Home > After Happily Ever After(43)

After Happily Ever After(43)
Author: Astrid Ohletz

As Kim brushed her hair back from her face, she blew out a breath. “I know. It’s just…complicated. Anyway, I want this Valentine’s Day to be extra special—for both of us.” She met Sam’s gaze, and the confident spark Sam was used to seeing in Kim’s warm, blue eyes finally made an appearance. “I’m going to buy her a ring and ask her to marry me.”

Holy smokes, Batman! There go all of Jess’s plans up in smoke. Now what do I do? “Um…Well…”

Kim’s expression fell.

Ah. Crap. “That’s great. I’m sure Jess will be thrilled.”

“You’re sure?” Kim’s brow furrowed. “Do you know something I don’t?”

Oh, shit! Jess warned you Kim was getting suspicious. Sam put on her best cop face. “No.”

“You’re positive?” Kim stared at her hard as if trying to gauge her sincerity.

“Absolutely positive.” Sam was sure Kim would forgive her once she found out why Sam lied. Jess will kill me if I blow the surprise she’s been planning for weeks.

“Then you’ll help me?”

“Of course,” Sam said, finally over her shock at what Kim was proposing—literally. A little half-smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. Looks like Jess is about to get a surprise of her own.

“Great. Thank you.” Kim’s smile lit her face. “You’re the same ring size as Jess, so I wanted you to make sure the ring would fit her.”

Well, now I know why she wanted to come to San Diego. “Did you have a specific jeweler in mind?” I know a good one, but I’m sure as hell not suggesting that one.

“Yes,” Kim said. “That’s the other reason I needed to come down here. I want to go to Aberdeen Jewelers in La Jolla.”

Panic raced through Sam. Aberdeen was the same jeweler where Jess had purchased Kim’s ring. Could this get any worse?



“It must be around here somewhere?” Kim glanced at the piece of paper in her hand, then up at the number on the store nearest them. “We’re still twenty numbers off. Must be farther on.”

Sam knew they needed to go to the end of the walkway where they were and then around the corner, but she couldn’t very well say that. Aberdeen’s was tucked into the back corner of an outdoor mall filled with run-of-the-mill tourist shops. It was not in a location you would stumble upon by accident. “So where did you hear about this place?”

“Do you remember Lindsay Bower? She’s the social worker you met at Sid’s.”

“Right.” Sam nodded. “I remember.”

“She bought her partner a ring here last year. She just raved about the place.”

Ah. Same way Jess heard about it. Thanks a lot, Lindsay. They must get lots of word-of-mouth business because the place sure doesn’t fit in with the rest of the low-end shops here.

“There it is!” Kim said.

Sam kept a smile plastered on her face as she held open the door to the exclusive jewelry store for Kim. She scanned the small store. Oh great. Sam bit back a groan. You just had to ask if things could get worse. There, standing behind the counter, was the same salesman that had waited on Jess.

The man’s smile brightened when he spotted Sam. “Welcome ba—”

Sam coughed loudly. “Excuse me. Hello.”

A frown marred the salesman’s face. “Here to pick—”

A coughing fit overtook Sam. Or at least that’s what she hoped Kim thought.

Kim was instantly at her side. She stroked her hand soothingly up and down Sam’s back.

Sam straightened up and cleared her throat. She met Kim’s concerned blue eyes. Guilt stung her for worrying Kim and taking advantage of her caring nature. But under the circumstances she had little choice.

“You okay?” Kim asked.

“Yeah. Don’t know what happened there.” Sam motioned toward a water cooler she had spotted on her initial perusal of the room. “Would you mind getting me a drink of water?”

“Of course, Sam.”

As soon as Kim walked away, Sam moved close to the counter and the salesman. She had to be quick; the shop wasn’t that big, and Kim would be back momentarily. She lowered her voice. “You don’t know me. I’ve never been in the store before. Got me?”

“Here you go, Sam.”

Sam jumped and spun around toward Kim. “Thanks.” She took the small cup, grateful for the chance to regain her composure.

“It everything okay?” Kim asked.

“Good. Everything’s good.” Sam barely resisted the urge to squirm under Kim’s sharp gaze. Calm down. She’s way too perceptive, but it’s not like she can read your mind. “Mr….” She turned to the salesman. “I’m sorry. I didn’t get your name.”

“Redmond. David Redmond.”

“I was just telling Mr. Redmond.”

“David. Please. Call me David.”

“Okay, David. That you are interested in seeing some wedding bands without stones. That’s what you wanted. Right?”

Kim looked back and forth between Sam and Redmond.

Please don’t ask questions. Sam held her breath.

“Yes. I’d like to see some wedding bands in white-gold and platinum if you have any,” Kim said.

“Great.” Sam caught herself before she walked straight to the case where the bands were. She looked at Redmond. “Where would those types of rings be?”

When Redmond pulled two trays of rings from a display case, Sam moved away. She stared unseeingly into a display case several feet away. You know she’s going to ask your opinion. So how do I keep from giving it without hurting her feelings or making her suspicious? Her brain was running a mile a minute, trying to come up with a solution. As much as she loved her sister and Kim, Sam couldn’t help cursing her involvement. How the hell did I end up in the middle of this?

“Sam. Come take a look. Please.”

Damn. Here we go. Sam made her way toward Kim as if she were dragging a fifty-pound weight.

“I’ve narrowed it down to these rings,” Kim said. “Which one do you like?”

Two rings lay on a piece of black velvet on the counter.

When she got a good look at the rings, Sam struggled to hide her reaction. No way! She glanced at Kim.

Kim’s bright smile abruptly faded. “You don’t like either of them.”

“That’s not true.” Sam picked up each ring and made a show of examining it. “They’re both beautiful.” And it was true. The rings were fantastic.

“So what’s wrong then?”

All these rings and those are the two you picked. Just kill me now, ’cause there is no way in hell I’m giving my opinion. “Nothing—”


She flinched at the irritated tone in Kim’s voice. She knows you too well. Sam forced herself to meet Kim’s gaze. Don’t ruin this for her. “They’re both beautiful rings. I’m sure Jess would be thrilled and proud to wear either one. It’s just that…It’s such a personal thing.” Sam shifted and stuck her hands into the pockets of her jeans. “I mean this ring is supposed to be your expression of your love for Jess. I don’t feel comfortable giving an opinion.” Especially not on those two rings. She tensed, waiting for Kim’s reaction. Her breath almost whooshed out in relief when a stunning smile graced Kim’s face.

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