Home > Those Boys Are Trouble(54)

Those Boys Are Trouble(54)
Author: Willow Winters

“I’m surprised you’re not drooling, sweetheart.” His deep, masculine voice makes my clit throb with need, but more than that, it triggers a memory. A cocky smirk, then his handsome smile. “I’m Vince.” I hear his voice in my head.

“Vince?” I feel awkward asking, but I really don’t remember a thing.

His smile falters for a moment and it makes me feel guilty for forgetting whatever happened. Oh. God. What did happen? I clench my thighs and I don’t feel any different. I feel horny as hell. But not… sore. Another memory flashes in front of my eyes. Oh fuck. He totally ate me out. My cheeks flame with embarrassment.

“You alright, sweetheart?” He sets the tray down on the nightstand. “You’re acting a little off.”

I swallow hard and look at him, and then down at the tray. Aw. He made pancakes and cut up some fruit. There’s orange juice, plus the distinct smell of coffee. Thank fuck! My head is killing me. I could really use the caffeine. I hesitate to tell him I don’t remember last night. Instead I crawl on the bed toward him and quickly grab a cup of coffee. I make sure my ass stays under the covers, though. For all I know it's just my hormones that are making me so horny over this guy, and he doesn’t want me like that. Although the way his eyes follow my body as I move, suggests that he does.

I sit back and get settled. I have to tell him. I feel awful for practically forgetting his name. Obviously something happened between us. And that flicker of memory warms my chest, so it must be something good.

“I have a really bad headache right now.”

His eyes look over my face. “You want an aspirin?” When I shake my head gently and blow on the coffee, he sits down on the bed. “I brought up sugar and creamer too if you’d like.”

I smile into the steam rising off the cup and take a small sip. Damn, that’s good coffee. “No thanks, I like it black.”

He grins at me. “Low-maintenance, I see.”

A nervous laugh leaves my lips. It’s quiet for a moment while he grabs his cup.

“Hey Vince?” I ask. My questioning tone has his eyebrows raising in response.

“Yeah, Elle?” He sets his coffee down without taking a sip. “What’s up, sweetheart?”

God I feel like an asshole. He’s so sweet with the breakfast and the nickname. I just blurt it out. “I kinda think maybe I drank too much last night?” I’ve never been blackout drunk before, but my friend from undergrad Viv drank till she was shitfaced all the time. It scares me that I was so reckless last night. I was so pissed off. I should be smarter than that. But at least I’m still alive and I didn’t get into any trouble. I clench my thighs again. At least I don’t feel like I did, anyway.

He let out a sexy chuckle that shakes the bed. It makes me smile, then he smirks back at me. “Yeah, you were keeping up with me, and I drink a lot.” He lies across the bed, propping himself up with his elbow. “At least tell me you remember something specific about last night.”

I blush and suck down the rest of the coffee in a rush. “I mean, of course I remember some things.” I nervously set the coffee mug down on the tray again.

“Tell me baby, I wanna know what I did that was so memorable.” Oh my god, I’m practically swooning from his charm. His handsome smile makes me blush even more. I bite my lip and shake my head.

“You know what I remember,” I say as I roll my eyes at him playfully. I see the marks on my wrists again, and then my throat seems to go dry. I don’t remember how those marks got there. “How did I get hurt?”

His eyes travel to my wrists and then he looks back up at my face. “Not sure, sweetheart. I didn’t notice them until just now.” That makes me feel a bit uneasy. I wish I could remember.

“Did we...?” Have sex. I can’t even say it out loud. God, I’m such a child. I don’t know why I avoid this shit. Thank fuck I’ve been on birth control since I was 16 for acne. I try to remember if I took my pill yesterday morning, and I’m sure I did. I bite my bottom lip, knowing I need to take today’s pill sometime soon.

“Did we what, sweetheart?” He grins at me. “I wanna hear you say it.”

I roll my eyes again and pretend to blow him off. But my heart twists in my chest. Did I really have sex last night? And I don’t even remember?

“We didn’t,” he says after a few seconds. Relief floods through me.

“So we didn’t have sex?” I ask, just to clarify. I clench my legs again and I’m certain I don’t feel any different. Horny as all hell, but not like I got myself fucked for the first time last night.

He pouts and it makes me wanna kiss his plump lips. “We did fool around though. I happen to enjoy that mouth of yours.” That sexy smirk is back and if I wasn’t so shy, I’d crawl forward and nip his bottom lip. In my head it’d be sexy, but in reality... Nope, not going to make a fool of myself in the first five minutes of talking with this guy.

A violent blush rushes to my cheeks. I look around the room again. I don’t see my clothes or my bag.

“Do you know where I left my stuff?” I change the subject to avoid thinking about sex some more.

“Uh, yeah. Your laptop is downstairs, and since I ruined your clothes I went out and got you some new ones.” On his last word the door pops open, and a dog comes barreling into the room.

“Rigs, down!” Vince yells in a commanding tone, but the dog hops on the bed anyway and runs straight toward me.

I let out a squeal as the puppy rushes forward and puts both of his large heavy front paws on me. He’s not quite a fully grown adult dog yet, but he's gotta be getting close, judging from his size. It’s hard to hold him back as I laugh and he slobbers all over my mouth. I have to keep my lips pressed tightly shut so he doesn’t accidentally French kiss me.

“That’s it, Rigs!” I hear Vince’s voice boom over my laughs, and suddenly the dog is gone. I watch him put Rigs outside the door and close it.

My cheeks hurt from smiling so hard. And as he turns and gives me the sexiest grin I’ve ever seen, I feel a blush rise up my chest and into my cheeks.

I don’t remember last night, but this morning is looking like it’s going to be good.






God damn, she’s so cute. There’s not a doubt in my mind that she’s forgotten everything. The only scars from yesterday are the small marks on her body. And fuck me, but I want to put more on her. Her sexy laugh and her rolling her eyes at me make me want to jump into bed and fuck her. I never had the chance before. I debate on getting into bed. I know I’m gonna have to leave this broad. I can’t bring her around everyone. It’s best if she just stays away.

But she did want me yesterday. And now that all this shit is done with, maybe it’s not so wrong.

She crawls toward me like a cat, and it makes her ass peek out slightly from the hem of my shirt. That’s the final straw. She wants me, and I want her. Nothing else matters right now. I lift her hips up with both hands and toss her onto her back. She lets out a sexy squeal that makes Rigs bark and paw at the door. But he’s gonna have to stay outside for this.

She laughs again, but then seems to remember that she doesn’t remember last night fully, and her shyness comes back to her. She tries to right herself and pull the shirt down farther. She's so damn sweet. I fucking love it.

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