Home > Burn Zone (Hotshots #1)(64)

Burn Zone (Hotshots #1)(64)
Author: Annabeth Albert

   “I bet.” That got a bigger smile from Linc. Linc’s neighbors as well as Ray and his family had been taking care of the dogs. Jacob had checked in that morning himself, throwing the ball for them even as they kept searching around for Linc. It had felt damn weird, being there without Linc. Still, he’d taken the chance to get things ready for Linc’s homecoming and recuperation—managing to put on clean sheets even with his cast and setting up the grab bars and shower stool in the bathroom. He’d grabbed Linc a change of clothes and noted that the freezer was already full of casseroles from friends.

   “And there’s cake. The lady you get your eggs from dropped off some carrot cake while I was there checking on the dogs.”

   “You can help me eat it.” Linc groaned, flexing his leg again, pained tone doing nothing to settle Jacob’s mind.

   “Hey, weren’t you supposed to take a pain pill for the leg?”

   “I don’t like feeling stoned.”

   “Well, you’re taking one as soon as we’re back at your place.”

   “Yes, sir.” Linc managed a little laugh before they settled into a comfortable silence as the familiar countryside raced by. As they got closer to Linc’s house, he shifted in his seat again. “Hey, your phone just buzzed. Want me to check and see if it’s Garrick news?”

   “Yeah.” Jacob tried to quiet the dread that raced up his spine. Garrick still wasn’t out of the woods, having survived surgery but still in the ICU in critical condition.

   “It’s from Kelley. She heard that he’s doing better today. They’re holding off on more surgery for now, and apparently he said a few words.”

   “Oh, thank God. No brain injury would be huge.” He drummed his fingers on the wheel. “Should have been me in that tree. You know I’m a better climber.”

   “No, it shouldn’t have.” Linc sounded resigned, as if he’d been wrestling with similar doubts. “And you can’t go feeling guilty about it. It was an accident, plain and simple. You’re the one who told me that after Wyatt, over and over until it got a little easier to believe you.”

   “Yeah, I know it wasn’t anyone’s fault, not really. I just feel bad. I only didn’t argue about who was climbing because I was still in a bad mood about our argument the night before. He’s an innocent party.”

   “He’s an experienced smoke jumper and firefighter. He knew what he was doing. And if you were pissed about us fighting, then that’s more on me than you. Be mad at me, not yourself.”

   “Can’t stay mad at you,” he admitted.

   “Then don’t stay mad at yourself either.”

   “Okay. I’ll try.” He turned down Linc’s long drive. “Let’s get you in the house, then I’ll free the beasts. And you’re taking those meds.”

   It was a slow process with the crutches and uneven path to the house, and they could hear the dogs going nuts in their run. Eventually though he got Linc settled on the couch with a big mug of water to take his pills with and saw to the dogs who hurtled toward Linc like he’d been gone two years.

   “Hi, mutts.” Even though clearly exhausted, Linc handed out head pats and didn’t scold too loud when they tried to get up on the couch with him. He gave them attention until Jacob brought him food that he only picked at.

   “Okay, to bed with you. We can figure out a shower for you tomorrow.”

   That Linc didn’t argue showed how worn out he really was, and he accepted Jacob’s help stripping down to his boxer briefs. But when Jacob would have left the room, he made a noise of protest.

   “You’re not tired?” Linc asked as he settled on the bed.

   “I should make sure the dogs and dishes and stuff are set for the night. Figured I’d sleep on the couch so that I don’t jostle your leg in the night.”

   “You won’t.” Linc opened and shut his mouth, expression strangely vulnerable. “Stay and talk? For a while at least. Just...weird mood. Tired but brain won’t shut off.”

   His forehead crinkled as he looked away, the request clearly costing him a little of his considerable pride. Jacob wasn’t about to make him ask again, pulling off his own clothes, leaving on his underwear because he doubted either of them was up to anything resembling sex. But even so, damn it felt good to stretch out next to Linc, cautiously cuddle up to his uninjured side. Linc tugged him closer, pulling Jacob’s arm across his chest until they were spooning in earnest. Usually when they lay like this, it was after bone-melting sex and Linc was often on the outside. Felt strange but good, being the one to hold Linc and having it be more about closeness than anything sexual.

   “Better?” he whispered.

   “Yeah.” Linc’s breathing was already starting to even out. “Missed you.”

   “Missed you too.” Jacob dropped a kiss on the back of his neck, feeling settled himself for the first time all day.

   “I need you and I hate needing anyone, but...damn. Glad you’re here. Thanks.”

   “Anytime.” Jacob’s throat was tight. There were still a lot of uncertainties, but this right here, it made it all worth it, the sheer rightness of being together.

   “I know you think I’m gonna change my mind, but I meant every word I said in the hospital. I want this to work. Even if it’s hard.”

   “I don’t want it to be hard for you.” Jacob spoke directly to a doubt that had been making him antsy all day. He wanted to make Linc happy, not be another obligation for him.

   “Feeling what I feel for you...caring about you, that’s not hard. I meant everything else.” Linc yawned and pulled Jacob tighter against him.

   It was the everything else that made Jacob worried even as his pulse gave a hopeful thrum. He wasn’t ever going to get tired of hearing Linc say he cared. Maybe he simply had to trust that the everything else would work out, difficult as it was to summon that belief. And as Linc drifted off to sleep, he stayed awake, letting himself have the joy in holding him and being there. Everything else could wait.


* * *


   “Last time I had you naked and wet was a lot more fun,” Linc joked to distract himself from how awkward showering was, even with a cast cover, shower seat and Jacob’s help.

   “I know. We’ll have to work our way back to that.” Jacob had started clothed, but quickly lost his shirt when it got soaked. Getting clean felt amazing and Jacob’s torso was as inspiring as ever, but it was far from the sexy showers they’d shared in the past.

   “Soon.” Linc hoped he could keep that promise. They’d shared some sleepy kisses that morning, but then the dogs had interrupted, and his leg had been acting up enough that he’d taken a pain pill with breakfast, which while effective had the side effect of making sex less likely. “You want a shower when I’m done?”

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