Home > Be Mine, King (The Crown Duet #1)(34)

Be Mine, King (The Crown Duet #1)(34)
Author: Chelsea McDonald

A shallow cough from my left caught my attention. Roaming my eyes to find the source I froze at the sight of a young man standing by the staircase. My heart began pounding rapidly, my stomach churned at the realization.

This man, I was related to him. It didn’t take two seconds for me to recognize him as family. I stared, the resemblance was uncanny, almost like staring into a mirror. He had a bigger build, taller and stronger with shorter hair. Aside from those minor differences, I’d have sworn we were twins.

“Ambrose, and you are?”

I was confused as to how he couldn’t immediately see it, but I answered anyway. “Anastasia.”

“Ah.” So clearly, he did know who I was. “Where are my parents?”

“They went through there.” I pointed in the direction they went. I longed to be there, with Nikolai by my side, rather than here.

The room grew tense. No words were exchanged as I tried to look anywhere but at my brother. His presence made me uncomfortable like I was trespassing.

“Why did you come here?” Ambrose spat out at me. His mask had now completely slipped.

“I-I wanted… I wanted to know my family.” The mere sound of my voice had me wanting to cringe. I couldn’t help feeling small in his presence, but I tried my hardest to keep my fear hidden. From the look in his eye, I knew he lived to strike fear into others. He enjoyed it, fed off of it. He was the hunter, and I was his prey. I didn’t like that feeling at all.

“Well, now you do. Congratulations, princess.” A sinister smile spread across his face but it had none of the happiness of a smile.

If I had thought Nik was bad, this guy was far worse. Evil, through and through. If he hadn't scared me so much, I would’ve pitied him. In a way, I still did. Our parents had to be real pieces of work to have raised such a monster. I followed him with my eyes as he stormed off. So, that was my brother…

Well, I wasn’t impressed.

Finally left alone, I released a heavy breath while waiting for Nikolai to return with my parents. I took those few minutes to inspect the room, their living room. It was dark, cold, almost reminding me of something pulled from the Addams’ Family. It held none of the warmth of Nik’s home.

That thought struck me as odd. I hadn’t ever thought of Nik’s house as warm and inviting, but the comparison had me rethinking my opinion.

The four of them entered the room once again. I could have cried out at being back in the presence of Nikolai.

“Anastasia, this is our son. Your brother. Ambrose.” Rachel mentioned as she tilted her head in his direction.

“Yes, we’ve met.” I give her a tight-lipped smile at the mere mention of him.

“I want you to know that we searched for you. But the more time that went on we figured our chances of finding you alive if at all, were decreasing,” Kaleb explained.

“I understand. I, myself, only recently found out about you.”

“Nikolai tells us that you’ve been living up in Boston all this time?” Rachel took my hand and led me through to their living room. I looked to Nik as he followed closely behind with Kaleb. We took our seats in the living room as Ambrose turned and stormed out.

“I can’t stay, but it was great catching up sis.” Ambrose left us all then, slamming the front door on his way out. His behavior was preposterous, but I was actually happier that he wouldn’t be around.

Clearly Rachel and Kaleb didn’t feel the same as they exchanged a controlled look of fury. “Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around. Must have developed that only child syndrome.”

“It’s fine.” It really wasn’t but I felt bad enough for her as it was, I didn’t wanna pile it on.

“So, Boston? How’s your life up there?”

“Well...it’s great. It hasn’t always been but things have started to turn around lately.” I made a pointed attempt to avoid looking at Nikolai as I spoke.

“Nikolai told us about Anton. We didn’t know him personally, he was more of a man for hire type. I’m afraid there’s no way for us to know who was really behind your disappearance. Your childhood, how was it growing up with him?”

“In all honesty, it wasn’t that bad. It was just him and me for a while but his sister was always around. I guess I never knew any differently, so I wasn’t bothered.”

“It just eats me up that we missed out on so much. Preschool, middle school, high school, boyfriends, prom, your graduation…did you go to college? Please tell me you’re not married.”

“I know, but my life hasn’t been all that exciting.” Except for being shot, and being kidnapped three times. My life had been the picture of ordinary. “I didn’t go to college or prom, there weren’t many boyfriends, and no I’m not married.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Go ahead, honey.”

“Ambrose...are we twins? The resemblance is striking.”

“No, he’s a couple years younger. He was only a few months old when you were taken.”

“Also, as childish as it may be, he won’t be the happiest with your return because of that fact.”


My question was answered by Nikolai reminding me that he was still here. It was the first time he’d spoken up during the whole conversation. I was just glad that no one had laughed at my look of befuddlement.

“You’re firstborn, so naturally everything gets handed down to you. Including your parents’ chair at the round table.”

“In a manner of speaking, Nikolai is correct.” Rachel, gave me a tight smile as she reached over to take my hands in hers. Her expression led me to believe that I was still missing something. I watched, bracing myself, as Kaleb opened his mouth.

“But there are extenuating circumstances…If you were to come back into the family you would have to accept your obligations.” Kaleb’s eyes flickered to Rachel, who gave him a slight nod. “As a baby, you were betrothed to the future leader of another family.”

Trying my best, and failing, to keep my shock at bay I gasped at the very words. Who the hell could have done this to their baby? The answer was right there in front of me but I didn’t want to believe it.

My first reaction was to look to Nikolai. What did he think of all this? He grew up in this world, maybe he’d be able to shed some perspective. But I held back, I was scared to see his reaction. Because what if he had no reaction at all?

While I knew we were still on new territory with our newfound relationship, I didn’t want to put any pressure on Nik. But at the same time, when I imagined my wedding I could see Nik waiting for me at the end of the aisle. I didn’t want to marry someone I didn’t know, someone that would only be marrying me to get in good with my family.


This wasn’t happening. It couldn’t.

How could they even bring it up? I’d known them less than thirty minutes, for fuck’s sake. At least could’ve offered me a drink before forcing me to marry, for them.

Fuck. This was so screwed. I supposed, at the very least, this new family wouldn’t be any different to my last. It couldn’t be more true how family were the ones who treated you the worst. Of everyone I’d ever met, I’d never trusted anyone more than I trusted Nikolai. Maybe it was even a little sad how this man, that I’d known only a few months had impacted my life. But I’d never felt safer or more loved by anyone.

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