Home > Darius(2)

Author: E. Broom


Regent Drogo Holland, the dragon shifter, and leader of all flying shifters, came first. He was a large man, around seven feet two, and two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle. He had red hair and golden eyes.


Regent Philip Woolburg, a wolf shifter, and leader of all land based shifters, came next. He was a muscular man and stood around six feet seven, with shoulder length light brown hair and brown eyes.


Regent Magnus Flint, leader of the Vampires came next, he had a runners build and stood around six feet eight, with shoulder length white hair and grey eyes.


Regent Philippa Summers, a Phoenix and leader of all mythical shifters followed. She was a slender woman, and stood around five feet six, with pale blonde hair and piercing blue eyes.


Regent Marcus Mitchell, a witch followed. He had a swimmers build and stood around six feet four, with shoulder length light brown hair and green eyes.


Regent Simon Washington, leader of the Wizards, came next. He also had a muscular build, stood around six feet four, with blond hair, with purple highlights and purple eyes.


Regent Gwen Hunt, leader of the Fae and Spirits, followed, she was a slim woman and stood around five feet one, with long light blue hair and blue eyes.


Lastly, Regent Paul Smith came in, leader of all other paranormal’s not already covered by the other Regents. He stood at around six feet nine, with black spiked hair, grey eyes and a goatee.


They all sat except one, the Regent of the land-based shifters, Regent Woolburg. He looked around the room before speaking.


"Thank you all for coming," he said, "As you may have noticed, his majesty, High King William, will not be joining this meeting." Muttering was heard from the assembled crowd, he held up his hand, "silence please." He asked.


The room fell silent.


"It is my unfortunate duty to inform you, that High King William is dying." Gasps and talking started up immediately. "Silence please." He asked, but the room was too noisy to take notice. He looked at the Major Domo and nodded. The Major Domo banged his staff loudly three times, and the gathering finally settled down.


"What will happen to us?" Someone called out. "The King has no heir."


The wolf Regent said, "The King, having no heirs and as is his privilege has named an heir."


Murmurs greeted this, and excitement was soon felt in the air, who had been chosen to be the new High King of all paranormal’s? The current King was a wolf shifter, the previous one a witch, the one before that a lion. Who would be next? It wouldn't be a dryad as they were to gentle.


The staff banged again. Silence descended. ‘Was this it?’ Darius thought, Were the double doors about to open again and the High King’s heir about to make an appearance? But if that was the case why should Darius and his brothers be summoned?


"The High King consulted all of us,” he said waving his hand towards the other Regents, “plus the Seers and the Oracle. I am pleased to announce that High King William has chosen as the heir to the throne and leader of all paranormal kind,” he paused, probably for dramatic emphasis, “Darius Travellian of the Travellian Wizard court."


Silence descended as everyone realised what that meant, the once disgraced Travellian Wizard court, shunned by pretty much all of Paranormal kind was now heir to the throne. Suddenly, as one the whole room turned and stared at him.


"Well shit," Darius said closing his eyes, hoping that when we opened them again, he would find himself at home in bed having a really really bad dream.


He opened his eyes, nope he was still here, with looks being sent his way from shock to anger and hatred, to utter amusement. Okay the anger and hatred looks weren’t new, but amusement?


"High Prince Travellian, can you please come forward and join us." The Regent Woolburg said, with a gentle smile, that surprised Darius.


“High Prince?” Beck muttered sounding shocked. Darius didn’t move, still shocked by the announcement. Beck elbowed him in his side, “That means you numb nut.”


Darius grunted, "You two better come with me." He said quietly to Tobeck and Guyler.


They nodded. Darius stood up taller, threw his shoulders back and strode towards the table, ignoring everybody in the room. He felt his brothers following closely behind him. All those around him parted to let them through. Darius snorted, “Just like the parting of the Red Sea.” He thought to himself.


Just as he lifted his foot to stand on the plinth a voice called out.


“You expect us to go along with this? With having a Travellian on the throne?" Shouted an angry voice from the middle of the room.


Darius turned around to try and see who had shouted out. He saw people moving out of the way, to show the man.


Regent Washington stood up from the table recognising the man who had shouted out. "Yes, Chadden Jenkins, we do. As Regent for the Wizarding community, I agreed with the High Kings decision. If you or any other wizards have a problem with our choice, you can of courses challenge me for my place." All the Regents stood, showing solidarity. “The same with any of you, if you have an issue with our decision, you can challenge all of us. Well?" The Regent asked, no one answered, he turned to look at Chadden. "Do you challenge me Chadden?”


Chadden gulped and shook his head, "No sir, not at this time."


Darius looked at Chadden. He wondered if he was the only person who realised what Chadden had said. ‘Not at this time’. He would have to watch his back, or he wouldn't survive the week. Why the hell did he have to be picked.


"There is food and drinks set out in the formal dining room, help yourself to refreshment.” Regent Hunt, in a soft lyrical voice, said to the room. She turned to look at Darius and his brothers, “My prince, if you and your brothers will follow us, we can take you to see the King."


Darius nodded and followed the Regents as they filed out of the room, knowing his brothers were flanking him, and knowing that once again a Travellian was a hot topic of conversation.



Chapter 2


The Regents lead Darius and his brothers into the library. It was a book lovers dream. Three walls filled with books and spiral staircases to get up to the higher levels. The door was off to one side of the room, with a fireplace further along that same wall. Bright windows were dotted about here and there, and tables and chairs were scattered around, enough for everyone.


"We brought you in here so we could talk with you first before you meet with King William," Regent Flint said.


"Is this the part where you say, just kidding Darius, off you go?" He asked, hopefully.


The Regents laughed. "No, sorry. You have been named heir to the Paranormal throne. The only way out of it is if you formally ask the High King to withdraw your name." Regent Mitchell said. "My Prince," the Regent started to say, and stopped quickly when he saw Darius stiffen. "Can I call you Darius?" He asked.

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