Home > One Of Us(9)

One Of Us(9)
Author: Samie Sands

“My children, I know many of you are uncomfortable with this decision. I want to make it known now that Calum made this decision and Alistair contacted me personally regarding this decision.” Father Michaels then looks at Calum and asks, “Son Calum, id you agree to be the latest to try the elixir of immortality?”

“Yes, Father,” Calum says, “The decision was mine and mine alone.”

He then looks over at Alistair Wingreen and asks him, “Son Alistair, my right-hand, did you agree to Calum’s decision, knowing the consequences?”

“Yes Father,” Alistair responds, “I stopped by your home and asked your wife to contact me and I told you of the decision Calum made.”

While no one said anything, there were loud, audible sighs coming from the concerned members of The Children of the Circle. Father Michaels then grabs the chalice containing the latest attempt of the elixir of immortality and tilts the chalice towards Calum’s mouth. He begins to drink the elixir and quickly passes out and his lips turn blue. The members of The Circle begin to express sadness before they hear something from behind.

“Did it work?” a prepubescent voice says.

Everyone turns around and sees a ghost Calum standing outside of the circle where The Children of the Circle have their meetings. Everyone suddenly light up with excitement as they now have proof that the elixir of immortality has now been perfected. Before a chaos of happiness interrupts the usual meeting, Father Michaels interrupts them.

“Before we begin our excitement, I must inform everyone we will be making ourselves public and very soon,” He then looks at Alistair, “Son Alistair. You must inform people of your son drinking the elixir of immortality. We go public and obtain more children first! I will announce a date of elixir intake at the next meeting. Let him be with you as you travel the road to immortality.”

Everyone leaves except for the Wingreen family. Alistair and Isabella are trying to figure a way to ask Father what they need to ask him.

“I see you have something on your mind my children.” He says.

“Father,” Alistair says, “I’m not sure how to ask this but...”

Before Alistair can ask his question, he’s interrupted by his daughter Anna, “They want to know what the plan is with Calum’s physical body between now and the reveal.”

Alistair and Isabella look like they are about to discipline their daughter before Father Michaels prevents them from doing so.

“We can bury his physical body in the church cemetery until the reveal. We recently sold a few plots and one dug up spot will not be noticed, especially at a church.” Father then points his attention towards Calum, “Son Calum, may I have your consent with burying your physical body in the church cemetery?”

“Do whatever you want, I’m now one with the immortals and that body was holding me back!” Calum says as he is proud to be a ghost.

“It shall be done. Now, let him be with you all as you travel the road to immortality.” The Wingreen family then exit the basement as Father Michaels then goes to his personal room to thank the demonic entity in the painting on his wall.

“You are leading ME; you are leading MY CHILDREN to immortality! I will make the Children of the Circle public very soon!” Father then changes from his hooded attire to some clothes he kept at the church before going home. While not ready to give the news, he is excited to tell his wife everything.

“Cass!” William says as he enters the home, “I’m home!”

Cassie runs from the kitchen to the front door, wraps her arms around her husband, and gives him the most passionate kiss he’s received from her since the day they fell in love.

“Willie!” Cassie says as she begins to tear up, “I’m pregnant!”

William, achieving both of his goals in one day, now holds onto his wife tightly and spins her around.

“This is easily the best day of my life. Services were the best they ever were and now you are carrying my child!”

“We’re going to be a family!” Cassie says followed by kissing her husband.

William then goes to his office and thinks about those words his wife just said. William’s plan was to get Cassie pregnant so he could leave an heir and then join his followers in the drinking of the elixir of immortality. But Cassie saying “we’re going to be a family” are words that are stuck in his head. He knows Cassie and his future child are going to need him. After hours of thinking about what his wife said to him, he decides that he knows is necessary. He calls up Alistair and tells him what is on his mind.

“Hello?” Alistair says as he answers the phone.

“Alistair, it’s William. We need to talk.” He responds

“May I ask what is wrong Father?” Alistair says in a concerned tone.

“Cassie informed me she is pregnant. I’m going to become a father.”

“Father, that is what you wanted!” Alistair says in excitement, “You said you wanted to leave a legacy before leaving your physical body. The elixir of immortality has been perfected and you are about to have an heir. You’ve achieved your goals! He is leading you on the road to immortality!”

“Alistair, Cassie is going to need me. I can’t leave her alone with a child. I’m not going through with the reveal. I’ll tell everyone at the next meeting.”

“NO!” Alistair says in anger, “YOU promised immortality. YOU persuaded me to sacrifice MY son. YOU said we will reveal The Children of the Circle!”

“The Children of the Circle will soon be no more. Goodbye Alistair.” William then hangs up the phone.



REVEREND WILLIAM MICHAELS enters the sanctuary of his church and sees a television in front of his podium. There’s a note that says Play during the sermon! And nothing else. He stands there are the congregation come in and fill up the pews. He then informs the congregation that he was asked to play something for the congregation. He then proceeds to turn on the television and hit the play button on the VCR. Much to his surprise, it’s the Wingreen family and they are at home.

“To the other members of the church,” Alistair says as he, his wife, and his daughter are seated on the couch with the chalices that were given to them for the reveal. “We are here to expose the reverend for who he truly is; a traitor and a coward! To those of you who are naïve, the reverend was also leading a few of us. He calls us, I mean, called us The Children of the Circle. He told us of a way to immortality. My son Calum was the sacrifice to see if the elixir of immortality would work.” A ghost Calum then appears on the screen.

The congregation then lets out a simultaneous gasp! Reverend Michaels tries to stop the VCR, but one of his “children” comes up and forcefully removes the remote from his fingers so everyone can finish hearing the words of Alistair Wingreen.

“This week we, The Children of the Circle, were meant to reveal ourselves as our now former father was going to lead us in the drinking of the elixir of immortality.” Alistair, Isabella, and Anna all hold up their chalices and show the camera the neon blue liquid in their cups. “I contacted the other children and informed them of my plans. The Children of the Circle will eventually reveal themselves. But today, I am here to declare I, Alistair Wingreen, am the NEW FATHER!” The three of them then drink the elixir of immortality. Everyone watches as all four of the Wingreen family are now ghosts. Alistair then looks at the camera and says, “William, you will get yours soon and to The Children of the Circle, I, the NEW FATHER want to say let him be with you all as you travel the road to immortality.” The video then goes to black.

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