Home > In His Kiss(56)

In His Kiss(56)
Author: Ava Alise



A few minutes later we are standing in her bathroom. I'm leaning against the counter watching as she paces the tight space. The small plastic test sits under the mirror behind me. We agreed to look at it exactly at the three-minute mark together.

As she paces, she continues to mumble under her breath. Stuff about life and how horrible she'd look pregnant. There’s no calming her and her nervousness is starting to make me nervous so I reach out for her hand and grasp it gently.

"Breathe,” I say, using my thumb to rub small circles over her knuckles. “Baby or no baby, you will be—” My words are cut short as the time expires and her phone starts to beep behind me.

We both turn to look at the test. It sits in its place next to a light blue soap dish between the double sinks. I can tell she reads it a second before I do because just as my eyes fall on the tiny double lines, she gasps.

“It’s still positive. Oh fuck,” she says gripping the counter and dropping her head. “This is really happening. It is, isn’t it?” My eyes are still glued to the test as I place an arm around her, tucking her against me.

For a split-second right after she took it, I thought seeing the positive test might actually freak me out. I wouldn’t show her, of course, but I spent the last few minutes telling myself to remain calm no matter what. I’m surprised to feel joy looking at this thing. Actual joy. I’m going to be a father.

“It’s happening,” I say, pulling my eyes away and looking at her. “And it’s amazing,” I smile and she stands to face me.

“Everything’s about to change,” she sniffles. “our dreams, our plans.”

“No. I want all of your dreams to come true, Zee. And this baby…maybe it’s a dream we didn’t know we had.”

I swipe a thumb over her cheeks and she gazes up at me, her eyes wide as she nods. Leaning forward, I kiss her gently, tasting the shadows of her tears.

“We got this,” I say against her lips. “Now, let’s go downstairs and make our new plan.”









If this past year has taught me anything, it’s been to not have any expectations when it comes to life. Not in a morbid, depressed way, but I’m learning to never get my hopes up. I'm getting ready to start the second half of my senior year in college. If you would have asked me six months ago where I thought I'd be, I’d have told you without doubt that I’d be somewhere wrapped around Cherry. Watching her smile, her eyes twinkling in the way they always do when she looks at me. Or the way they used to. But that isn’t my reality. I thought we'd be happy, engaged, searching for a house and planning the next stage of our lives together. The absolute last thing I expected was this…

“I just don’t get it. How is this actually working?” Jordan whispers as his eyes move quickly between the TV and the baby in his arms. I chuckle and set the large duffle bag I was carrying to the floor in front of me. Lalia has been fussy all morning and Jordan has tried everything he can think of to get her to sleep. Well, everything but actually take her mother's advice.

“I told you.” Xia smiles as she walks through the living room sliding her backpack onto her back. “Ariel never fails.” She stick out her tongue at him and he rolls his eyes. I still don’t get their beef with The Little Mermaid, but… I guess she just won.

I’ve been staying with them in their lake house for the last six months. They moved in shortly after they found out she was pregnant and I moved in a few months later. Lalia is three months old now and to say she's cute is an understatement. She has bright green eyes like her father with dark hair like her mother that spreads in soft waves around her tidy head. She's the perfect mix of her parents and it’s incredible how happy they are.

I'm lucky to have friends like them. Shortly after Cherry and I got engaged, I foolishly ended my lease, assuming that we would be moving in together. Well… because that was the plan. But when things ended between us and I tried to get my place back, my landlord had already found another renter. I struggled to find another apartment until Jordan offered me a room. We had joked about it before, me coming to stay with him, but I sure as fuck didn’t expect it to really happen. It was supposed to just be the guys back then, and to be honest, I feel wrong being here now. It's the reason I'm moving out today. They are a family now. It doesn't escape me that they should be focusing on themselves and not having to worry about me being around. Roman was actually the one who planned to room with Jordan initially, but when he found out about the baby, he took an RA position at the dorms and is spending his senior year living there.

Jordan slowly backs away from the TV, the closing chorus of “Under the Sea” ringing through the room. “I hate that you were right,” he says, crinkling his nose at Xia as she walks toward him.

“Duh, I'm always right.” She giggles, her eyes dropping to the small bundle of blankets and Lalia’s tiny face. With a soft touch, she takes a thumb and runs it tenderly along her daughter’s face before looking up at Jordan. Her eyes are warm and the love that she has for both of them displays plainly on her face. It's a love I wish I had again, one that's pure and unapologetic. His lips curl with a smile as he carefully leans forward, pressing a soft kiss to her lips while trying not to disturb Lalia.

“Just give it about twenty minutes,” Xia says, running a hand down Jordan’s arm. “Then carry her upstairs and put her in the crib. It will be just long enough for her to fall into a deep enough sleep.”

“All right,” he says.

“Love you both,” she says, stepping backward toward the door. I’m standing right in front of it and it looks like she’s about to back into me when she turns around. “And you. I hate that you are moving out,” she pouts. “Call us when you get settled in, okay?” I nod and give her a quick hug as she waves at us all before stepping outside. It’s her first day back at school. She was able to do hybrid classes where she did mostly online work toward the end of her pregnancy and right after Lalia was born. Jordan doubled up on classes last semester so he could finish early. It really seemed to work out well for them.

“I hate to admit it, but she is always right,” Jordan says, his eyes never leaving Lalia. And because of this, I can't tell if he's talking to me or not. I reach down and slide my duffel bag back onto my shoulder as I stare at him in awe. I'm just so used to Jordan being this tough guy, killer on the field. A guy who can run through 200-pound linebackers with ease. A guy who can take a murderous hit, getting slammed hard against turf, and jump back up like it's nothing. But here he is, my friend, cradling his little girl with the most loving and gentle touch I've ever seen.

I smile and watch as he settles slowly into a rocking chair near the large bay window before I continue my task of packing my car. I didn't bring a lot with me when I moved in. Just my bedroom linens and a few essentials. Most of my things are packed away in a storage unit, and I won't pretend like that's a lot either. Two weeks ago, I lucked out and found a room available in one of the coed suites offered near campus. They’re for seniors only, and apparently one of the tenants moved out earlier than expected, so I’m able to take his place.

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