Home > Crash and Burn (Savage Menaces MC #5)(18)

Crash and Burn (Savage Menaces MC #5)(18)
Author: Kay Marie

I make my way back to the clubhouse. Some of the guys are hanging around in the main room, shooting pool, smoking and drinking. The Nomads are still here, but all the out of town brothers have left already. Surprisingly, most of the cut bunnies are here, too. I would have thought they had gotten more attention than they could handle with the clubhouse being so full. Apparently I was wrong. Trix locks me in her sight, her eyes lighting up as she stalks toward me.

“Ras, baby,” she purrs. “Did you finally get rid of the trash?”

My hand flies to her throat. “No, she’s right here in my grasp.”

Her eyes widen in fear.

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you before you get it through that thick fucking skull of yours. I do not want your dumb ass,” I growl out, tightening my grip.

“I-I’m sorry, Rascal. I-I’ll stop trying. I promise,” Trix stutters out.

I throw her ass to the ground and walk to the bar, grabbing a bottle of Jack and a glass, before heading to the pool tables with Raze, Shade and Sketch. I walk up to them laughing.

“What’s so fucking funny?”

“Some of these bunnies are relentless,” Raze says.

“It’s annoying as shit.” I pour some whiskey into my glass.

“I’ll take some of that.” Shade passes me his glass and I fill it up.

“Whatever is going on with you and Marley must be serious if you’re threatening Trix,” Sketch states.

“I wouldn’t say all that. Trix has been a pain in my fucking ass lately,” I state.

“Right,” he draws out, grinning.

I flip him off, sipping my whiskey. “Y’all are assholes.”

“And you’re smitten,” Sketch says and the three of them laugh.

“Fuck each and every one of y’all.” I turn to Raze. “And you, you started all of this.”

“What the hell did I do?” Raze’s eyes are full of humor.

“You had to go and fall in love with the Prez’s daughter. You cursed us all with this love sick bullshit,” I tell him.

“Are you saying you love Marley?” Shade lifts his eyebrows.

My eyes go wide. “What? No, nope, hell no.”

They all laugh again. I slump into a chair, letting out a sigh.

“Holy shit, you are,” Sketch says.

“I swear the women around here do some kind of witchcraft,” Shade deadpans. “That’s probably what they’re doing at Minx’s right now.”

“You’re a fucking idiot.” I laugh.

“Alright, enough of this shit. Let’s play some pool,” Raze suggests.

We get a couple of games going. Shade and Sketch playing on one table while Raze and I play on another. We play for a couple hours before we decide to go outside for a bonfire. As I open the front door, my ears are assaulted by a deafening sound.


“Gunshots,” I shout. We all run outside to where the source of the sound came from. The front gate. It’s dark out with not many lights around, but as soon as I come up to the booth where Chains should be, I instantly know something is wrong.

“Chains,” I call out. The window is shot out. I yank the door open and Chains’s body falls out. “Oh, shit!”

“What is . . . fuck!” Raze says. “What’s on his chest?”

I crouch down next to his body. A folded piece of paper sits on his chest. Picking it up, I open it.

Give us back the girl or death will come to you all.

“What the fuck is this shit,” Raze asks.

“The Torres Cartel,” I state. “Get the women back to the clubhouse now. I need to go talk to Prez.”

I hurry inside and come face to face with Bull.

“What the hell is going on out there?” he demands.

“Chains was shot, Prez. He didn’t make it,” I tell him. “And he had this on his chest.”

I hand him the note, giving him a minute to read it.

“Son of a bitch!” He roars.

“Raze is bringing the women here now. Sketch and Shade are taking care of his body,” I explain.

“Good. We need to get Marley and Minx out of here until we get these assholes taken care of,” Bull says. “You and Raze will need to take them somewhere far away from here, first thing in the morning.”

“Yes, sir.”

He walks away just as the women come walking through the door.

“Rascal!” Marley runs up to me. “What the hell is going on?”

I grab her shoulders, looking her over to make sure she’s okay even though I know she is. “I’ll explain in a little bit. Right now, I need you to go to your room. I need to talk to Raze then I’ll be right there.”

She hesitantly nods her head. I kiss her forehead before walking over to Raze.









I do as Rascal says and go straight to my room. Something happened by the front gate and I know now is not the time to be my stubborn self. The girls and I were getting ready to turn a movie on when we heard a noise that sounded similar to fireworks. A few minutes later, Raze barged into the house and told us we needed to get to the clubhouse and fast.

Once in my room, I find it impossible to sit still. I’m pacing the room, waiting for Rascal to come. Of course, a million and one things begin rushing through my head. What on earth could be going on? Do I need to worry about the Cartel? My heart starts to race and I stop pacing as my chest tightens. I grasp at my chest, having a hard time catching my breath.

“Shit! Look at me, Princess. Look at me.” Rascal’s holding onto my shoulders, coaxing me to look in his eyes. I didn’t even hear him come into the room. He brings his hand to the side of my face and neck and I finally bring my eyes to his. “Breathe, babe.”

He places my hand over his heart and I slowly gain control over my breathing again.

“That’s it. Deep breaths.” He holds me until my breathing evens out. “Are you okay?”

“Better now,” I tell him. “What’s going on out there?”

“Chains was shot.”

I jump away from him. “What? By who? Is he okay?”

He lets out a heavy sigh. “Marley, come here.”

Rascal grabs my hand, guiding me to the bed to sit.

“Please tell me he’s okay,” I beg.

“I’m sorry, Princess. He didn’t make it.”

I fight back the tears that are threatening to fall. Aside from Tink and Lo, Chains was my first friend here. He never treated me like some fragile little girl or like I didn’t belong. He was a good guy and was looking forward to the day he got patched in to the Savage Menaces.

“It was the Cartel, wasn’t it?” I lock eyes with Rascal. “They found me.”

He slowly nods his head. “We’re not gonna let them take you. Raze and I are gonna get you and Minx out of here. We’ll take you somewhere safe where the Cartel won’t be able to find you.”

It’s my turn to sigh. “Will I ever be able to stop running?”

Rascal pulls me into his side. “Yes. The Savage Menaces are gonna take care of them. We’ll keep you safe. I promise.”

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