Home > Never Let go(6)

Never Let go(6)
Author: Lucy Darling

“I’ll show you all around tomorrow. Take you out on the horses.”

“That sounds like a lot of fun.” Her hand holding mine loosens, and she starts to run it up and down, caressing me. I grit my teeth, my already hard cock starting to throb because all I can think about is that hand wrapped around my dick, doing the same thing.

“We should call and check on Brandon.”

I skip right over that. I don’t know how close she is to this guy but it bugs me. It shouldn't. Of course she wants to check on him. He worked for her and he got hurt doing it. But I was suddenly like a child not wanting to share something. That something being her.

“We’re almost there. Let me get you inside and you can call whoever you like from my phone. In fact, power yours off to be safe.”

“You think someone is tracking me?”

“I doubt it but better safe than sorry. Your driver was assaulted tonight. Let's not take any chances.” She reaches into her bag, doing as I ask. Her trust in me is already there. I don’t know why but I’ll take that too, just like I took the opportunity to steal her away to my home.

I am going to give her roots. Soon mine will be hers. We’ll be tangled together for the rest of our lives.








My eyes fly open when two arms lift me from the car. “Wrap your arms around me, Bunny.”

I do as he says, resting my head on his chest.

“Are we here?” I ask, breathing in his rich smell. He smells like a man.

“Yeah.” He carries me inside as I try and get my eyes to adjust to the darkness. A light flips on a moment later.

“You want a bed or food?” he asks. Now the light is too bright for me to see anything.

“Food. I should call PJ too. I don’t want her to worry.” He nods and keeps on carrying me as my eyes adjust to the light. A moment later he sets me down in a chair inside a giant kitchen. Everything is done in greys and white. It’s modern with a touch of country too.

“This is really nice.” I look around, taking in the kitchen. This place looks brand new.

“Yeah, Mom made me update it.” He shrugs. “I told her to do whatever she wanted and—” He lifts his hands. I smile because that’s sweet. I love that they’re so close. I can see how much he respects and loves her whenever he talks about her.

“I love how you are with your mom.” He puts my bag on the counter before pulling out his cell phone and handing it to me.

“I’m a pretty simple man. If I can do something to make her happy then I’ll do it. Why wouldn't I? Isn't that what you do for the people you love?” His words melt my insides, but they also make me realize that I’ve never really had someone to do that for me in my life.

“Yeah, I guess so. My dad wouldn't do anything for me if it caused him to be inconvenienced at all.”

“He’s a dumbass then.” Jameson’s jaw clenches. “I’m going to get out of this monkey suit and I’ll come back and make you something to eat.”


“Code is 1785.” He nods to his phone. My eyes stay on his as he moves closer to me. He brushes a lock of hair out of my face. “Damn you’re beautiful.”

I lean into his touch. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

He lets out a deep chuckle. “I don’t think anyone has ever called me beautiful.” His eyes go to my mouth. “I’ll be right back.” His hand starts to drop. I reach out, grabbing it and stopping him. I don’t want to let this moment between us slip away.

“You want to kiss me?” I lick my lips as my eyes focus on his mouth, feeling bold.

“I don’t think there is a man in this whole fucking world that doesn't want to kiss you.” That causes me to lift my eyes back up to stare into his. I want to get lost in him tonight, to forget about all the heaviness that's weighing down on me from the events that took place earlier.

“But I only want you to kiss me.” I’ve wanted that all night. He moves, picking me up again and setting me on the kitchen island before I know what’s happening. He steps between my legs as his hand digs into my hair. He tilts my head back and kisses me.

I suck in a breath as his mouth meets mine. He takes the kiss. My fingers dig into his shirt as I part my lips for him. His tongue sweeps in as he dominates my mouth.

“Kiss me back, beautiful.” I hold on to him tighter as I do the same as him. My tongue slips into his mouth as a whimper of need leaves me. “Fuck,” he grits, pulling his mouth from mine. “We should stop if you want to call your friend or there will be no stopping for the rest of the night.” I don’t want it to end but I know he’s right. I’m no longer sitting on the counter. I’ve wrapped my whole body around him, trying to get closer.

“Oh my.” I loosen my fingers that are holding on to him tightly.

“We’re just putting this on pause.” He brushes his mouth against mine. I close my eyes, enjoying the feeling of him. For the first time in my life, I feel a sense of belonging somewhere. Which scares me more than anything else that has happened tonight. It was only a kiss. How will I feel once it’s more than that?

“Pause,” I agree as he sets me back in the chair. I slowly release my hold on him, allowing my legs to drop down again. He takes a reluctant step back. I can tell he’s fighting himself. He doesn't want to put a pause on anything. For the good of both of us, I pick the phone up before we end up forgetting about everything else. It rings in my hand. I look down, recognizing the number.

“It’s PJ.”

“I gave her my card,” he reminds me.

“Right.” I slide my finger across the screen.

“I’ll be right back,” he tells me before turning to leave.

“Where are you?” PJ barks into the phone. I put it to my ear.

“I’m fine,” I reassure her. “How is Brandon?”

“He’s fine too but I know where he is.”

“I’m with Jameson.”

“I know that since you answered his phone.”

“I went home with him.” I fidget in my seat. It’s not like she can see me or something.

“You went home with him,” she repeats.

“I thought it would be safer?”

“To go home with a man you don’t know?” I can hear the irritation in her tone.

“I’m a grown woman. I can go home with a man.” I find myself not only getting defensive for myself but Jameson too. I might be naïve, but I do feel safe with him. Not only that, I want to be here. I want to explore this feeling that he gives me. To tell the truth, I want to explore him.

“I’m sorry. I know that.” PJ lets out a long sigh. “Sometimes the lines blend with being your best friend and head of your security.”

“I know. I’m sorry too.” I didn't mean to snip at her. It really wasn't like me. I think it's because I want to stay and PJ is the one person who could get me to leave if she really tried.

“Did he take you to his ranch?” She probably has all his addresses memorized by now. It only takes PJ one look at something and she remembers it all. She has a memory like an elephant. Don’t do her dirty or any of her friends or family because she’ll remember every detail until she takes her last breath. That’s what makes her so good at her job and also at being my best friend.

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