Home > Be Mine, King (The Crown Duet #1)(14)

Be Mine, King (The Crown Duet #1)(14)
Author: Chelsea McDonald

I held his stare a second longer before softly brushing past him. I continued back into the dining room, rejoining the others - they evidently had barely noticed our disappearance. As their laughter distracted them my eyes slyly roamed to the patio doors that line the room. I was conflicted by the temptation to escape. For some reason, I trusted Nikolai not to hurt me but beyond that, I had no idea what limits he would push.

Finch’s words rung as clear as bells in my head, I was here only to serve his brother. For all I knew, that was the truth. Did I want to hang around long enough to find out? Not if there was another way.

Beyond the glass is a patio, a barbeque and a pool - all of which is surrounded by trees and shrubbery. I couldn’t see what laid more than a hundred feet away. The sun had started to set, the sky growing darker by the minute. Instead of giving in to the panic the nightfall instilled, I took a breath. I could cope for tonight and think more on my escape tomorrow.

A yawn pulled me out of my daydream. I could feel myself growing tired which surprised me. All I’d done for the past two days was sleep. I didn’t understand how it was scientifically possible for me to be tired.

“Anastasia, you’re up.”

Ugh. I could’ve groaned. How long did this insipid board game last?

We must have been playing for over an hour and there was no end in sight. One thing I knew for sure, I was not winning, and therefore I did not care whether we finished playing or not.

“I think it might be time to call it a night. As much fun as I’m having, I’m getting tired.”

“You sure you’re not confusing tired with bored?” Finch asked as he stood from his chair and stretched. I supposed he wasn’t bothered about playing either.

Zedd sulked as he packed up. He was winning, I assumed that was why he was the only one bothered about playing. I had to admit, it was a nice effort on his part.

Overall, Nikolai had been right about his brothers, I did feel at ease with Drex and Zedd. It was a shame Finch was such a sourpuss. I had no hope that we’d be getting along anytime soon.



“Why haven’t you asked for anything?” I had to admit my question had come out of nowhere but I hadn’t expected her to literally jump in her seat. We sat at the kitchen counter, the silence had stretched between us since she came downstairs. I’d watched silently as Anastasia went about, pulling out her breakfast cereal and then taking a seat at the other end of the bar.

“What?” she asked, finally turning to look at me. It was the first sign of acknowledgement since she walked in.

“Last night got me thinking, you haven’t asked for anything since you got here.” I wanted her to be comfortable here, I didn’t want her to go without anything she desired. Now that I was thinking about it... “Not even your phone. Should I take that as a good sign, that you’re not planning some elaborate escape plan? Or is it because you don’t think you’ll be here long enough to enjoy…” I let the sentence trail off.

Her answer surprised me. “Neither, really. I suppose I just don’t need much. Of course, I’d like my cell back but I didn’t think you’d give it to me, so I just didn’t want to waste the time asking.”

“If there’s anything you need you can tell Heather, and she’ll get it for you. I have some calls to make and then I’ll be going out. Is there anything in particular you’d like for dinner?”

There was a slight shake of her head as she got up to walk her dish to the sink. I wondered if we’d ever be able to have a full length, adult conversation. Instead, it was a few words here and there. I released a breath as I remembered that she still hadn’t been here that long. It would take time and some major adjustments for her to become comfortable. For now, I had to be happy with the baby steps.



“Please,” I said. This was a courtesy but we both knew I wasn’t asking.

“I don’t like it, and I really don’t understand the issue.” Finch tried reasoning. He may not have understood, but to me, that was to be expected. The most prominent relationship he’d ever had was with his reflection. Regardless of what he thought, he didn’t need to understand. This was my decision, my life, and I would do whatever I thought was best. It just so happened that keeping my brothers away from Anastasia was just that.

I resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers. This conversation was going nowhere fast. “I’m losing patience, Finch. I won’t ask again. Don’t come back to the house.”

“I just don’t understand why. We have no idea who this woman is. We have a right to know who you’re bringing into the family, especially since there’s no going back on this one.”

He had a point but that only seemed to make my anger rise even more. I didn’t like his sudden interest in Anastasia or any of the others’ interest in her. She took to them so easily the other day. Why? Why them and not me?

No, they needed to stay away. That way Anastasia would be all mine. She’d have to like me more if I was the only one she saw. She would have no choice.

“Finch, I’m not asking the three of you to stay out of this, I’m telling you.” I knew this was more dangerous territory but I had to be clear. “She’s not ready for visitors yet, I’ll be in touch when she is. When things are better.” With that, I ended the call and gritted my teeth through my annoyance and frustration.

After receiving the phone call from Finch this morning, I knew I had to move fast. He had rung up to see about coming over later tonight. My brothers had been busy this last week, too busy to drop by. I had been reveling in the peace of mind that I wasn’t competing with them if they weren’t around. I hung up, grabbed my keys and called a family meeting. There would be no more popping by, no more spending time with Anastasia. My brothers were all getting too eager for my liking. Boundaries needed to be set. She was mine.

A door slammed echoing through the quiet house and jerking me out of thoughts of my brothers. I dropped my keys on the table and shrugged out of my suit jacket. I was loosening my tie when my little tornado appeared in the kitchen archway.

I never knew beauty could be so dangerous.



I was confused. I knew it was normal to feel fear but I never could’ve imagined the loneliness that I felt. I’d cried. I’d screamed.

Now, I just felt hopeless, and that hopelessness seemed to be affecting my sleep. Or maybe it was because I’d been sleeping every spare second that I could since I’d gotten here. I had hoped I’d wake up from this horrible nightmare.

I agreed to be here but that didn’t mean that I had a choice. That only made my anger towards Nikolai flare, the fact that he knew what he was doing to me. He knew I had no choice, he’d forced my hand.

Despite his many attempts to make me comfortable, I was still stuck on that. When I came back to my room earlier to find a brand new iPhone resting on my bedside table, I was shocked. Was Nikolai stupid? Or just really that trusting? Nevertheless, I made sure to make use of it immediately. It had been too long since I’d last heard my aunt's voice.

She had been worried, hearing that I was okay seemed to settle her. I had been conflicted at first as to what to disclose. But the truth of it was that I didn’t want her to worry. I was alive, and somewhat safe. Things could’ve been way worse.

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