a small kiss on her tender wrist.

Her beautiful hazel eyes find mine, but all I can see in them is disbelief.






“Where is he?” Dom’s furious. His corded muscles flex, and his voice echoes in the foyer. “You brought him here?” he asks incredulously as he slams the door. My body jumps from the loud bang. I don’t even know how I got here. I feel like I just woke up from a dark clouded haze.

“Calm down, I wouldn’t bring him to your home.” His father’s voice is calm, but it doesn’t match his appearance.

I’m frozen at the door. I’ve only known this man for a week, and already two people have tried to kill me. One to get back at him, and one to protect him. My limbs feel limp and weak. The reality weighs heavy on me.

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