Home > One Of Us(12)

One Of Us(12)
Author: Samie Sands

The faces around them were stunned. Zoe was impressed. Not only was Aiden dumber than cement, he was braver than a soldier running headlong into battle. He really believed this shit and was willing to put the group first. Zoe almost had a notion to reprieve Aiden and use one of the others instead. Almost.

But his submission would make it the path of least resistance, which is exactly what Zoe needed right now. Time was wasting and she wanted to conjure the demons to fill her up.

“Hold on.”

Zoe reacted to the new voice. Jordyn moved forward, her robe slipping open to reveal her bare tummy and so much cleavage, even Zoe wanted to take Jordyn.

“Well, look who showed up.” Zoe taunted Jordyn. The little princess had waited in the shadows only to swoop in at the last second. Not on Zoe’s watch.

“I think we can get around this dilemma we have. We need a sacrifice, of course. And Aiden has offered himself up willingly. Numerous times.”

Zoe glared at Jordyn. “Get to the point, Jordyn. We want to move things along.” Her impatience slipped through in her words and tenor.

Jordyn smiled. “I believe I can offer a viable solution. A sacrifice which is greater than blood. Why is it greater than blood? I’ll show you. Blood can be replaced. Regenerated. What I propose, can only be given up once. It can never be given back.” Jordyn motioned for everyone to follow her inside the house. She slid the patio door open and entered the kitchen.

Ryan followed first. Todd waited for Aiden and Leah to make their way. Then he went inside. Spencer and Zoe remained in place. Zoe was dumbfounded that Jordyn had stolen the show. It was Spencer’s fault for not doing as she asked him to. She shot Spencer an evil look but it was too late. He had already started to walk into the house. Zoe seethed. She wanted to rip the knife from Spencer’s hand and kill all of them. On the spot. They should all be sacrificed for what they had put her through.

Zoe bit her cheek and went inside. She slid the glass door shut behind her. Zoe had entered the house several moments after the rest of the group. She had to listen to their footfalls to know where they had gone. Zoe heard the steps tracking up the stairs. Zoe hurried behind them to catch up.



AIDEN GASPED FOR AIR. He suddenly realized he had vastly underestimated his friends. To his right, Leah struggled against Ryan’s grasp. She revealed her lack of faith in The First Cut as she attempted to lunge forward. Aiden blinked furiously, hoping his eyes had lied to him.

Across the master bedroom, tied and gagged and blindfolded, sat Leah’s little brother, Tommy. He whimpered through the sock stuffed in his mouth. Tears had soaked through the scarf wrapped around his head, covering his eyes.

“Let him go.” Leah spat the words, continuing to fight against Ryan’s hold.

Aiden glared at Zoe. “We were fine. It didn’t need to go this far.”

Zoe shrugged, her smirk spreading in an evil sneer. “This is news to me, Aiden.” Zoe shifted her attention to Jordyn. “But I’m impressed.”

Jordyn stepped closer to Aiden. He searched her eyes, hoping to find mercy where it appeared to no longer exist. “I figured we might need an insurance policy, in case Aiden tried to pull some shit.”

Aiden shook his head. “I didn’t pull anything. I came here tonight and offered my own sacrifice. For all of YOU.” He glanced at Leah, wishing to calm her fears. Aiden needed to fix this before it devolved further.

Zoe laced her arm over Jordyn’s shoulder. “I’m glad you have stepped up, Jordyn. I was afraid your allegiance to Todd would hamper your progress toward enlightenment. I guess I was wrong.”

Todd rushed at Zoe. Before he could act upon the rage etched in his visage, Spencer moved in between and raised the knife to Todd’s throat. Aiden hurried to intervene, surprising himself with bravery he had never before met.

“Wait.” Aiden leaned closer to Zoe. “We can make everything right without causing all this harm.”

Zoe chuckled. “Who’s being harmed? You made a blood oath. Jordyn acquired an extra chip in case you decided to cash in too early.” Zoe glowered at Todd. “And Todd is trying to fuck it all up.”

Todd shouted obscenities at Zoe as Spencer pressed the knife harder. Ryan shifted his hold of Leah into a headlock, keeping her from driving toward her little brother. Aiden thought fast. He had few options of getting them all out of this standoff safely. The best he could try to achieve was Leah and Tommy’s freedom.

“Listen. Listen.” Aiden dropped to his knees before Zoe. “Let Tommy go. He’s just a kid, for God’s sake. And let Leah walk him home. You still have my blood oath for The First Cut.”

“How do I know Leah’s not gonna run to the cops? Or tell her parents? Our secrecy is paramount.” Zoe stomped her foot, her hands on her hips.

“She won’t. Because if she does...” Aiden swallowed a huge lump in his throat. “If she does, then you can kill me.”

Leah screamed, “No!”

Zoe appeared to enjoy the control she had gained. She smiled and nodded her head in consideration.

Aiden reassured everyone, but mostly Leah. “It’s okay. Nobody is going to hurt me. Just like nobody is going to reveal the nature of our cult.”

“OUR cult?” Zoe strode in a tight circle. “The First Cut belongs to me. Not you. Or you.” She pointed at Aiden and then Leah. “I gave this beast breath and only I can take it away.”

Spencer turned to display his disagreement with Zoe’s will. In doing so, he let the knife blade drift away from Todd’s neck. Aiden saw his opportunity and he made his move. He swung his fist between Spencer’s legs, connecting with his friend’s scrotum. Spencer howled, crumbling to the floor and dropping the knife. Aiden grabbed at the knife. Just as his fingers wrapped around the hilt, Todd pounced on top of Aiden.

In all the chaos, Ryan released Leah so he could join the struggle to control the knife. Zoe backhanded Leah’s face, sending her crashing into the armoire.

A thunderous scream shocked the battle to a halt. Aiden crawled out from under Todd and Ryan. A dark pool of blood spread across the thick carpet. Ryan crab-walked away from the mess. His eyes wide with horror.

Todd moved his hands away from his wash-board abs. His stomach opened wide, a deluge of slimy organs and crimson gushed forward. Todd’s eyes searched the room for his killer.

Aiden looked down.

The knife remained in his hand. It was covered in Todd’s gore.

Everyone choked on tears and disbelief.

Except Zoe.

She clapped.

“I still need proof, Aiden. Killing Todd might have been a convenient accident.”

Aiden knew their high school sex club had gone far beyond the point of no return. Their innocence, if they had had any from the start, went up in smoke like all their futures. No more preparing for college. No more graduation parties or new cars from their rich parents.

For the first time in his life, Aiden looked forward to standing apart from his peers. He squeezed the knife and rushed forward.



AUTHOR’S NOTE: This story was a lot of fun for me. I had a blast re-imagining the cast of my Gushers Series. While this tale is related to the theme of the trilogy, and the characters are the same, it in no way spoils the larger arc. I think Aleister Crowley would be proud.

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