Home > Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(21)

Tree Of Souls (Transfusion Saga #6)(21)
Author: Stephanie Hudson

“Stop. Now take a good look around.”


“Look around the room, Amelia,” he said but this time the whispered voice was one of seduction in my ear and I looked down to see his arm held at the front of me, a palm to my naked belly. But it was one that didn’t make contact, just one acting as though it wanted to. So, I looked up and as I did the pieces of the room started to emerge from the shadows as my mind brought each piece of it forward into the light. It was like accessing a memory…or should I say, Lucius was.

Which was when something started to niggle at the back of my mind. It was that small voice of doubt asking myself why? Asking myself why he would want this…why he was here now, asking to see the room?

“Focus, Amelia…focus solely on my voice.”

“But I…” I tried to argue, bringing back my own voice of doubt.

“No! Only on my voice…now walk over to the desk.” I frowned as I did as he asked, but the moment I started to waver he growled angrily,

“Fuck! You didn’t even look at it,” he hissed irritably to himself.

“Alright, now walk over to the window,” he ordered next and again I wanted to hold back, seeing it now as it started to emerge, beginning with the edges. Pieces of it started to knit together, like time was merely a thread that could be woven just as easily as it could be unraveled. The blue curtains, ones that matched the carpet beneath my feet started to come into focus.

“Go on…a little closer…a little bit more…” he urged, and his voice was becoming so strained, it was almost too painful to hear.

“Quickly now…quickly Amelia, run towards it now!” he said panicked and I did, I ran and the second I saw what he wanted me to see I screamed, now knowing that it was all a plot to find me! I knew it the second I saw that sign and felt the promised threat whispered in my ear,

“Finally… I’ve got you now!”


After this I woke up and screamed one name,

“Kingston plaza!” I bolted upright and before even giving it thought I jumped out of bed, tripping up over the bedding that tumbled out with me. I grabbed a hand to my pounding chest and tried to breathe through my panic. The sun was blaring through the window telling me it was some point during the day, and I bent forward to try and ward off the nausea I felt starting to rise. I also found myself stumbling towards the wall so I could hold myself up against the light-headedness. One I knew was from lack of food and water and no doubt the remnants of the dream.

I found my way to the bathroom and without looking at anything else found myself bent over the sink so I could take large gulps of water from the tap, drinking it down before splashing water on my face. But it was only on straightening up, that the true nature of that dream started to seep back in and with it the dangers I now faced.

Lucius had found me!

“Shit!” I shouted before I was quickly running into action. I grabbed the bag I was yet to open and found a few spare outfits, so picked the most casual. This turned out to be a pair of dark denim leggings that actually fit me pretty good and a plain white t shirt, that was a bit snug over my larger breasts, which meant it ended up showing a line of skin at my belly. To this I also unrolled a khaki light-weight jacket that was an open draped front, parker style. One that told me the flight attendant chick didn’t exactly pack for the weather.

I had also grabbed an insanely quick shower after finding a well-stocked vanity bag that had pretty much everything I needed and lots, lots more. The only items that I was left wearing that actually belonged to me were my glasses and my bra because there was no way I was getting into her B cups.

In total, it took me a record breaking fifteen minutes to get ready and out the door just as the phone started ringing. I froze with my hand glued on the handle as I looked back at the phone, doing so now as if it was a bomb about to go off. I held my breath as it rang and rang and rang some more before it finally stopped. This blessed silence then had the power to release me as I snapped out of it.

“Screw you!” I ground out bitterly before letting the door slam behind me, and quickly getting to the reception so I could check out. But then I found a different receptionist on the phone, saying in irritation,

“I am sorry, Sir, but it is like I said, I cannot force a guest to…oh wait, here she is,” she quickly added the moment she saw me coming and I released a deep tired sigh before asking her,

“I am sorry, but do you mind giving us a minute?” She obviously grasped the situation pretty quickly and said,

“Sure, I will just be in the back room, take as long as you need.” Then I took in a deep breath and put the phone to my ear, bracing myself for the sound of his voice.

“What do you want, Lucius?” I asked and his reply hit me like a punch to the chest.

“What do I want…? What the fuck do you think I want, Amelia…? Get your ass back home now!” he snapped sounding furious and this only managed to ignite my own rage, only mine was displayed with deadly calm,

“I am not a child, Luc, and I can do whatever the Hell I want with my life,” I said making a point of calling him a name I had never done before, and he knew it, as I could hear the faint rumbling of a growl from his end.

“Yeah, and just how long is that life going to last out there unprotected?!”

“I think I have proven enough times how capable I am at surviving on my own, so if you don’t mind, I have shit to do, so I will…” I started to say when he quickly interrupted me on an angry growl of words,

“Don’t you dare hang up! So help me by the Gods, I will…”

“You will what, Luc, huh…because last time I checked you already ripped out my fucking heart and stepped on it, so what…you wanna see what more damage you can do?!” I snapped feeling the Gods’ forsaken tears start to rise.

“You have this completely wrong and if you had just waited for five fucking minutes before running off, then you would have given me the time to explain that!” he argued making me frown so hard it ached.

“I know what I saw! And I know what I heard! Which means that I don’t need your interpretation of events to clarify shit! We are done, we are over and the quicker you get that through your stubborn royal ass head the better this will be! So, you can just quit pretending to give a shit and run back off to mummy dearest and tell her that you tried your best!” I told him, now gripping the phone so hard my knuckles were white and I added something else to that list of things that ached, the main one being that of my fucking heart!

But Lucius wasn’t done…not by a long shot.

“Now you listen to me, my girl and you listen well, you and I will never be done, we will never be over, which means I will NEVER stop looking for you. I will fucking hunt you down to the ends of the Earth and beyond…so unless you want a hard time running, then I suggest you keep your ass there and be ready for me because… I. Am. Coming. For. You!” he snarled dangerously, emphasizing each word and I swallowed hard after first closing my eyes against the sound of his threatening promise.

Then I placed a fist to the chasm sized hole in my chest and took a deep breath. One I needed if I was ever to say my Goodbye.

“Then to the ends of the Earth is where it will be…”

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