Home > Sexting The Boss(6)

Sexting The Boss(6)
Author: K.C. Wells

“Want me to stop? Because you know that’s not going to happen. Or do you want more?” I withdrew my fingers, spat on them, then returned them, adding a third finger.

Oh my God, the sounds he makes.

I loved it when a guy was vocal. And right then, Chandler was letting me know in no uncertain terms that he fucking loved what I was doing. I forgot about punishing him, instead bending down to bite gently on that firm arse while I slid my fingers as deep as they would go. “Like it when I stretch you?”

“Fuck, yeah,” he moaned softly. “Gonna make me come.”

I sped up my movements. “That is the intention.” I’d planned on edging him for as long as possible as retribution, but somewhere along the line, I’d changed my mind. I wanted to make him come. I wanted to feel the tremors coursing through him.

I didn’t have to wait long.

“Can’t wait to fill you with my cock,” I said quietly, crooking my fingers inside him, his low cries telling me exactly when they found his prostate. “Think you can take it? Think you can sit all the way down on it?”

“Watch me,” he gasped, his back arching slightly as I filled him. “Aw, fuck.”

I chuckled. “Not tonight. I’m saving that for another time.” I fucked him faster, his moans increasing in frequency and volume. “Quieter. You’ll have the security guard wondering what the hell is going on in here.” An outright lie—the night security team wasn’t due for another half hour—but he wasn’t to know that.

Then it was over, and Chandler’s spunk was decorating the mat under my chair as his body tightened around my fingers. I milked his cock, gently squeezing until the last drop had left it. His breathing was harsh, his body trembling.

A satisfying conclusion, I had to admit.

At last his hole released me, and I withdrew my fingers. I plucked a paper tissue from the box I kept behind my desk, and wiped them clean. Chandler hadn’t moved, his fingers still gripping the edge of the desk as though holding on for fear of falling.

I caressed his arse cheek. “Can you stand?” My initial astonishment at his action had given way to a totally different emotion. I’d enjoyed watching his climax, proud of my part in it, and I wanted to know if he’d gotten as much out of it as I had.

Why his opinion should matter that much, I wasn’t quite sure. This entire arrangement was for my benefit, not his, after all.

Except now? Something had changed, and I wasn’t sure what.

Chandler stood, reaching down for his boxers and pants. I let him, dressing myself at the same time. My dick hadn’t gone soft for a second, and I knew I’d be doing something about that when I reached my apartment.

I also knew who I’d be thinking about while I did so.

His clothing back in place, Chandler turned to face me. “Are we done?”

That wasn’t the reaction I’d hoped for.

I nodded. And because I couldn’t help myself, I added, “It felt good.”

He blinked, and that look in his eyes was warmer. “Yeah, it did.” He headed to the chair where he’d left his bag and jacket. “I’d better get out of here before the guard arrives.” He sniffed the air. “And you may want to use an air freshener before he does. Smells like there was fucking going on in here.” He grinned.

My gaze flickered down to the mat where the evidence still lay. “I suppose you expect me to clean this up.”

He snickered. “It’s your fault. Seems only fair. I didn’t leave any trace of yours, now, did I?” And before I could utter another word, he was gone, leaving only the “goodnight” he called out as he left the office.

With a sigh, I grabbed a couple of tissues and wiped up his cum, before wadding them and dropping them into the trash. As an afterthought, I went into my private bathroom and picked up the can of air freshener.

I didn’t want the cleaning staff knowing either.



Dinner was over, the dishwasher was already rumbling away, and I was shutting down my laptop for the night. It was like every other night, nothing out of the ordinary…

Except it didn’t feel like that. Something was niggling at me, and I had no clue what it was. I glanced around at my apartment. Everything was as it should have been, yet…

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I said out loud. The TV was on, but it had only been a source of background noise. There was nothing I wanted to watch, but I still picked up the remote and clicked aimlessly. Then I tossed it aside and grabbed my phone, scrolling through news items, emails, and messages.

This vague feeling of dissatisfaction was starting to piss me off.

This is Chandler’s fault.

That thought made no sense. How could it be his fault? I’d gotten off, hadn’t I? Two blow jobs in three days, which was pretty good in my book.

That was when it hit me.

When was the last time a guy sucked me off?

When was the last time I had a guy in my bed?

I hadn’t lied to Chandler that first time. There were crazies out there, and I had no wish to bring one into my home. Wasn’t that why this whole situation existed? Chandler was the safe bet. I didn’t want to bring anyone home.

Except ‘home’ was feeling like nothing more than a box to keep stuff in. That was all I had to show for my life so far. Stuff.

Only now, I was starting to realize that stuff wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough.

My phone was still in my hand, and before I had time to think about it, I’d scrolled through my contacts and pulled up Chandler’s number. I paused, my thumb poised above his number.

What am I doing?

I shrugged. Fuck knows. I hit Call and waited, my heartbeat speeding up a little.

“Hi.” A pause. “Is something wrong?”

Maybe it was because he sounded… different somehow. Less sure of himself. I don’t know. I just heard my own voice sounding equally unsure.

“Can we talk?”



Chapter 4



The silence that followed was almost tangible. “Talk?”

I laughed. “You know, a conversation? I say something, you respond, and so on?”

Another pause. “I am aware of the concept. I’m just a little surprised, that’s all.”

“Let me guess. You’d feel more comfortable if I called you up for phone sex?”

Chandler snickered. “Maybe not comfortable, exactly, but that would definitely be more what I’ve come to expect from you. After this past week, at any rate.”

“There’s more to life than sex.” This time I paused. “Or does that not tally with your philosophy?”

Chandler’s laugh filled my ears. “This from the man who’s had two blow jobs from me in the past three days.”

I had no idea where my next words came from, and they were out of my mouth before I had time to think. “Come over for a drink.”



“You’re serious.”

“I’m not in the habit of issuing requests I don’t mean. And when I say a drink, I mean just that. That was not a euphemism for fucking.” I wanted to lay my cards on the table before we went any further.

“A drink… and a conversation.”

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