Home > After Happily Ever After(42)

After Happily Ever After(42)
Author: Astrid Ohletz

“I…” She laughed incredulously and shook her head. “I think I’m good.”

They were still stacking tiles when Ava left to go find a strawberry cupcake. Game night, she decided, had been a rousing success.



If you enjoyed this short story, check out Chasing Stars by Alex K. Thorne, the novel in which Gwen and Ava met and fell in love.



Two Hearts—One Mind

by RJ Nolan

“Hey, McKenna.”

Sam’s fingers froze on her uniform shirt buttons. She stepped to the end of the row of lockers and peered toward the door.

Kowalski, a fellow officer, stood with the locker room door propped open with his foot. He motioned Sam over.

Buttoning her shirt as she went, Sam made her way to the door. “What’s up? I already signed out.”

Kowalski smirked. “You’re a sly dog, McKenna. You better hope Christy never finds out.”

Sam scowled. Just the mention of her girlfriend was enough to sour Sam’s good mood. She waved Kowalski out into the hallway and followed him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

A smile that could only be termed lecherous covered Kowalski’s face. “There’s a smoking-hot blonde asking for you at the front desk.”

Sam wasn’t expecting any visitors. “What does she look like?”

“She’s got a killer body.” He brought his hands up and mimed the woman’s breast size. “Hot damn.”

Sam smacked him on the back of the head. “That’s not what I meant.”

“Kill joy,” Kowalski muttered. “Fine. About five-nine. Shoulder-length curly blond hair. Blue eyes.” He waggled his eyebrows. “And like I said, she’s smoking-hot.”

She knew one woman who fit that description perfectly. Kim. “Did you leave her in the lobby?”

“Yeah. I—”

Sam waved him off. “Thanks.” She headed for the front desk at a fast walk. What’s Kim doing here in the middle of the week? Fear shot through Sam. Has something happened to Jess? Even as the thought crossed her mind, Sam discounted it. There was no way Kim would be anywhere but at Jess’s side if that were the case.

She shoved open the door to the lobby and scanned the packed room. Every chair was filled, and people were lined up in front of the main desk. Kim was sitting in a chair against the far wall. A poster on domestic violence hung on the wall above her head. The woman sitting to Kim’s right was leaning way too far into Kim’s personal space for Sam’s comfort.

Sam quickened her pace. “Hey, Kim,” she said as soon as she got close enough to be heard.

The woman next to Kim jerked back. Her gaze bounced between Sam and Kim.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Sam gave the woman a stern look.

With one last glance at Kim, the woman got up and scurried away.

Sam tried not to smile at the relieved look on Kim’s face. While Kim dealt with more than her fair share of strange characters as a psychiatrist working in L.A. Metro’s ER, she looked uneasy and out of place in the police station.

“Sam,” Kim said. She smiled as she rose from her chair.

“Everything okay?” Sam gave Kim’s hand a quick squeeze.

Kim hesitated, then nodded. “Um…sorry to just show up like this without talking to you first. I tried to call you last night, but your phone went straight to voice mail. I tried again this morning but just got your voice mail again.”

“Sorry about that. My phone got broken last night at volleyball practice. I haven’t had a chance to replace it.”

“Oh. Okay.” Kim shifted in place and stuck her hands in her jean pockets. “I planned on coming down regardless.” Her gaze dropped to the floor. “I hope you don’t mind.”

Sam peered at her. What’s going on? Something was off. It wasn’t like Kim to sound so unsure of herself. She knows how much I care about her. I’m always happy to see her whether my sister can come with her or not.

A commotion broke out near the front desk before Sam could question her further.

Sam stepped in front of Kim, shielding her from the fracas. She made sure her fellow officers had the troublemaker under control before turning back to Kim. “Come on. You can wait for me in the back while I change and secure my gear. Then we can go grab a cup of coffee and you can tell me what’s going on.”



“I need to do some shopping,” Kim said.

“Shopping? But…” That didn’t make any sense to Sam. She couldn’t think of anything that would be available in San Diego that wouldn’t be in Los Angeles, where Kim and Jess lived. Before Sam could ask any questions, Kim headed toward the back of the coffee shop. Sam trailed in her wake.

Kim settled into an overstuffed chair in a quiet corner of the shop.

Sam pulled the chair next to hers closer and angled it so they could talk somewhat privately. Thankfully, at this time of the afternoon, the coffee shop wasn’t crowded. “So Jess couldn’t get the day off to come with you, huh?”

Kim shook her head. She looked everywhere except at Sam. Kim popped out of her chair, making Sam jump. “I’ll go get our coffee.” She practically bolted from Sam.

What the heck? Between Kim coming to San Diego alone for a shopping trip and her unusual behavior, things just didn’t add up for Sam and that stirred her cop instincts. I hope she’s not upset with Jess.

Jess had been keeping a secret from Kim for weeks now. Please don’t let anything mess up Jess’s plans. She was drawn out of her thoughts by Kim’s return.

“Here you go,” Kim said. She handed Sam a cup of coffee and a small brown bag.

Opening the bag eagerly, Sam smiled. Oh, yeah. She knows me well. Unlike Jess, Sam shared Kim’s chocolate addiction. She pulled out the chocolate croissant and took a big bite. Sam groaned, and her eyes closed as the rich chocolate and pastry melted in her mouth. She opened her eyes and grinned at Kim. “Are you trying to bribe me into going shopping with you?”

Kim flushed. “Maybe.” Her expression turned serious. “I really do need your help.”

“Anything,” Sam said. “You know that.”

“I know.” Kim touched Sam’s knee. “And I appreciate it.”

“Tell me what I can do to help.” It bothered her to see Kim, who was usually so outgoing and vibrant, acting so subdued.

“Well, Valentine’s Day is next Friday.”

Since that’s all Jess has talked about for the last month. Oh yeah. I know. She couldn’t wait to see Kim’s reaction to Jess’s surprise. Sam fought to tame a smirk. “Really? That’s next week?”

“Sam!” Kim’s tone left no doubt she wasn’t in the mood to be teased.

“Okay, sorry. Go ahead.”

Kim scrubbed her hands up and down her thighs, then sighed. “The Valentine’s Day present I planned for Jess,” her voice hitched, “well, it didn’t work out.” She looked up at Sam with tears glimmering in the corners of her eyes.

What the hell is going on? This has got to be about more than a present. Sam leaned close. “Hey. It’s okay. I’m sure Jess will understand. She’ll love anything you get her.”

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